Assignment 01 - CS 767
Create 2 Placemarks

Due: 17-Sep-2007 by 1:00 PM EST

NOTE: The text in the two Placemarks must be your own writing in standard written English. Use complete scentences and paragraphs.
  1. Email the resulting single kmz file to
  2. Create 2 placemarks
  3. For each placemark, include a photo of the location. You may use any source for the photo for the UNH placemark, but if you did not take the picture, you must link the picture to the original URL.
  4. The foreign placemark must use a picture from the web with a URL link from the picture in the placemark to the original.
  5. The text for each placemark must describe the location and convince the readers that should want to visit that site. You must write 300 words for each placemark. Use proper English with correct spelling and grammar.
  6. Combine both placemarks into a Google Earth Folder and save that folder to a kmz.
  7. The kmz must contain both images. I suggest that you test the kmz on a second computer.
  8. Use the blue bubble without a symbol for your icon and yellow for the label color.
  9. Set the view to look at the placemark from the East looking West.
  10. I will check for valid xhmtl tagging within your context within the description tag. I will use xmllint. xmllint is available on
  11. For cross platform compatibility, do not use spaces in your file names
  12. I will combine the assignments to create a master demo and present it in class.