Kurt Schwehr Copyright (C) 2003 kdschwehr _at_ ucsd dot edu Nov 2003 http://schwehr.org/ Introduction to Programming in Unix Like Environments


This lecture is designed to get a student going on learning to program in a Unix like enviroment. The concepts apply to Microsoft Windows with the Cygwin package and Mac OS X in addition to Sun Solaris, SGI Irix, Linux, and the many BSD's. Basically any POSIX complient Operating System. If you don't know all the buzz words, don't worry. Just about any Major OS released after the year 2000 will do! NOTE: This document will NOT help you for Mac OS 9 or older. Hopefully by the end of this lecture, you will be in a position that use can learn C, C++, and/or Python on your own or in future lectures. It is often the case that students are fine learning a language from a text book, but get easily tripped up on all the tools and programs that are needed to edit, compile, debug, and run programs.
Program descriptions This section is a quick list of the programs that we will be using in this lecture:

Cygwin - a unix link environment for MS Windows

(Based on contributions by Katie P. and Katie G.) NOTE 1: This works on Windows 2000 and XP. If you are using Windows 3.x, 95, 98, or NT, step one is to go buy a new computer or upgrade your computer to a newer version of windows (or better yet, install Linux or FreeBSD). Installing cygwin on your windows machine: Go to the cygwin website: http://www.cygwin.com/xfree/ (NOTE: You can also search for cygwin on google.com.) Click on the install cygwin/Xfree86 now button. *Important* disable your automatic virus detector (ie. Norton) before you start the installation process. It seems to hang up the set-up wizard for some reason. You can re-enable it once you are done installing. Run the set-up wizard. Follow the instructions about where to save files, download from internet, etc. When you get to the choose download site screen, choose one that is close to you. I used ftp://nas.nasa.gov, and that seemed to work fine. Next, you will see the Select packages screen. You will need to select the g++/gcc compiler, gdb, make, and python from the Developement subgroup, emacs with X11 support from the editor group, and anything else you would like installed. Picking emacs with X11 will automatically make the installer setup X11 for you. Once the installation is done (it could take a while), go to the directory where you told the install wizard to save your files. Go to cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\ doubleclick on startxwin to open up an xterm window. I made a shortcut for this one on my desktop. If you don't have a \usr folder, then Xfree86 probably didn't get installed. Go back to the set-up wizard and make sure it was checked on the select packages screen. Now, if everything went OK, you should be able to start up cygwin and log into other machines including sioviz. If your xterm window is open, you are good to go!

Mac OS X

These instructions are for Panther (Mac OS X 10.3) or newer. Older versions will need to use the Apple X11 Beta 3 or XDarwin. You are on your own for that. The first step is being able to work with an SGI remotely across a network with a Mac on your desk or somewhere else on campus. This is easy to do and works with many (but not all) of the SGI applications. You will need to install Apple's X11 (X-Windows) server (currently Beta-3 version) and you will also want to install fink/fink commander. Here are some quick notes on how to do that. http://apple.com/ Go to "Software" Get and Install the developer tools/make sure they are installed Applications/Installers double click the devtools installer http://fink.sourceforge.net/ Downloads - binary installer Double click the fink SOME-VERSION-NUMBER installer.pkg Use all the defaults The installer should edit your command line to add this line to your .cshrc file. source /sw/bin/init.csh Install fink commander http://finkcommander.sourceforge.net/ Download the disk image Open the Fink Command disk and drag fink commander into applications Drag it from applications to your dock Run fink commander Install system-xfree86 (this is for apple X11) Allow access to unstable commands (they usually work fine!) Run fink commander Fink Commander -> preferences -> fink Check "Use unstable packages" and "Use unstable cryptography packages" Ok You then can install all sorts of great open source programs on your Mac really easily. TODO: * Make sure that you install the X11 version of emacs from fink. Should be called something like: "emacs21" or some newer version number. * Change your shell to be /bin/bash!

Starting Emacs

Now you are ready to start editing files. First run emacs from the command line: emacs & The ampersand (&) means to run it in the background so that you get your command line back. Now open a file. You can do this with either the drop down file menu or with the keyboard short cut: C-x C-f Traslated, that means hold down the control key and press 'x'. Then while still holding down control, press 'f'. You will then see something like this at the bottom of the window: Find file: ~/ Enter 'simple.c' and press return. Now type in the following program: #include // for printf #include // for EXIT_SUCCESS int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { printf ("Hello world\n"); return (EXIT_SUCCESS); } Now save the file with File->Save (current buffer) or the keys: C-x C-s


Now we want to compile the program. Type the following where 'M' is the escape key (called meta) on some older unix workstations: M-x compile So that translates to the following keys: ESC x c o m p i l e Now hit ender and you will see: Compile command: make -k Delete the 'make -k' and replace it with: gcc -g -Wall -o simple simple.c Now press enter. This will build your program. A new window pops up: cd /Users/schwehr/Desktop/IntroProgramming/ gcc -g -Wall -o simple simple.c Compilation finished at Sat Nov 29 10:21:05 What just happened? We ran the GNU C compiler called 'gcc'. We gave it a couple flags. Here is what they do: -g Add debugging information to the executable -Wall Turn on all of the compiler warnings (ALWAYS use this flag) -o simple What output file to write the executable to. simple.c The source file Now we should run the program. Go back to your terminal/shell window and run the command: ./simple And you should see: > ./simple Hello world > Now, we should see what happens if there is an error in the code. Add this line between the { and the printf: int a==1; Now recompile with "M-x compile" and you will see an error message: cd /Users/schwehr/Desktop/IntroProgramming/ gcc -g -Wall -o simple simple.c simple.c:8: syntax error, missing `;' after `a' cpp-precomp: warning: errors during smart preprocessing, retrying in basic mode Compilation exited abnormally with code 1 at Sat Nov 29 10:31:36 Emacs can take us to the error by using the "next-error" command: C-x ` That's hold down control, press 'x', let go of control, finally press the back quote key (usually on the top left of the keyboard). That should take you right to the line we just added. Now delete the extra '=' that we put in so that the program compiles: int a=1; Now we get a 'warning' about a variable not being used, with is not fatal. The program is still built: cd /Users/schwehr/Desktop/IntroProgramming/ gcc -g -Wall -o simple simple.c simple.c: In function `main': simple.c:8: warning: unused variable `a' Compilation finished at Sat Nov 29 10:35:20


Now that we have built our first program, we are ready to try out the debugger. In emacs, start the debugger like this: M-x gdb You will be prompted at the bottom for how to run the debugger. Add our simple program at the end, so it looks like this: Run gdb (like this): gdb simple You now will get a window with the debugger that ends like this: (gdb) In this window, let's set a break point at the beginning of the program: break main Now run the program run One window will now show your code with a small arrow pointing at the 'int a=1' line, while the gdb window will show something like this: (gdb) break main Breakpoint 1 at 0x1d74: file simple.c, line 8. (gdb) run Starting program: /Users/schwehr/Desktop/IntroProgramming/simple [Switching to process 602 thread 0xf07] Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffb48) at simple.c:8 (gdb) Now we can step through the program using the next command: (gdb) next The arrow should now be pointing at the printf line. We can see the result of the last line by printing the value of the 'a' variable: