Kurt Schwehr
Copyright (C) 2003
kdschwehr _at_ ucsd dot edu
Viz Lecture Series
Lecture 5
$Revision: 702 $
MAGMAP (Cande) - not started
MAGMAP (Parker) - not started
SOUND - more links
TERRAIN - ALPHA features
There are a number of ways to create VRML 1.0 or OpenInventor models
that you can use in your visualizations. An easy way is to use the
export functions of AutoCad / Mechanical Desktop to products. Since I
don't know how to use either, I'll leave it up to you to figure out
how to create a model in these CAD (Computer Aided Design) programs.
In this lecture, I have included three models to illustrate some of
the things that can be done. The first is a model of a dart that I
found at the 3D Cafe's Models (http://www.3dcafe.com/avatar/dart.wrl).
You can use this model to mark locations of interest in your 3D
terrains. This was used for the Mars Pathfinder mission to plan out
way points for the Sojourner rover to drive to. This model was
apparently created on MS Windows using an old program called Pioneer.
To see it:
ivview dart.wrl
The second model is of a ship. The original model was provided by
Mike McCann at MBARI in VRML 2 format. Since standard SGI
OpenInventor can not read VRML2, I converted the file to VRML 1.0 by
hand using emacs and gview. The model is not as nice as the original
VRML 2 file, but it can be used to represent a ship in the 3D world.
ivview westernflyer.iv
The last 3D model was made by Laurent Beguery using Mechanical Desktop
6. He took a few measurements and photos of the XStar EdgeTech chirp
while it was on the deck of the R/V Sproul and from them created a CAD
model of the fish. He then exported the file to VRML 1.0. To see the
ivview edgetech-chirp4.wrl
For more information:
3D Cafe Models
Western Flyer
Pioneer - old link
Often you will want to bring in a model of some object from a CAD
program, but all you have is a dxf. Some versions of OpenInventor do
know how to read dxf files, but not the standard SGI version. SGI's
include a utility which can convert dxf to iv for you. It does not
handle every type of dxf, but it often gets the job done. Here is an
example of a marker created in FormZ by Peter Coppin which was then
exported to dxf.
/usr/sbin/DxfToIv flag5.dxf > flag5.iv
ivview flag5.iv
For more info:
man DxfToIv
man AliasToIv
man ObjToIv
man SlaToIv
man SoftimageToIv
http://schwehr.org/yellowstone/ - Look at the 3D Models
That are tons of 3D file formats out there and plenty of variations on
each. If you have MS-Windows, there are a number of tools that you
can use. One that has been tried (thanks to JCHill) is the Myriad
converter. They have a free trial so you are able to see if it can
handle the type of conversions that you would like to do. If you are
running Mac OSX, you can use it within VirtualPC.
For more info:
Core Resistivity
Recently, Jill Weinberger showed me an interesting image of a bore
hole resistivity log. It was presented in just an xy gif image, so I
put together a short demo that illustrates a couple ideas in
OpenInventor. This first is just that the default texture coordinates
for the basic geometric shapes are often exactly what you would like.
Here we want to map a 360 image onto a cylinder which represents the
walls of the bore hole. Here is a short bit of OpenInventor to just
Texture2 { filename "resistcore.gif" model DECAL }
Cylinder { parts SIDES radius 0.1 height 2 }
This gives us a hollow cylinder with the texture on both the inside
and outside. Then if we add a flat view along side the core, we can
get two intuitive coordinate frames that compliment each other. The
final product is:
ivview resistcore.iv
A simple cylinder gives us the opportunity to explore some topics that
are much harder to understand on complext surfaces. There is a sample
program in the XCore package called makeCylinder that creates pretty
much what the above two lines in resistcore.iv do. Run it and take a
look at the output. It takes the width, height, number of sides to
the cylinder, the texture file and output file name.
makeCylinder 0.1 2 5 resistcore.gif resist-cyl.iv
This generates an Inventor file that uses PER_VERTEX_INDEXED material
binding and shows how to do texture coordinates and surface normals.
The output file is a good example that is not too complex.
For more information:
man SoBaseColor
man SoMaterialBinding
man SoTexture2
man SoTextureCoordinate2
man SoNormal
A common task is to make a quick movie of some visualization to give a
sense of the model changing and/or the point of view moving around.
In lecture 1, I introduced the snapshot command to grabbing images of
parts of the screen. You can try xwd (X-Windows Dump) but that often
is unable to grab the 3D graphics portion of the screen. First use
this program to grab a sequence of images. Name them by number and
make sure that you pad the file names with zeros so that all filenames
are the same length. This will cause a listing of files to come in
the order that we would like to have the images. For example, with
less than a thousand images, I could safely use 001.rgb 002.rgb,
003.rgb, etc. For this I am making a movie of the Santa Barbara
terrain for Lecture 4. Here are the images:
ls -l ??.rgb | awk '{print $5,$9}'
318783 01.rgb
311174 02.rgb
306761 03.rgb
296799 04.rgb
278024 05.rgb
249777 06.rgb
294751 07.rgb
370806 08.rgb
528537 09.rgb
704481 10.rgb
795173 11.rgb
863885 12.rgb
764403 13.rgb
755223 14.rgb
846934 15.rgb
897092 16.rgb
815515 17.rgb
850898 18.rgb
819993 19.rgb
815437 20.rgb
747883 21.rgb
First, we need to make the images smaller so that these sample movies
do not end up being too large.
for i in ??.rgb; do
sgitopnm $i | pnmscale -xysize 200 200 | pnmtosgi > ${i%%.rgb}b.rgb
In Lecture 4, we used gifsicle to create an animated gif. This time
we would like to make some real movies. On the SGI there is a handy
command line movie tool that takes individual images and combined them
to make movies: makemovie. Here we make a couple quicktime movies,
each with slightly different parameters.
makemovie -o santabarbara_qtv.mov -f qt -c qt_video -r 1 \
-s 100,100 ??.rgb
makemovie -o santabarbara_qanim.mov -f qt -c qt_anim -r 1 ??b.rgb
makemovie -o santabarbara_qjpg.mov -f qt -c jpeg -r 1 ??b.rgb
You can edit your movie with SGI's moviemaker program.
For more information:
man makemovie
man snapshot
man moviemaker
There are tons of different options to create thumbnails for web
pages. You can use imagemagick, php, etc. But here is a little
sample script of what I frequently use that relies on the netpbm
tools. This script is setup for converting SGI rgb images
(e.g. snap.rgb from snapshot) to jpg images.
FIX: recode so that the url shows up right
for image in [a-zA-Z0-9]*.rgb; do
sgitopnm $image | pnmscale -xysize 100 100 | pnmtojpeg > _thumb${i}.jpg
sgitopnm $image | pnmtojpeg > ${i}.jpg
echo "
>> HEADER.html
For more informatio:
This package is available through fink on Mac OS X.
Alex always get frustrated with me that I don't use perl or python for
my scripts and that I always go back to bash. Well, sort Alex, but
I'm doing it again here. But I promise that I'll keep trying to force
myself back to real scripting languages. Hey, I did use perl in the
last lecture and I've been calling python instead of awk to do simple
xwit - http://www.slack.com/sw.html
man xmessage
MAGMAP (Cande)
Steve Cande's magnetic lineations database.
MAGMAP (Parker)
Bob Parker's magmap for plotting spherical harmonic models.
TERRAIN - ALPHA features
There are a couple of features in the X-Core terrain program that are
in early development stages. They work, but just barely. The first
is reduction of mesh sizes. This feature just prevent the code from
writing out the NaN nodes. For grids that have lots of holes, this is
a huge memory and disk space saver. The second feature is a simple
color palette support. The code currently can not read in cpt files
from gmt, but it does have one default color table. To turn on these
features, you need to set the XCORE_CPT environment variable. Like
this for bash:
export XCORE_CPT="yes"
To turn off this hidden feature, do this:
Often you would like animate an object such as a ship, AUV, or ROV in
your scene. I have implimented a cheap hack in xcore to allow you
animate one object. Unfortunately, you can only animate one object,
and once it starts, it will loop forever. Hopefully I will raplace
this hack with a node-kit general implimentation, but for now here is
how to use this feature. This hack is available in xcore-0.7 until ???
First you need to create an Inventor model that has a translation node
that is tagged with a "DEF ANIMATE_TR" name. Is is a very basic
example (animate.iv):
#Inventor V2.1 ascii
DEF ANIMATE_TR Translation {translation 1 1 1}
Then create an xyz ascii file of all the positions you would like to
loop through (animate_pos.xyz):
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 0 0
4 0 0
5 0 0
5 1 0
5 2 0
5 3 0
5 4 0
5 5 0
4 4 0
3 3 0
2 2 1
1 1 1
0 0 0
Then you can optionally set two environment variables that change the
default filename to use and the time between each position. Here is
with bash:
export XCORE_ANIMATE_FILE=mypositions.xyz
or csh/tcsh:
setenv XCORE_ANIMATE_FILE mypositions.xyz
Now view the file in xcore-ivview:
xcore-ivview animate.iv
You will see your model, but it will not be moving. You need to start
the animation. Press the ESC key to change the hand to a pointer.
This will let you use the keyboard in the viewer. Then press 'a' to
begin the animation. When you do this, it will try to load your xyz
file and start moving the object.