DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT This is in a pretty sorry state... Kurt Schwehr Copyright (C) 2003 kdschwehr _at_ ucsd dot edu Viz Lecture Series Lecture 7 Building La Jolla, Part 2 $Revision: 912 $
* Topography Data Sets FIX: Coastal Region topography project? http://walrus.wr.usgs.gov/pacmaps/data.html http://geopubs.wr.usgs.gov/open-file/of02-162/index.html http://walrus.wr.usgs.gov/pacmaps/sd-bathy.html Now we begin to assemble the topography and bathymetry for the area. There are many such data sets and I am sure that I've left out quite a bit, but here is what I've found. http://science.whoi.edu/users/elgar/NCEX/maps_bathymetry.html http://cdip.ucsd.edu/models/ncex/bathy/ # 21 MB - By Mark Orzech at NPS and then #wget http://cdip.ucsd.edu/models/ncex/bathy/grid2/sd150msf_v2.txt.gz # 21 MB - Set 3 adds CBASS survey. #wget http://cdip.ucsd.edu/models/ncex/bathy/grid3/sd150msf_v3.txt.gz # 21 MB - Updates northward past Blacks Beach. wget http://cdip.ucsd.edu/models/ncex/bathy/grid4/sd150msf_v4.txt.gz wget http://cdip.ucsd.edu/models/ncex/bathy/grid4/sd150msf_v4.mat.gz Water depths are positive meters, land is negative meters. All in WGS84. Since there is a not a lot of details in sd150msf_v4.txt, we will be using matlab to see what we have: head sd150msf_v4.txt 2715 2900 32.82850000 32.82854167 32.82858333 32.82862500 32.82866667 32.82870833 32.82875000 32.82879167 matlab load sd150msf_v4.mat whos Name Size Bytes Class ans 1x1 8 double array bathy 2715x2900 62988000 double array lat 2715x1 21720 double array lon 2900x1 23200 double array min (lon) -117.3655 max (lon) -117.2447 min(lat) 32.8285 max(lat) 32.9416 newbath=reshape(bathy,2715*2900,1); min(newbath) -9999 max(newbath) 593.2867
* THE JOY OF PROJECTIONS Projections are hardly ever fun. There are tools out there that can make the job easier. That is once we know how to use them. They are definitely confusing. Yeesh. So we will do some examples. Often you will be given a dataset that is in UTM and you need lon/lat for GMT grids. http://seafloor.csumb.edu/... HIDDEN http://seafloor.csumb.edu/SFMLwebDATA.htm This data is in UTM WGS84 Zone 11 form. We want to get this to standard WGS84 lon/lat. We can use the "proj" tool. Once you have downloaded and installed the program, let's convert some data! invproj +proj=utm +zone=11 472917.080 3635578.920 34.280 invprov will respond with the lon/lat for that point: 117d17'22.039"W 32d51'28.667"N 34.280 We then need to convert this to decimal lon/lat/depth: python -c "print 117 + (17/60.) + (22.039/3600.)" python -c "print 32 + (51/60.) + (28.667/3600.)" Which gives -117.289455278 32.8579630556 34.280 We can then do the forward conversion to make sure things are somewhat sane. This does not check for NAD27 vrs WGS84/NAD83 troubles, but checks the math above. proj +proj=utm +zone=11 -117.289455278 32.8579630556 34.280 Which gives: 472917.00 3635578.01 34.280 So it looks like we have positional error in the math of about 1 meter. We can now automate this process with a python script. Here I am using python just as an example of another script. We could have used perl, or bash+awk. The script (utm2latlon.py): import os, sys, re inFileName=sys.argv[1] outFileName=sys.argv[2] cmdline = "invproj +proj=utm +zone=11 " + inFileName + " > tmp.txt " os.system(cmdline) infile = open("tmp.txt","r"); outfile = open(outFileName,"w"); numsRE = re.compile ('\d+') for line in infile.xreadlines(): asciilon,asciilat,asciidepth=line.split() n = numsRE.findall(line) lon = int(n[0])+int(n[1])/60.+int(n[2])/(60*60.) +int(n[3])/(60*60.*1000) lat = int(n[4])+int(n[5])/60.+int(n[6])/(60*60.) +int(n[7])/(60*60.*1000) lon = -lon; # make sure we are in the western hemisphere depth=float(asciidepth) outstr = "%.10f %.10f %.3f\n" % ( lon, lat, depth) outfile.write(outstr) For more info: ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/pub/proj/OF90-284.pdf - Manual (out of date, but helpful!) http://remotesensing.org/proj/ - proj homepage. http://www.python.org
* PROJ WITH FINK For those of you Mac OSX users out there would can use fink to install software, here is a little something for you. It is not to hard to create your own package for fink if the program is well behaved. The proj program from the last section is just such a program. I have submitted an info file for proj in fink, but it takes a while for these things to get into fink. You can put this file into your own fink installation and get the benefits of proj without the hassle. Here is how: # FIX old: cp proj-4.4.7-1.info /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci/ cp proj-4.4.7-1.info /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo then may need to run "fink index" Now run fink commander and install proj! Here is the contents of proj-4.4.7-1.info. Be warned that this is my very first fink package, so it may not be the greatest example, but it works! Package: proj Version: 4.4.7 Revision: 1 Maintainer: Kurt Schwehr Source: ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/pub/proj/proj-%v.tar.gz SourceDirectory: proj-%v Source-MD5: 4169ed0ead9fc0cf90da6d1448911418 BuildDepends: fink ( >= 0.9.9 ) UpdateConfigGuess: true CompileScript: << ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=%p make << InstallScript: << make install prefix=%i << DocFiles: README COPYING ChangeLog NEWS AUTHORS Description: cartographic projections library DescDetail: << Cartographic Projections library originally written by Gerald Evenden then of the USGS. << License: BSD Homepage: http://remotesensing.org/proj/
* etopo2/smith and sandwell of La Jolla Pat at CSUMB has a nice image of his multibeam data for the La Jolla area. This till give us a first pass look at the area: http://seafloor.csumb.edu/Map_Gallery/images/lajolla.jpg Let's grab the Smith and Sandwell predicted topography as we did in Lecture 3: img2grd /omaha/demos/globe/topo_8.2.img -R-120/-115/31/34 -Gsandiego-topo8.2.grd -T1 -V There are rumors that etopo2 has some offset in the actual location of the data. So beware! etopo2 has already been converted to a grid, so we just need to grab a sub region. grdcut etopo2.grd -Gsandiego-etopo2.grd -R-120/-115/31/34 -V We now have to low resolution grid files that can server as our area basemap. ls -l *.grd 56328 Sep 16 15:37 sandiego-etopo2.grd 65564 Sep 16 15:23 sandiego-topo8.2.grd Now turn them into OpenInventor files: grd2xyz sandiego-etopo2.grd > sandiego-etopo2.xyz grd2xyz sandiego-topo8.2.grd > sandiego-topo8.2.xyz terrain sandiego-etopo2.xyz sandiego-etopo2.iv terrain sandiego-topo8.2.xyz sandiego-topo8.2.iv Bring in the faults and town names from Lecture 2: xytext2iv ../Lecture2/towns.dat towns line2iv ../Lecture2/Cal_flt.dat.xyz ca_faults
* COASTLINES We should add a coastline in for the area. Here is a good site to get coast lines (thanks to JCHill!): http://rimmer.ngdc.noaa.gov/coast/ http://woodshole.er.usgs.gov/operations/modeling/ http://woodshole.er.usgs.gov/staffpages/rsignell/rsignell.html I set the geographic coordinates to be 34 to 31 and -120 to -115 using the Arc/Info ungenerate command. 306310 Sep 18 18:07 coast-noaa.dat 42535 Sep 18 18:07 coast-wdbii.dat 143036 Sep 18 18:07 coast-would-vec-shoreline.dat 146920 Sep 18 18:08 coast-wvs.dat This produces data that looks like this (coast-noaa.dat): 1 -119.883301,33.999169 -119.883498,33.999178 -119.883498,33.999270 -119.883402,33.999361 -119.883402,33.999371 -119.883301,33.999371 -119.883200,33.999288 -119.883200,33.999201 -119.883301,33.999169 END 2 -119.881101,33.993329 -119.881202,33.993329 -119.881302,33.993371 So we now need a little program that converts from ungenerated polylines to OpenInventor IndexedLineSets. We can do this with the ungernateLines2iv.py script: ./ungenerateLines2iv.py coast-noaa.dat coast-noaa.iv ./ungenerateLines2iv.py coast-wdbii.dat coast-wdbii.iv ./ungenerateLines2iv.py coast-world-vec-shore.dat coast-world-vec-shore.iv ./ungenerateLines2iv.py coast-wvs.dat coast-wvs.iv
* LA JOLLA CANYON PHOTOS Some photos scanned from Dill's 1964 SIO Thesis are at http://schwehr.org/LaJollaPhotos/ (at least for now... they will probably disapear soon). I will go through importing these soon. Need to see if I can get permission... http://www-acs.ucsd.edu/~scuba/ScrippsCanyonDiveImages.htm http://www.peterbrueggeman.com/delta/index3.htm http://www.diegoweb.com/diving/images/adam2.html http://scilib.ucsd.edu/sio/ocean/canyon/ Here is a quick sketch of how to import photos in Fledermaus: Data -> Add Image It then appears as Internal Image on the bottom left objects menu Select Internal Image Click on the right arrow after the filename dialog. Select the image (if you are having font issues and can not see, click on one and use the arrow keys to scroll down through the images) Now two ways to move the object to the desired spot: 1. Control->Georeferencing type in the coords 2. On the top right, change explore mode to Poly Select Draw a box on the terrain about where the image should go using the left mouse button Data->Add 3D lines At the bottom, Add Poly Set select Internal Image Controls->Georef Pick 3D lines ok
* ADD INSTITUTIONAL LOGOS It is always good to give credit where it is due! An easy way to do this is to add logos to the presentation. They can go on the desktop, in images, or on the 3D models. The choice is yours. Here are sites with good logos: http://scripps100.ucsd.edu/internal/logo.htm http://www.ucsd.edu/guidelines/print/elements.html http://www.whoi.edu/graphics/logos/index.html FIX: What about the standard SIO logo, Lahmont, IGPP, etc? If anyone has a good site for these, please send them to me! Thanks.
* VIEWING STEREO IMAGES I haven't done this in ages, but to view a stereo image with crystal eyes on an SGI, you can use a program that is a part of the ImageVision library called ilstereoview. I do not remember exactly how to run it and what commands you need to get into and out of stereo mode, but I put it on fishnet in: ~schwehr/projects/ilstereoview A sample stereo image that I took at Yellowstone National Park is at: http://www.frc.ri.cmu.edu/~schwehr/YNP98/Aug. You will probably need to learn how to to use /usr/gfx/setmon FIX: add info on how to easily make red/blue stereo images as I did for the Mars Polar Lander project. For more info: man IL man setmon man ircombine http://www.sgi.com/software/imagevision/man/man3/ilStereoView.html http://www.sgi.com/software/imagevision/
* SEALAB II One of the big events in the history of SIO was the deployment of SEALAB II. Here is some info on gettng images of SEALAB into the presentation. First we need to get the location of SEALAB II. This can be found at the hpwren site: http://hpwren.ucsd.edu/news/020213.html http://hpwren.ucsd.edu/news/images/020213.gif Which puts SEALAB at: 32.86868 degrees North, 117.26718 West This should be 62 m (205 feet) below the surface. Here are a couple of photos from their site: http://hpwren.ucsd.edu/Photos/20020204/ http://hpwren.ucsd.edu/Photos/20020204/2-RIMG0072.JPG http://hpwren.ucsd.edu/Photos/20020204/3-screendump.JPG Misc photos of SEALAB II: http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/nurp/nur08011.htm http://www.spawar.navy.mil/sti/publications/pubs/td/1940/photos/index4.html SEALAB III: http://www.greysteele.com/models/sealab.htm For more info: http://ceo.ucsd.edu/
* SIO SHIP LOCATIONS The realtime location and status of the Revelle: http://mercali.hpwren.ucsd.edu/Revelle/realtime/revelle.cgi
DIVE PHOTOS Need to see if I can get permission... http://www-acs.ucsd.edu/~scuba/ScrippsCanyonDiveImages.htm http://www.diegoweb.com/diving/images/adam2.html http://scilib.ucsd.edu/sio/ocean/canyon/ Peter B.'s photos: http://www.peterbrueggeman.com/delta/index3.htm gorgon1.jpg 208m in scripps canyon. I'm guessing this is at about: -117.273827 32.867416 On the top right, choose polygon select and define a region on the canyon wall about where we want the photo to be. Double click to finish/close the polygon. Data -> Add 3D Lines Select Internal 3D Lines under the root node on the bottom left of the screen. Then click "Add Polygon Selection" under edit on the bottom right of the screen. Now click geo-reference. Now Controls -> Geo-Reference My box came up as: min max x -117.273621 -117.273056 y 32.867550 32.868202 x -202.540512 -152.171188 This box is partly under the terrain, so I need to adjust the box up by increasing the z min and max. I will at 10 meters to each. Then press Apply which is right belowe "Minimum Z" and the Geo-Reference on the right side of the main menu. Now save the Internal 3D Lines as an SD object with a nicer name. File->Save Object I'll call this one gordon1-bbox.sd (bbox = bounding box) Now we load this object back into fledermaus with File->Load Data Object. Select goron1-bbox.sd on the bottom left of the screen and then press Geo-Reference on the right side. Now select Internal 3D Lines and press Del to delete the object. Then save the scene to keep all of the changes so far: File->Save Scene and then call it lj6.scene Now create a vertical image: Data->Add Vertical Image. Select Internal Vimage on the bottom left and then click the right arrow next to the Image File which should currently say "Internal VImage". Select gorgon1.jpg and click Open. Now go to Controls->Geo-Referencing. Click "Copy Geo From..." and select gorgon1-bbox.sd from the bottomw of the scroll box. Then press ok. To get the image to appear, press Geo-Reference. The image is now trapped in the terrain. Edit the Min and Max Z values in the Geo-Referencing Control and add 50 meters. To get the image stretching right, set the max Z to be higher by about 40 meters. Click Apply and then Geo-Reference. The Z values that I have now are: -142.540512 -52.171188 Now save the Internal VImage as a better named SD file. File->Save Object and then call it gorgon1.sd and press save. Now load it back in with File->Load Data Object. Select the object under root node and press georeference. You can now delete the Internal VImage like before. wget http://www.peterbrueggeman.com/delta/delta1.jpg wget http://www.peterbrueggeman.com/delta/delta23.jpg wget http://www.peterbrueggeman.com/diving/pb1.jpg wget http://www.peterbrueggeman.com/sdshark/aug01-2.jpg http://www.californiacoastline.org/ Put in two coast photos from the California Coastline project. I put in photos 9464 and 9492. wget http://www.library.ca.gov/history/symbols/garibaldi.jpg More photos... http://earthguide.ucsd.edu/earthguide/imagelibrary.html
*GEOREF GEOLOGIC MAP Thanks to Christie Lindemann for this section. My How to Georeference doc is in F:\hw\geomatica.doc. This is just a first draft, but it will get you through it. I want to add a few more tips about what you need to start with and how to make it easier. Hope that's okay for now. All the La Jolla Quad stuff is in C:\jp\gis\san_diego_dem. I made ljquad.img and ljquad.tif. Jenna says to use a tiff for fledermaus and not to mess with a geotiff if we know the corners. PNG was not an option. I also made ljquad_corners.txt, ljquad_cross_sectionB.png, and ljquad_legend.png just for something extra. Georeferencing a figure using PCI Geomatica V8.1 -Start Program PCI Geomatica V8.1 -On Geomatica Toolbar select the OrthoEngine icon (4th icon - airplane in a white box) -In OrthoEngine window, under File, select New to start a new project. -In Project Information window, select Polynomial as your math modeling method. Give your project a filename and choose where to save it. Choose Accept. - The Set Projection window will pop up. Choose Long/Lat from both drop down menus on the left. If you are starting with a different projection, choose appropriately in the GCP Project drop down menu. If you want different output projection choose that in the Output Projection drop down menu. You will be coming back to this window later to fill in Output Pixel Spacing. Choose Accept. -Next Processing Step, select GCP Collection from the drop down menu. - Choose the first icon (white paper in a folder) to open a new or existing image. -Choose New Image. -Find your file in the Database File Selection window. I always use a .jpg, but it may accept other formats. Choose Open. -There will be one line with your file name and its path in the Open Image window. Select it, then choose Open. -A window pops up with Database Channels. There are three buttons in the window. Select the numbered lines in order and the same number as the depressed button. First the 1 is depressed, select the 1 line. Then the 2 is depressed, select the 2 line. Then the 3 Then choose Load & Close. -Your image should appear in an Image ID:filename-path window. You can drag a corner to make it bigger if you want. -Close your open image window. You don’t need it anymore. -Choose the second icon (white hand and yellow keyboard?) to collect GCPs (ground control points) manually. -For your image, you should have at least 3 or 4 points with known coordinates picked out -- not all on the same line. However, you will need two on the same line of latitude for later. More points should increase accuracy. -In the image ID window, move your cursor over a point with known coordinates. Click in that spot and a red cross should appear. Use the zoom magnifying glass and the top of the window to get a closer look to make sure you are in the right spot. Move the red cross if needed. When ready, select Use as GCP. This point should now be labeled as G0001. -Go to the GCP collection window. Write down the pixel value you get for each point because you will use them later. Enter the Lat/ Long values for your point. Notice that the boxes are East on top and North under that. Use a negative if you need West or South. For degree/minute/second notation, use a space. For example, -117 17 49.07 would be 117 degrees 17 minutes and 49.07 seconds West. Click outside the box to see the coordinate values appear in the Long Lat boxes. Accept the point when your values are what you mean them to be. If you want to see them after you accepted your point, click on the Point ID G0001 and your values will come back up. Make sure to accept it again when you are finished. -Go back to the Image ID window and zoom out. Put your cursor on a new point, zoom in, adjust, and select as GCP. This will be G0002. Follow the same steps to define its value. Do this for all points you want to use as GCPs. Then close the GCP collection window. -Now you need to go back and fill in the Output Pixel Spacing value. Go to the Processing Step drop down menu. Select Project. -Select the second icon (white coordinates 2 ovals) called Set output and default projection. The Set Projection window should appear. Now you have to do a little calculation. You need to know how many degrees per pixel. Use the pixel values that you recorded earlier. Use two points on the same line of latitude and know how much space is between them. For example, 30 seconds. Find the difference in pixels, for example 472.7 - 47.6 = 425.1 pixels. This would give you 1 deg per 850.2 pix. Divide 1 by 850.2. Your value to put in the Output Pixel Spacing box would be 0.0011761938367... that’s enough. Choose Accept. -Next Processing Step, choose Geometric Correction from the drop down menu. You should still have the Image ID window open, but if you accidentally closed it, open it again with the Open an Image Icon (white paper in a yellow folder). -Choose the third icon (white piece of paper to a warped stretched white piece of paper) to Schedule Geometric Correction. -Your image name should be in the Available Images Box in the Geometric Corrected Image Production window. Click on that line with your images name. It will turn blue when you have selected it. Then click the arrow in the middle to bring it to the Images to Process Box. -Choose a file name for your corrected image and where you want it to be saved. The file type is a .pix. The default is your file name with an o in front of it for ortho. Check the Upper Left and Lower Right coordinates to make sure they seem reasonable for your image. If they are not, select the Recompute Ortho Bound button. If they still seem crazy, you did something wrong. Maybe you forgot a negative, entered wrong coordinates, miscalculated pixel spacing… check your work and you’ll find it. If everything looks good, choose Correct Images. -Now you need to export your work. Go to the Geomatica Toolbar and choose Focus - the first icon. -In the Geomatica Focus window, go to File. Choose Export - To New File. -For Select Source File, find your file. For Select Destination File decide what File type you need and what you want to name it. I use .img, but there is .tif and many more. -In Exportable Items, choose Select All. Then choose the Add button to bring it to the next box. When they are in the Selected Items box, choose Export. -Open your .img in ArcMap or whatever program you are using and hopefully it is in the right place. NOTES by Kurt: When I digitized a map, I didn't want to put it into Arc/Info, so here is what I did differently. In Ortho Engine, under Processing Step, choose Reports, then the left icon (a piece of paper and folder) to make a report. Check all of the check boxes. Now select the image and you should see your report include all kinds of info. Click print to file save the info about what you did. When exporting the data, you probably also want to export TIF or JPEG so that you can bring the file in to OpenInventor.
GRASS GRASS notes for on the SGI NOTE: NOT total successful! http://grass.itc.it/ http://grass.itc.it/grass5/binary/irix/ wget http://grass.itc.it/grass5/binary/irix/grass5.0.2_irix-o32_bin.tar.gz wget http://grass.itc.it/grass5/binary/irix/grass5_irix-o32_install.sh sh grass5_irix-o32_install.sh grass5.0.2_irix-o32_bin.tar.gz /omaha/demos/Kurt/grass/grass5.0.2 /omaha/demos/Kurt/grass/grass5.0.2-bin Grass was installed but NViz3D does not work... building from source --with-opengl-includes=DIRS OpenGL include files are in DIRS --with-opengl-libs=DIRS OpenGL library files are in DIRS --with-odbc-includes=DIRS ODBC include files are in DIRS --with-odbc-libs=DIRS ODBC library files are in DIRS --with-fftw-includes=DIRS FFTW include files are in DIRS --with-fftw-libs=DIRS FFTW library files are in DIRS --with-blas-libs=DIRS BLAS library files are in DIRS --with-lapack-libs=DIRS LAPACK library files are in DIRS --with-motif-includes=DIRS Motif include files are in DIRS --with-motif-libs=DIRS Motif library files are in DIRS --with-freetype-includes=DIRS FreeType include files are in DIRS --with-freetype-libs=DIRS FreeType library files are in DIRS --with-glw-includes=DIRS GLw include files are in DIRS --with-glw-libs=DIRS GLw library files are in DIRS --with-x use the X Window System --with-dbm-libs=DIRS DBM library files are in DIRS --with-readline-includes=DIRS Readline include files are in DIRS --with-readline-libs=DIRS Readline library files are in DIRS --with-jpeg-includes=DIRS JPEG include files are in DIRS --with-jpeg-libs=DIRS JPEG library files are in DIRS --with-tiff-includes=DIRS TIFF include files are in DIRS --with-tiff-libs=DIRS TIFF library files are in DIRS --with-png-includes=DIRS PNG include files are in DIRS --with-png-libs=DIRS PNG library files are in DIRS --with-gd-includes=DIRS GD include files are in DIRS --with-gd-libs=DIRS GD library files are in DIRS --with-tcltk-includes=DIRS Tcl/Tk include files are in DIRS --with-tcltk-libs=DIRS Tcl/Tk library files are in DIRS --with-tiff support TIFF functionality (default: yes) --with-png support PNG functionality (default: yes) --with-gd support GD functionality (default: yes) --with-tcltk support Tcl/Tk functionality (default: yes) --with-postgres support PostgreSQL functionality (default: yes) --with-opengl support OpenGL functionality (default: yes) --with-odbc support ODBC functionality (default: yes) --with-fftw support FFTW functionality (default: yes) --with-blas support BLAS functionality (default: no) --with-lapack support LAPACK functionality (default: no) --with-motif support Motif functionality (default: no) --with-freetype support FreeType functionality (default: no) --with-glw support GLw functionality (default: no) --with-nls support NLS functionality (default: no) --with-readline support Readline functionality (default: no) --with-gdal[=path] build directly against GDAL (path is gdal-config) --with-includes=DIRS site include files are in DIRS --with-libs=DIRS site library files are in DIRS --with-zlib-includes=DIRS zlib include files are in DIRS --with-zlib-libs=DIRS zlib library files are in DIRS --with-dbm-includes=DIRS DBM include files are in DIRS --disable-FEATURE do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no) --enable-FEATURE[=ARG] include FEATURE [ARG=yes] --with-PACKAGE[=ARG] use PACKAGE [ARG=yes] --without-PACKAGE do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no) --x-includes=DIR X include files are in DIR --x-libraries=DIR X library files are in DIR --enable and --with options recognized: --enable-sysv define the compiler macro SYSV --enable-another-button use two-button mouse conveniently --enable-socket use socket XDriver (default) --enable-fifo use FIFO XDriver instead of sockets --enable-w11 use W11 library for Windows X11 emulation --with-dbm support DBM functionality (default: no) ../grass5.0.2/configure --prefix=/omaha/demos/Kurt/grass/grass5.0.2-fromsrc --with-tcltk-includes=/omaha/demos/Kurt/tcltk/include --with-tcltk-libs=/omaha/demos/Kurt/tcltk/lib ../grass5.0.2/configure --prefix=/omaha/demos/Kurt/grass/grass5.0.2-fromsrc --with-tcltk-includes=/omaha/demos/Kurt/tcltk/include --with-tcltk-libs=/omaha/demos/Kurt/tcltk/lib --with-gd-includes=/omaha/demos/Kurt/gd-2.0.15/include --with-gd-libs=/omaha/demos/Kurt/gd-2.0.15/lib ../grass5.0.2/configure --prefix=/omaha/demos/Kurt/grass/grass5.0.2-fromsrc --with-tcltk-includes=/omaha/demos/Kurt/tcltk/include --with-tcltk-libs=/omaha/demos/Kurt/tcltk/lib --with-gd-includes=/omaha/demos/Kurt/gd-2.0.15/include --with-gd-libs=/omaha/demos/Kurt/gd-2.0.15/lib --without-postgres --without-odbc --without-fftw ./grass5.0.2/configure --prefix=/omaha/demos/Kurt/grass/grass5.0.2-fromsrc --with-tcltk-includes=/omaha/demos/Kurt/tcltk/include --with-tcltk-libs=/omaha/demos/Kurt/tcltk/lib --with-gd-includes=/omaha/demos/Kurt/gd-2.0.15/include --with-gd-libs=/omaha/demos/Kurt/gd-2.0.15/lib --without-postgres --without-odbc --without-fftw ./configure --prefix=/omaha/demos/Kurt/grass/grass5.0.2-fromsrc --with-tcltk-includes=/omaha/demos/Kurt/tcltk/include --with-tcltk-libs=/omaha/demos/Kurt/tcltk/lib --with-gd-includes=/omaha/demos/Kurt/gd-2.0.15/include --with-gd-libs=/omaha/demos/Kurt/gd-2.0.15/lib --without-postgres --without-odbc --without-fftw make -j 20 export PATH=/omaha/demos/Kurt/grass/grass5.0.2-fromsrc/bin:$PATH export PATH=/omaha/demos/Kurt/tcltk/bin:$PATH cd grass5.0.2/src.contrib/GMSL/NVIZ2.2 && gmake5 then went into the nvizMain.c file and defined a new matherr function, since it doesn't seem to pick up matherr from libm. int matherr(int *a) { printf ("FIX: matherr called but not implimented in nvizMain.c\n"); if (a) { printf (" arg: %d\n",*a); } return (0); } copies the new NVWISH into place... cd ~/omaha/grass/grass5.0.2/etc/nviz2.2 && cp ~/omaha/grass/Source/grass5.0.2/dist.mips-sgi-irix6.5/etc/nviz2.2/NVWISH2.2 .
* TRANSPARENT TEXTURE IN INVENTOR NOT FINISHED!!! Working with texture un IV... here is a sample file that uses an SoSFImage in the text file to define the image: #Inventor V2.0 ascii Separator { Separator {Translation {translation 1000 0 0}Sphere{ radius 50 }} Separator {Translation {translation -1000 0 0} Sphere{ radius 50 } } Separator {Translation {translation 0 1000 0} Sphere{ radius 50 } } Separator {Translation {translation 0 -1000 0} Sphere{ radius 50 } } Separator {Translation {translation 0 0 1000} Sphere{ radius 50 } } Separator {Translation {translation 0 0 -1000} Sphere{ radius 50 } } } Separator { Texture2 { image 2 2 2 0xF090 0xFFFF 0xFF00 0x9090 } Coordinate3 { point [ 0. 0. 0.0, 793 0.0 0.0, 0. 0. -550, 793 0.0 -550 ] } TextureCoordinate2 { point [0.0 1.0,1.0 1.0,0.0 0.0,1.0 0.0 ] } IndexedFaceSet { coordIndex [ 0, 1, 2, -1, 1, 3, 2, -1 ]} } ivview texture-test.iv Option -> High Quality Transparency viewer->setTransparencyType(SoGLRenderAction::DELAYED_BLEND); viewer->setTransparencyType(SoGLRenderAction::SCREEN_DOOR); SoGLRenderAction::SCREEN_DOOR Uses stipple patterns for screen-door transparency SoGLRenderAction::ADD Uses additive alpha blending SoGLRenderAction::DELAYED_ADD Uses additive blending, rendering all transparent objects after opaque ones SoGLRenderAction::SORTED_OBJECT_ADD Same as DELAYED_ADD, but sorts transparent objects by distances of bounding boxes from camera SoGLRenderAction::BLEND Uses multiplicative alpha blending SoGLRenderAction::DELAYED_BLEND Uses multiplicative alpha blending, rendering all transparent objects after opaque ones SoGLRenderAction::SORTED_OBJECT_BLEND Same as DELAYED_BLEND, but sorts transparent objects by distances of bounding boxes from camera http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/dataformats/sgirgb/
Setting up your SGI Desktop Background Setting up the SGI background is not as easy as on Mac OSX, Linux, or Windows, but once you get it straighten out, you can have a nice background... I don't much like the original options SGI gives you. The standard way is to use the Background program from the toolchest of "background" on the command line. You can setup a .background file to be able to add your own backgrounds. man background Or you can do what I did and turn off the SGI Backgrounds. Then you can use bgpaste directly. Add this line to ~/.Xresources: 4Dwm*SG_useBackgrounds: False Now you can use bgpaste to put images on your background. For more info: man bgpaste man 4Dwm man tellwm man IID http://4crawler.cruiserpages.com/Docs/Background.shtml http://www.faqs.org/faqs/sgi/faq/graphics/
Making icons on the desktop HAVE NOT GOT THIS SECTION WORKING Type fm, find the program, and drag it to the desktop? If you double click on your home directy, it should pop up an explorer like icon catalog. Find you app and drag it to the desktop. I have not figured out how to pass it command line args, but you could create a small shell script that runs your program with all the options and then drag that script to the desktop. man fm less /usr/lib/filetype/Makefile.personal man IconSmith http://techpubs.sgi.com/library/tpl/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?coll=0650&db=bks&srch=&fname=/SGI_EndUser/Desktop_UG/sgi_html/ch11.html http://techpubs.sgi.com/library/tpl/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?coll=0650&db=bks&srch=&fname=/SGI_Developer/IIDsktp_IG/sgi_html/pt02.html
* MAKING A MOVIE fledermaus -scene lj13.scene Controls->Movie Controls Click Record On Fly around File -> Save Movie movie2 File->Quit smoother -in movie2.mov -out movie2_S.mov -fskip 10 -length 1200 movieclient -scene lj13.scene -movie movie2_S.mov -out lj-m2 Right mouse -> Render Movie imginfo lj-m20000 Warning: lj-m20000: associated alpha treated as unassociated Image file: lj-m20000 File format: TIFF image Dimensions (w,h,z,c): 640, 480, 1, 4 Page Size (w,h,z,c): 640, 1, 1, 4 Data type: unsigned char Dimension order: interleaved Color model: RGBA Coordinate space: upper-left Statistical Min/Max: 0 - 255 Display Min/Max: 0 - 255 Data Compression: Lempel-Ziv & Welch man makemovie # Give the list of compression schemes for quicktime (qt) movies Now, I'll go ahead and build a movie for each time so we can compare the file size makemovie -o lj-m2-anim.mov -f qt -c qt_anim lj-m2???? makemovie -o lj-m2-video.mov -f qt -c qt_video lj-m2???? makemovie -o lj-m2-cvid.mov -f qt -c qt_cvid lj-m2???? makemovie -o lj-m2-jpeg.mov -f qt -c jpeg lj-m2???? 299902818 Oct 7 13:36 lj-m2-anim.mov 41318954 Oct 7 14:13 lj-m2-cvid.mov 48002318 Oct 7 13:58 lj-m2-jpeg.mov 125478250 Oct 7 13:36 lj-m2-video.mov movieplayer lj-m2-anim.mov From looking at the images on the SGI, the quality looks like as follows: video - pretty good looking jpeg - Excellent anim - Has some strange horizontal artifacts. cvid - Muddy and unpleasant. So based on quality and file size, I think jpeg wins out. Now we need some demo movies for the web. These need to be smaller than the full thing and use the demo scene with only three lines. movieclient -scene lj14-public-draft3.scene -framesize 200 200 -out lj14-pub-200x200 -movie movie2.mov imginfo lj14-pub-200x2000000 File format: TIFF image Dimensions (w,h,z,c): 200, 200, 1, 4 movieclient -scene lj14-public-draft3.scene -framesize 100 100 -rendersize 100 100 -out lj14-pub-100x100- -movie movie2.mov movieclient -scene lj14-public-draft3.scene -framesize 400 400 -rendersize 400 400 -out lj14p -movie movie2.mov makemovie -o lj-pub-med-jpeg.mov -f qt -c jpeg lj14p0??? JP and Jenna pointed me to another way to make movies on the SGI. This way is able to produce mpeg1 movies mediaconvert File -> Open Input File Check "Numbered Images" In the "File Template" field, Replace # instead of 0000 for your image number... e.g. lj14p0000 becomes lj14p#### Select MPEG-1 Video for the "File Format" drop down
Misc La Jolla Info: http://www.thales-geopacific.com/papers/seafloorhabitat_SD.pdf http://seafloor.csumb.edu/Metadata/LaJolla/LJ_MB.htm http://seafloor.csumb.edu/publications/SMBMP_Final_Report.pdf Karen Stocks at SDSC information management
* REGIONAL WORK BENCH CONSORTIUM http://www.regionalworkbench.org/ This section has an excellent presentation on digitial data from the San Diego/Tijuna area on UCSD-TV. Especially interesting is the regional water sheds and satellite photos over time. Telesis data Jeff Sale @ San Diego State
SIO AIRPHOTO From Breck: I have one image of the entire campus that I got from upper campus, the other one of La Jolla Point to the TP golf Course is from Aerial Fotobank. David Sandwell bought the high resolution TIFF file in order to superimpose the contours of La Jolla Canyon offshore and give a print of it to Walter Munk for his 80th birthday in 1997. Aerial Fotobank has an archive of aerial photos of San Diego county dating back to the 1920's. I haven't been to their office in 10 years, but they used to have their library sorted by area and date. They had a pecial airplane with a 8"x8" camera in the floor. They would take it up whenever the weather granted us 100 mile visibility, like light Santa Ana conditions, and shoot as much as they could. They also did lots of obliques, and special order shoots. Their big customers are land developers. Their library was mostly thousands of contact prints in 3-ring binders, they might have gone digital by now. They charge by the hour just to let you browse their library, but their staff used to be very helpful. A fellow named Oscar, and his wife and daughter, started the company. I know they've sold it but stayed on as consultants. They put out a 11"x17" aerial photo booklet of the entire county matched with Thomas Brothers maps. Frank Wyatt here at IGPP has one on the desk outside his office. If you want very old photos there was a fellow who flew over San Diego in 1926 and shot hundreds of aerials, trying to make money selling them. Deborah Day has some of them, but I think the San Diego Historical Society has most of them. They also have an extensive library and the staff is very helpful. If you want back country photos, I know the Cleveland Nat. Forest has extensive color aerials of their land, but they're a bit protective of them. I got to browse through them when I did botany surveys for them in the early 1990's. Aerial Fotobank, used to be in Sorrento Valley, now listed in phone book in 2 locations 6181 Cornerstone Court (760 944 4448) I think off of Mira Mesa Blvd 9833 Pacific Heights Blvd (858 455 0780) MORE GIS STUFF San Diego City and County have a joint online GIS system with interactive maps. I don't know how to get the raw data. http://www.sangis.org/