Visualization of Earth and Planetary Sciences Copyright (C) 2003. Kurt Schwehr $Id: intro.txt 883 2003-10-20 21:03:12Z schwehr $ USAGE As a student you are free to use the lectures for your own use. If you are an instructor and would like to use part or all of this lecture series, please contact me. I will give you permission to use the material. I mostly would like to know who is using this material. If you are doing commercial training classes, I would appreciate contribution back to the project. I would like to get a little support to produce more classes! INTRODUCTION This class is being done in the spirit of Open Course Work(OCW). There are a number of classes that inspired this online class. You should check them out based on your interests. Open Knowledge Initiative ( MIT's OpenCourseWare ( MIT has put a wide range of course materials on line. I have yet to go through one of the classes beyond a couple minutes, but they look good. I recommend checking out the "Electrical Engineering and Computer Science" section for programming and computer skills. Also, Ocean Engineering looks exciting. Unfortunately, there is only one class in the Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences. Lisa Tauxe's PaleoMag and Earth 010 classes Genny Tauxe produced some excellent demos of what you can do with a video camera and Flash: http:// COURSE GOALS The goal of this series of lectures is to get people going on visualizing a wide range of data sets that are frequently encountered in Earth and planetary science research. FUTURE TOPICS may include: Processing spacecraft images Using Blender 3D FEEDBACK Feedback is greatly appreciated. I am always looking for suggestion and corrections. If there is something you would like to see added, just ask. The worst that could happen is that I will add the requested material :) ADDITIONAL RESOURCES (look down at Graphics Projects for Open Inventor) News Groups: