Class 11: ipython and python data types
Table of Contents
Before you start class, make sure you have your environment set up. Here is what I suggest
mkdir -p ~/class/11 cd ~/class/11 wget
Make sure you have this org file for class open in emacs from ~/class/11/
Open a terminal and cd ~/class/11
TODO Homework 3 due today!
- I will be periodically be sending you org text with all of your assignment grades
More videos online videos howto videocast
There are 3 more videos online since the last class. Make sure you watch them before the next class. Runtime is 71 minutes for all 3.
Mathematica technical talk at UNH mathematica proprietary
I forgot to announce a matlab session last week. Next Monday, you may want to check out:
- "Mathematica in Education and Research"
- 2-3pm, including Q&A
- Kingsbury Hall room N101
My talk is given 100% in Mathematica, and a big part of what I want to discuss is the exciting new free-form input in Mathematica 8.
Here's a quick video preview:
UNH Signals unh
UNH has an Information Technology (IT) newsletter called Signals.
Vantagepoint: Inside UNH IT with Chief Information Officer Joanna Young
You can meet our CIO. If you read her answers to questions, you will see that I think she missed something huge with passwords: all your passwords should be different. I worry less about people changing their passwords and more about each password being unrelated to compartmentalize any damage. If someone grabbed your password for a site requiring your password, there is a non-zero chance that if you change your password that they will get that new password the same way Unless it is you that gave your password to a bad guy you thought was a good guy… and hopefully you learned never to give your password to anyone Do not have that stop you from changing your passwords, but it is important to understand the overall situation.
Never give your password to anyone. Period. Full stop.
And do not get me started on "security questions".
What was that strange command in the homework?
Did you try it with an echo command?
echo ~/hw/03/log-$USER-$(date +%Y%m%d).org
On my Mac laptop, I get:
I talk through the details of that command in Video 6, Bash part 2: shell variables
Today's class has an associated video youtube video
Introduction to python and ipython ipython python
Not Python 3
In this class we are using Python 2.7. You will want to avoid reference material for python 3. While python 3 is even better than python 2.x, there is still work to be done to get all of the add ons ready for python 3 and you will have trouble with getting examples to work. To reduce confusion, just avoid python 3 for now. If you learn python 2.7, the switch to python 3 will be very easy and there is even a program to automatically make the number of small changes required for code to work with python 3.
See Also
If you like the concept of a 1 double sided reference card, here some for python and ipython:
There are a number of very good free books to get you started. I've sorted them in the order that I think you might want to approach them.
- Dive Into Python by Mark Pilgram
- Python Quick Reference by Richard Gruet
- Think Python by Allen Downey
- Byte of Python by Swaroop C H. Make sure to get the 2.x version. Not 3!
- Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python by Bruno R. Preiss
- The Programming Historian by William J. Turkel and Alan MacEachern (for a research area focused take on python)
Books in Safari:
Setting your editor emacs editor bashvariable
Inside of ipython, we can ask to edit a file. The default editor to use is called vim (or often refered to as just vi). We just spent a number of lectures learning GNU Emacs and we would rather take advantage of that. Without setting anything up, here is vi as the editor:
ipython edit :q! Exit()
That ":q!" is the vi command to "quit without saving".
We can set the bash shell variable EDITOR
to emacs, but then every
time we want to edit a file, ipython is going to wait for us to
"finish" editing and exit emacs. We will loose our place each time.
There is a special way to setup emacs as a "server" that can be told
to open a file from somewhere else. emacs will stay running and can
get multiple requests. Here is how to make it work!
Start emacs. Applications -> Programming -> GNU Emacs 23
In emacs, we need to start the server that will listen for requests to edit a file.
M-x server-start
Now, open a terminal. Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal
Once we have a terminal, we can set the EDITOR
variable to use the
program called emacsclient
. Remember that you can read more about
the program with man emacsclient
export EDITOR=emacsclient
Now start ipython. As ipython to edit a python script file:
Now you can finish editing the file with C-x #
. Unfortunately,
a couple things are not yet correct. First, emacs will close that file
so we can't keep editing. Second, this setup is not permanent. It
only exists as long as this copy of emacs and this terminal are
running. We need to fix both at the same time by editing two
configuration files in our account.
First, let us edit our .emacs file and add two lines plus some comments. In emacs lisp, comments start with the ";" character. Please do not worry about trying to understand the lisp programming language. That is outside of the scope of this class. If you are interested, please talk to me and I can get you started.
;;; Emacs server ; Do not close the file that was being edited when C-x # is typed (setq server-kill-new-buffers nil) ; Start the emacs server for emacsclient (server-start)
Now, add this line to the bottom of your .bashrc:
export EDITOR=emacsclient
Next time you log in to your virtual machine, everything should be setup for you!
NOTE: remember to start emacs before using the edit command!
Also, only start 1 emacs. The way it is setup here, we can only have
one emacs. Any addition emacs instances will complain when they get
to the server-start
command and find there is already a server
Now in ipython, editing a file should look like this. When you use
C-x #
in emacs to let ipython know that you are done editing,
ipython will try to run your code.
In [1]: edit "" Editing...Waiting for Emacs...
In emacs, make the file look like this:
print "hello world"
Now press C-x #
in emacs.
done. Executing edited code... hello world
Getting help help documentation
The main web page for python documentation is:
Inside of python, there are a number of ways to get help.
First, you can directly ask for help. Here we are asking for help on the open "function":
help open
You can also put a "?" after a bunch of text and it will try to tell you what it can about that string. You can put the "?" before or after then word.
And to answer the question from class last time about the difference between exit() and Exit(). We just have to ask!
The key is to read through all that and ignore most of it. The last
line of ?Exit
tells us the key detail: "Exit IPython without
confirmation." That can also be said: you will not be asked yes/no
when you quit ipython with Exit()
Later on, we will see more about functions or "methods" on variables that are accessed with a ".". Here I will create a string variable and ask it what I can do with a string by pressing <TAB>.
In [1]: mystring = "hello world" In [2]: mystring. mystring.__add__ mystring.decode mystring.__class__ mystring.encode mystring.__contains__ mystring.endswith mystring.__delattr__ mystring.expandtabs mystring.__doc__ mystring.find mystring.__eq__ mystring.format mystring.__format__ mystring.index mystring.__ge__ mystring.isalnum mystring.__getattribute__ mystring.isalpha ...
There is a lot of "noise" in that output, but you will learn to read that and often be able to recognize what you want to do with a string.
Examples with org-babel and ipython orgbabel ipython
Here we are faced with a little problem before we go on. I would like
the examples to be runnable both in org-mode with C-c C-c
and as
something you can paste into ipython without modification. However,
that is not possible. The setup for python in org-babel is that it
ignores what we will print. So if I try a print statement in python
and run it with org-babel:
print 1
The results above are "None". Say what?!?! It turns out that we have to "return" what we want org-babel to print.
return 1
That is more like what we wanted. If you just paste the text without the return, all will be well. So, in ipython, it will look like this:
ipython Python 2.7.1+ (r271:86832, Apr 11 2011, 18:05:24) Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. IPython 0.10.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ? -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features. %quickref -> Quick reference. help -> Python's own help system. object? -> Details about 'object'. ?object also works, ?? prints more. In [1]: 1 Out[1]: 1
Time to try some actual python! Playing with strings string
Onwards to working with some strings! The python documentation is here:
Strings can be 'in single quotes' or "in double quotes". I will stick with singles quotes.
First just a basic string:
return 'this is a string'
We can ask python to manipulate a string a little bit:
return 'this is a string'.capitalize()
Or we can get fancier. The title method for a string makes it have each word capitialized.
return 'this is a string'.title()
We can add strings together.
return 'this ' + 'is ' + 'a string'
We can ask python the type of a variable.
return type('my string')
Data types in python int float str list
There are several basic data types in python.
- a character or string –> 'a' 'hello' "world" '''lists with three quote characters can span multiple lines''' -
- integers (aka whole numbers) 1, 2, -1, 0 -
- real numbers 3.1415, 0.0, -9e20 -
- imaginary numbers. complex(1,4)
- Booleans. True or False -
sequences of items
- ordered sequence of items that can change. [1, -3, 1.3, 'hello', ['list', 'inside', 'a', 'list'] -
- ordered sequence that can not change. (1,-3,'hi') -
- only one of each item set( [1,4,1,1] ) -> set([1, 4])
- a fast lookup table or "dictionary" { 1: 2, 99: 'second', 'third': 333 } -
- you can read and write to files -
- A special case
Note that str
, dict
and file
also act as sequences of items. For
example… Jumping ahead and using a for loop before I've explained the
concept of a for loop. Sorry!
for c in 'geology': print c
Gives this as it steps through each letter in the string:
g e o l o g y
A little ipython before we go on ipython
We need to learn a little bit about ipython before we try out those
data types. If you have ipython open, use exit()
to quit and start
a new ipython shell.
who # List interactive variables whos # Like who, but give the values
who Interactive namespace is empty. In [15]: shipname='R/V Cocheco' In [16]: who shipname In [17]: whos Variable Type Data/Info ---------------------------- shipname str R/V Cocheco
We can also ask ipython to create a log file of our session.
logstart a = 1+2 b = 3+4 who logstop less
For the logging commands, type "%log" in ipython and then press <TAB>
In [1]: %log %logoff %logon %logstart %logstate %logstop In [2]: %logoff?
The 2nd command is asking for help with logoff
. You don't need to
type the "%" with ipython commands.
Trying out the data types str list int float list
str - strings
shipname='Coastal Surveyor' len(shipname) shipname[0] # Count from zero shipname[5:8] shipname.find('S') # returns 8 shipname.find('x') # returns -1 ... not found shipname[8:] # from position 8 to the end shipname[-4:] # last 4 characters
As sequence of characters:
shipname='Coastal Surveyor' len(shipname) shipname[0] # Count from zero shipname[5:8] shipname.find('S') # returns 8 shipname.find('x') # returns -1 ... not found shipname[8:] # from position 8 to the end shipname[-4:] # last 4 characters
and float
1 type(1) 1.1 type(1.1) str(1.1) float('3.1415') import math math.pi math.sin(math.pi/2) math.radians(180) math.degrees(2*math.pi) math. # then press the <TAB> key to get a list complex(1,4j) 4j * (2 + 9j)
of items
range(4) range(3,7) range(3,28,5) ships = [ 'tug','row boat', 303902000, 123456789 ] type(ships) ships.append(369970120) ships.sort() ships[0] ships[-1] ships.remove('row boat') ships. # press <TAB>
Basic operations on strings
shipname='Gulf Challenger, R/V' shipname.split() fields = shipname.split(',') len(fields) name = fields[0] name * 4 ' -- '.join(fields)
Working with files file
We could use emacs to create a file called ~/class/11/data.csv by putting this in it the file, but do not do this!
1,2 4,5 9,-1
Instead, we can use python to create the file. You can use C-c C-c
to execute the file in this file or you can paste this into your
ipython shell.
out = open('data.csv','w') out.write('1,2\n') out.write('4,5\n') out.write('9,-1\n') out.close()
Open up the file in emacs: ~/class/11/data.csv
We can now read that data from python!
datafile = open('data.csv') type( datafile ) datafile.readline() datafile.readline() datafile.readline() datafile.readline() del(datafile) datafile = open('data.csv') lines = datafile.readlines() len(lines) lines[0] lines[0].strip() lines[0].strip().split(',') # yikes! you can chain things together
A for loop for
for number in [ 1, 3, 6, 'nine' ]: print number
for line in open('data.csv'): print line.strip()
data = [] for line in open('data.csv'): fields = line.split(',') x = int( fields[0] ) y = int( fields[1] ) data.append( [ x, y ] ) print data
import numpy numpy.loadtxt? data = numpy.loadtxt('data.csv', dtype=int, delimiter=',') type(data) data list( data ) data[1]
Making a function function
You will want to break you problem down into sections. One way to do that is to write functions.
def add_one(number): new_number = number + 1 return new_number # Calling our function add_one(9)
Checking your code with pylint pylint
I don't agree with all of the checks that pylint does on python code, but if your code scores well with pylint, then it is likely to be easier to read by others and less likely to have bugs. Here is some terribly written python to put into a file: ~/
# This line is really long and pylint does not like really long lines by default. Really! def MYFUCTION(FOO): # pylint is not going to like the capitization of the above # it will not like how I indented this return 123 MYFUNCTION('hello')
That code is BAD. Let's ask pylint about it, but first we have to install pylint.
sudo apt-get install pylint
Now run pylint:
It will return this. Some of the beginning detail has been left out.
Global evaluation ----------------- Your code has been rated at -22.50/10 Statistics by type ------------------ +---------+-------+-----------+-----------+------------+---------+ |type |number |old number |difference |%documented |%badname | +=========+=======+===========+===========+============+=========+ |module |1 |NC |NC |0.00 |0.00 | +---------+-------+-----------+-----------+------------+---------+ |class |0 |NC |NC |0 |0 | +---------+-------+-----------+-----------+------------+---------+ |method |0 |NC |NC |0 |0 | +---------+-------+-----------+-----------+------------+---------+ |function |1 |NC |NC |0.00 |100.00 | +---------+-------+-----------+-----------+------------+---------+
Our code scored -22.5 out of 10. Ouch! We can tell pylint that we don't believe in all the warnings that it has. For example, I do not mind longer lines in the code. Add these 3 lines to the very beginning of the file:
# pylint: disable-msg=W0142 # pylint: disable-msg=C0301 # pylint: disable-msg=W0622
Running pylint again will tell us that it thinks our code is better, but still terrible.
Global evaluation ----------------- Your code has been rated at -20.00/10 (previous run: -22.50/10)
It is not worth trying to get a perfect 10 out of 10, but reading through pylint's warnings will help you to write better code.
Date: <2011-10-04 Tue>
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