Chapter XXX: The power of the command line and bash - introduction

$Id: kurt-2010.org 13030 2010-01-14 13:33:15Z schwehr $

Table of Contents


Why learn about the command line?

Today people are often uncomfortable working on the command line to get things done with computers or perhaps have never even used the command line. Before windowing systems and mice were common, this was really the only way that people were able to tell a computer what to do. The advent of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) made some tasks easier, but it also made many tasks harder. If you need to rename hundreds of files, using a mouse is going to take you a long time or you are going to have to find and learn a small utility program. With the command line, using a "shell", you can write a quick command to rename large numbers of files easily. In the process, you have gained something over the GUI method: an inherently easy way to document or repeat the task - the text command. You can paste that command into a text file for documentation. You can even make the file executable and run it as a "script" in the future. The shell will remember commands that you have run before and let you rerun them the same way you did before or help you edit the commands to run slightly altered versions.

Why choose bash as your shell environment?

There are many flavors of shells with the most common being tcsh, sh bash, zsh, Windows/DOS command, and Windows PowerShell. The Microsoft Windows shells are too limited and are not portable to other operating systems. Unix systems started with C-shell (csh) and the Bourne shell (sh) in the 1970's and 1980's. Both of these shells were pretty limited in features. tcsh, bash, and zsh are improved versions of the old csh and sh shells. If you gain experience with csh and sh, you will find the syntax of sh to be more flexible and consistent than csh. sh provides basic functions that you can call that make writing scripts a bit easier. Additionally, sh is used on Unix type systems to start up the system and manage server type processes ("daemons", not demons) that work in the background to make the computer more functional. You will likely want to create or modify a daemon as you get comfortable with the Linux environment to do tasks such as logging data from serial ports. If you learn csh/tcsh, you will likely later have to learn at least some sh/bash. You are better off to just learn sh/bash and avoid having to waste time learning two slightly different shells.

The Bourne Again Shell (bash) has become the defacto standard rewrite of sh that provides a more usable experience than the limited sh. It gives us command completion (hit tab to finish a word if it can), histories and scrollback of previous command, the ability to control processes, etc.

Debugging stategies

If you are typing in the commands you find here, you might occasionally make mistakes that prevent the command from giving you exactly what you see here for output. Here are a couple things that can help you figure out what is going on.

First, read aloud the command that you have typed and what is in the document.

Check for common characters to confuse. It is easy to replace a "1" (number one) with an "l" (Lima) or vice versa if the fonts you have in your terminal and web browser make those two characters. Make sure you are using the right quote character (e.g. ", ', or ` are all different). Another pair of characters that is sometime trouble are the 0 (zero) and O (Oscar).

Note that the pipe character is a vertical bar: "|". This character is sometimes two vertical dashes. On US keyboards it is located between the delete and return/enter keys and is the shift of "\".

Beginning bash

You will now need to access a terminal running bash. There are several different ways to accomplish this that depend on your computer setup. Depending on your situation, you may be able to choose one of these routes, your information technology (IT) team may provide you a solution, or your instructor might dictate a setup.


This is the most native environment for bash and has the best support for all the tools that will be covered in this chapter. I recommend Ubuntu or Fedora versions of Linux (when I have a choice, I use Ubuntu).

You can also use OSGeo Live or Poseidon Linux for Linux distributions that are focused on science.

Just open a terminal and you should be set.

TODO: Describe running a virtual machine with either OSGeo Line or Poseidon Linux.

In case you need something slightly different, here a list of about 600 different types of Linux: The LWN.net Linux Distribution List

Windows with cygwin

If you must work just with a Microsoft Windows environment, Cygwin is likely the best option for getting a Unix/Linux like command line and all the extra programs. Cygwin has some rough edges, but it definitely gets the job done.

If you have not installed Cygwin, please do so now or ask your system administrator to install Cygwin. You will need to install these packages:

Start menu -> Cygwin -> Cygwin Bash Shell

TODO: how to properly start X11?


This assumes Mac OSX 10.6. If you are using 10.5 or older, please update your computer.

First, you will need to make sure that you have installed XCode from the DVDs that came with your Apple computer. Then also install X11 from the main DVD. There is a supplemental programs installer that when run will give you the option for X11.

You will now need to install fink. I apologize that a chapter teaching you how to use the command line requires using the command line before you learn the skills. The fink team is not able to produce a binary installer for fink at this time.

Open the /Applications/Utilities/Terminal application. In that window, you will need to run these commands.

# This URL might not work beyond 
curl -O http://vislab-ccom.unh.edu/~schwehr/software/fink/fink-0.29.14.tar.gz
tar -xf fink-0.29.14.tar.gz
cd fink-0.29.14
./bootstrap  # This will ask you a few questions - use the defaults
fink selfupdate-rsync
fink configure
# Press enter for all questions to accept the default except...
# Answer that you would like to activate the "unstable" tree.

Now you can install software through fink. The software will compile from source which can takes hours. It is good to run these overnight or in the background while you are doing other things. When it asks you questions about the installation, it is generally okay to accept the default by pressing enter.

fink install gnuplot

Eventually, you will want to install a lot more software via fink, but gnuplot is all that is required for this chapter.

Connecting to your a computer running Linux

Hopefully, you are working directly on a laptop or desktop computer that is running linux and you are already logged into the computer. However, if you are on a Windows computer and can not install cygwin or a virtual machine, you must securely log into a "remote" computer running Linux. You will use ssh to log in. If you do not have an X11 server on your Windows computer, then

Never use telnet, rsh, or ftp if you must type a password

It is important to start off thinking a little bit about computer security. When you are sending data across the network, for example, by typing your password, people can placing "sniffing" programs on the network connection to grab any un-encrypted text (things sent in the clear) and thereby grab your password. In the 1980's and early 1990's people used programs called telnet and rsh (remote shell) to connect to other computers. To send files, people used ftp (file transfer protocol). These programs did not encrypt anything. As a result, many passwords were stollen and computers were broken into.

Thankfully, today we have free programs with excellent encryption to protect the text going between you and remote Linux computers. From the command line, there is OpenSSH (SSH means "Secure Shell") and from Windows there is PuTTY that provides a GUI that will use the Secure Shell protocol to create a protected connection to a remote. To transfer files, we now have, as a part of OpenSSH, scp for secure copy and sftp for secure file transfer protocol. These programs encrypt all the data that goes between your computer and the remote computer.

What to do if you get stuck?

Before we get into the commands, we need to talk about what to do if things get stuck. If you mistype a command and it just sits there doing nothing, you should first try holding down the "control" key and hitting the "C" key. This sends a "break" or "kill" message to the program. This is often written as "Ctrl-C" or "C-c". Here is a command that hangs. I then use Ctrl-C to get out of it. The bash shell responds with a "C" and gives a prompt again.

egrep some-string

If the command really gets stuck and does not respond to the Ctrl-C, you can close the terminal window and open a new window. Later on, you will learn fancier techniques for controlling programs (also known as processes), but this will work for now.

Where am I and what is here? (pwd and ls)

First, you need some basic command to know where you on the computer's storage disks and what files are there. The first command that you need to know tells you the working directory: pwd (print working directory). This command writes where you are to the terminal.


You type *pwd*, press enter/return and it will tell you where you


The *path* that you see will be different than I show above, but
hopefully, you get the idea.

If you are accustomed to DOS or Microsoft windows, you have seen that
directories (called "Folders" on Windows) are separated by the "\"
character.  With bash, directories are separated byt the "/"
character.  It is definitely annoying that Microsoft decided to change
the character, but we are now stuck with this difference.

We can create a new directory with the *mkdir* (make directory)

mkdir example

You type pwd, press enter/return and it will tell you where you are.


The path that you see will be different than I show above, but hopefully, you get the idea.

If you are accustomed to DOS or Microsoft windows, you have seen that directories (called "Folders" on Windows) are separated by the "\" character. With bash, directories are separated byt the "/" character. It is definitely annoying that Microsoft decided to change the character, but we are now stuck with this difference.

We can create a new directory with the mkdir (make directory) command.

mkdir example

Let's now move into that directory with the cd (change directory) command.

cd example

We should take a look at what is in that directory with the ls (list directory contents) command.


This will print out nothing. There are no files in the directory. Now is a good time to learn about options to command line programs. You can ask the ls command to behave differently. First let's try asking for all files with the "-a" option. This means it will show any hidden files that have a name starting with a ".". These are refered to as "dot" files.

ls -a
# .  ..

You can pass multiple options to a command. With the ls command, we might also want to see the "long" output. This will give us a lot more information than we want right now, but it will show you the date and time that the files were last changed and who "ownes" each file.

ls -a -l # That is "l" as in Lima
# total 8
# drwxr-xr-x  2 kurt kurt 4096 2010-10-15 08:13 .
# drwxr-xr-x 42 kurt kurt 4096 2010-10-15 08:13 ..

You can often combine these options into one short option. The previous command can be written like this.

ls -la

When working with bash, each directory has two special dot files. One "." refers to the current working directory. This is only occasionally useful. More interesting is the file with two dots. The ".." entry refers to the directory above this one. Let's try moving to the parent directory.

# /home/kurt/example

cd ..

# /home/kurt

Now is a good time to show you a special change directory command. Giving a directory of "-" takes you to the previous directory that you were just in. Give it a try.

# /home/kurt

cd -
# /home/kurt/example

# /home/kurt/example

Finally, if you are somewhere on the disk and want to get back to your home directory, the "~" points back to your home directory. We can use the echo command to see what the "~" means and then give it a try. echo prints what it is given to the terminal.

echo ~
# /home/kurt

cd ~

# /home/kurt

cd ~/example

# /home/kurt/example

bash keeps track of all the commands that you run. This is helpful when you want to run a command that you typed before or want to save what you have done to a notes file.


The results:

1  cd example
2  ls
3  ls -a
4  ls -a -l
5  ls -la
6  pwd
7  cd ..
8  pwd
9  cd -
10 pwd
11 echo ~
12 pwd
13 cd ~/example
14 pwd
15 history

You can scroll back to previous commands, edit them if necessary, and rerun them. Press the up and down arrows to scroll back through previous commands and left/right to edit a command. We will get into more advanced editing of commands later.

We can also ask the shell to tell us which disks are "mounted" (aka "attached" or "installed") on the computer with the df (disk free) command. Here is an example from a Linux system. Windows with cygwin will look pretty different. You can also ask it to write out the space on the device in a more "human-readable* format with the "-h" option. Note, you will see "non-disk" things on a linux computer, that I have hidden from you here. Please ignore these extraneous entries.

# Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
# /dev/sda1            237351616  11421400 213873436   6% /

df -h
# Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
# /dev/sda1             227G   11G  204G   6% /

Here is an example from a Linux computer with two 2 terabyte (TB) drives attached.

df -h
# Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
# /dev/mapper/vg0-root   37G   29G  6.1G  83% /
# /dev/sdb1             1.8T   75G  1.7T   5% /data1
# /dev/sdc1             1.8T   27G  1.7T   2% /data2

Find help and documentation for commands

Linux and cygwin have what are called "manual pages" or "man pages" that describe most commands. Give it a try.

man df

The results:

DF(1)                              User Commands                             DF(1)

       df - report file system disk space usage

       df [OPTION]... [FILE]...

       This  manual  page documents the GNU version of df.  df displays the amount
       of disk space available on the file system containing each file name  argu‐
       ment.   If  no  file  name  is  given, the space available on all currently
       mounted file systems is shown.   Disk  space  is  shown  in  1K  blocks  by
       default,  unless  the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT is set, in which
       case 512-byte blocks are used.

When you are in the man page, you are interacting with a "pager" program (it's actually a program called less). You have use the up and down arrow keys, the space bar, the b key, <, and > to move up and down the manual. A very important key to know is q to quit out of the manual.

You can also search for commands that might help you get a job done. This is known as "apropos". For example "apropos editor" You can also ask for it with the "-k" option to man.

man -k sort
apt-sortpkgs (1)     - Utility to sort package index files
bunzip2 (1)          - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.4
bzip2 (1)            - a block-sorting file compressor, v1.0.4
comm (1)             - compare two sorted files line by line
FcFontSetSort (3)    - Add to a font set
FcFontSetSortDestroy (3) - DEPRECATED destroy a font set
FcFontSort (3)       - Return list of matching fonts
sort (1)             - sort lines of text files
sort-dctrl (1)       - sort Debian control files
tsort (1)            - perform topological sort
winop (3blt)         - Perform assorted window operations

On the right, after the dash ("-"), is a description of the command. On the left is the name of the command. Entries with a "(1)" after the name are things you can access from the bash command line. Entries with a "(2)" or "(3)" are things that are accessible from a full programming language such as C, perl, python, etc.

On cygwin, sometimes you will have to look for a man page with a slightly different name than you would expect. For example, later on, we will use awk. In this case, there is not a man page for awk, so you will need to know that there is a "GNU" version of awk installed.

man gawk

Specifying groups of files (pattern matching)

It is time to jump into the example directory and start working with directory listings.

cd ~/example

Now we can use a command called touch to create some files. touch is designed to update the last modified time, but if the file does not exist, it will create an empty file. Here we will create three files. Many commands can work on many files at the same time.

touch 1 2 3

ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 kurt kurt 0 2010-10-15 09:39 1
-rw-r--r-- 1 kurt kurt 0 2010-10-15 09:39 2
-rw-r--r-- 1 kurt kurt 0 2010-10-15 09:39 3

We can now try removing the files with the "rm" (remove) command.

rm 1 2 3

Now, let's create a bunch of files to give ourselves something to work with.

touch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 100

We can now start trying out some of the shells abilities to select groups of files. This is know in shell terminology as pattern matching or "glob". The complete bash manual on matching files is here.


This is a bit of a big topic, but just jump in and over time you will pick up these tricks. I will use them throughout the rest of the book and with repetition, you will start to get the hang of them.

First, the "*" matches anything. By itself, it will match all the files. When combined with text, it will match anything with that text. Here are some examples to give you the idea. In bash, the "#" character starts a comment on a line. I will use comments to explain each entry.

# all files in a directory (effectively the same a just a plain "ls")
ls *
# 1  10  100  11  12  13  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

# anything starting with "1"
ls 1*
# 1  10  100  11  12  13

# anything ending with a "0" - This is the number zero
ls *0
# 10  100

# anything starting with 1 and ending with a 0
ls 1*0
# 10  100

The "?" is more specific than the "*". The "?" matches any single character. Give it a try.

# Match anything that has just 1 character
ls ?
# 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

# anything with exactly two letters
ls ??
# 10  11  12  13

# the letter "1" followed by any single character
ls 1?
# 10  11  12  13

You can get fancier by using square brackets for "[]" specifying sets of characters or ranges by putting a dash between two characters. It's best to just see some examples.

# List files that are one character of the number 2 through 5
ls [2-5]
# 2  3  4  5

# List files that start with 1 and have a 1 or 3 following.
ls 1[13]
# 11  13

# Combine the * and [] to ask for any file ending in 1 or 3
ls *[13]
# 1  11  13  3

# Here we are using a special system directory for an example using a
# range of alphabetical characters (x, y, & z).
# Please do not worry about what these files are
ls /sbin/*[x-z]
# /sbin/fsck.minix  /sbin/getty  /sbin/iwspy  /sbin/mkfs.minix  /sbin/pam_tally

Making commands work together (pipes)

Bash command line programs are frequently designed to be chained together. The output from one command can be passed to the next command, then on to the next command, and so forth. Each one helps you change the text a little bit more. The is one of the features that makes the command line super powerful. If your commands get too crazy, you will want to switch to a more powerful language than bash such as python.

# 1  10  100  11  12  13  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

ls -1

If we take a look at the list of these files, we will see that they are coming in an alphabetical type order, not a numeric order. This is a good time to introduce the sort command to get things into a numerical order. It's default is to sort the same way as ls, but we can ask it to sort the files numerically with the "-n" flag.

The "|" below is a "pipe" that takes the output from ls that would have gone to the screen and passes the results to the next program in line. You can chain as many programs together as you like.

# "pipe" the output of ls to sort
ls | sort -n

Now it is time to get away from the above made up example and use some real earth science data. Let's go grab the global catalog of boreholes that says where the three ocean drilling projects gone. The command line utility curl lets you grab data from any ftp or http url. The "-O" (capital letter O as in Oscar) tells curl to use the same filename as on the remote web server.

curl -O http://vislab-ccom.unh.edu/~schwehr/Classes/2011/esci895-researchtools/holes.csv

ls -l holes.csv
# -rw-r--r-- 1 kurt staff  122677 2010-10-15 10:37 holes.csv

Before we start chaining together programs with pipes to work with this database, you should take a look at the file in a pager program. The current best program for this is called less. The name is a little strange in that there was original a program called more that was okay, but was replaced by something better and the author felt that less is more. There is also a most that claims to be better than less. Yes, computer programmers make these kinds of jokes all the time.

less holes.csv
Expedition,Site,Hole,Program,Longitude,Latitude,Water Depth (m),Core Recovered (m)

Use the arrow keys, space bar, "b", "<", and ">" to move through the file and examine the contents. When you are done, press "q". You should now have sense of generally what is in the file. We will now start digging into the contents of the file with command line programs.

First, let's start by counting lines in the file with the wc (word count, not water closet) command.

wc holes.csv 
#  3047   3053 125783 holes.csv

The first column on the left is the number of lines in the file, followed by the number of words, and finishing with the number of characters. Notice that the number of characters is the same as the size of the file when you did a ls.

Now we are going to use a program called cut to try to extract the "Program" column of the file. You can see above in the comma separated value (CSV) formatted data that there is at least a "DSDP", which is the Deep Sea Drill Program that ran from 1968 to 1983. Cut can work a couple different ways, but here we are going to ask it to work in "field mode" and tell it that commas (",") are the delimiter (or separator) between fields. We do that with a "-d" and the comma character. We then specify the number of the field we want. Looking at the first line of the file, you can see that "Program" appears in the fourth position.

cut -d, -f4 holes.csv

When you run the above command, you will see 3047 lines whiz by on the screen. That is not very helpful. We only want to see how many unique entry types there are. The uniq command removes duplicates in the lines of text that it receives.

cut -d, -f4 holes.csv | uniq
# Program

We can see now that there are 3 programs in there and that the CSV first line that tells us what the fields in there gets lumped in there with it.

There is a search tool for text that can help us separate apart lines of text called egrep. This command has a very powerful syntax for specifying patters called a "regular expression". Don't worry about what a regular expression is right now, but I want to you at least see the term. Right now we are going to use a very simple pattern that is just the exact text that we are searching for. Here is searching for all the DSDP bore holes. We will give egrep the string that we are looking for followed by the file we want to search.

egrep DSDP holes.csv

You will get a lot of lines scrolling by, but they only are the lines that contain the string DSDP.

Next, let's see how many lines there are for each program. We can pass the output of the grep to the word count program we used before. wc has an option to only print the number of lines, so we will add "-l" to the command line.

The data gets passed from one program to another by a pipe. What goes in one side, comes out the other. A pipe is created by the vertical bar character: "|". This might look like to vertical bars on some keyboards and in the United States is between the return and delete keys to the right of the "p" key.

egrep DSDP holes.csv | wc -l  # "l" as in Lima
# 1116

egrep ODP holes.csv | wc -l
# 1930

egrep IODP holes.csv | wc -l
# 153

We have a slight problem here in that the counts are not adding up. The string ODP is found in both the ODP and IODP entries. Here I am using the "binary calculator" to do a little math. I suspect you can just do this by hand, but the example shows another pipe.

# The 3 results from the word counts above
echo  "1116 + 1930 + 153" | bc
# 3199

# That adds up to more than the number of lines in the file@
wc -l holes.csv
# 3047 holes.csv

We can use the "," that precedes the ODP to help avoid the IODP.

egrep 'ODP' holes.csv  | wc -l
# 1930

egrep ',ODP' holes.csv  | wc -l
# 1777

There are lots of other ways that we could have solved this, but this way is pretty simple compared to some of the others.

Writing results to a file and making a quick plot with Gnuplot

It is always important to get a graphical view of spatial data. Later in this chapter, we will start using Google Earth and in a future chapter, we will load our data into a Geographical Information System (GIS). For now, we will draw the locations with Gnuplot. This graphing program is not as flexible as matplotlib that we will cover in the programming in Python chapters, but it can definitely get the job done.

Gnuplot works most easily with files that have space delimited rather than comma delimited text data values. We need to pull out the longitude and latitude values from the holes.csv file. We can start back with the cut command that we used before. This time we will give it two different fields in the csv to print with "-f5-6". This means we are asking for fields 5 through 6. We could also have said "-f5,6", which would be fields 5 and 6.

cut -d, -f5-6 holes.csv

While working on preparing the commands, we can use the head command to print just the first few lines of the results. This keeps our last command from scrolling off the screen. We could always use the up arrow or history to see the previous command, but it is annoying to have several thousand lines that keep scrolling across the screen.

cut -d, -f5-6 holes.csv | head

Gnuplot will get confused by the "Longitude,Latitude" strings on the first line. We can get rid of this line with the egrep command. Normally, egrep returns the lines that match, be we can ask it to return all lines that do not match by giving it the inverse option of "-v". We then give it string "Longitude" to match and it returns all lines that do not match.

egrep -v Longitude holes.csv | cut -d, -f5-6 | head

The output above is pretty close to being usable, but we have a "," characters between each longitude and latitude. We can use the tr (translate) command to exchange the "," for a " " (space). Make sure to place the tr after the cut command or cut will not be able to tell the comma separated fields apart.

egrep -v Longitude holes.csv | cut -d, -f5-6 | tr "," " " | head
-92.1833 25.8583
-92.0587 23.0455
-92.0433 23.03
-73.792 24.478
-73.792 24.478
-73.641 24.7265
-73.641 24.7265
-67.6477 30.8398
-67.6477 30.8398
-68.2967 30.134

This is the format that we need for Gnuplot, but we need the longitude and latitude lines saved to a file. The ">" (great than character) "redirects" the output from the last program in the chain of pipes to a file that is named after the ">". Be warned that ">" will overwrite a previous file with the same name if one existed. First, try a simpler example to see ">" in action. Here, I also use the cat (concatenate and print files) command to dump the contents of the "listing" file to the terminal. cat is much simpler than less, but if a file is very long or you are not sure how long the file is, you are better off using less.

Note: ">>" appends to a file if it already exists or create a new file when needed, whereas ">" will clobber a file in one already exists.

ls > listing

# You output may be different depending on the files you have in your
# current directory
cat listing

Now that you know how to redirect the output to a file, send the results of the chain of pipes consisting of egrep, cut, and tr to the file "xy.dat".

egrep -v Longitude holes.csv | cut -d, -f5-6 | tr "," " " > xy.dat

head xy.dat
-92.1833 25.8583
-92.0587 23.0455
-92.0433 23.03
-73.792 24.478
-73.792 24.478
-73.641 24.7265
-73.641 24.7265
-67.6477 30.8398
-67.6477 30.8398
-68.2967 30.134

It is time to give gnuplot a quick try. This does not give you much of a sense of what Gnuplot can do, but we can at least look at the locations of the cores.

Note for Cygwin users: You must be running a shell through X11 to be able to plot with Gnuplot. If you are on Linux or Mac, this should just work with a graph popping up on your screen.

plot 'xy.dat'
# There should be a plot of the data on your screen.

You can see examples of the wide range of plots that can be made with Gnuplot here:


Inspecting the contents of binary files

Often times, files are not ascii text, but non-human readable binary. Binary files are usually much smaller for the same data and are much faster to work with. The drawback is that it is harder for shell programs to work with the data contained in a file. Here, we will take a short look at what can sometimes be done without writing any software. This is not as powerful as writing a program that can understand all the bytes in a file, but it is sometimes enough for a particular need. We will start with a Simrad/Kongsberg EM122A multibeam sonar file from the USCGC Healy's checkout cruise. (Data courtesy Dale Chayes / Jonathan Beaudoin).

As this file is larger than the holes.csv file that we used before, I have compressed the file with the bzip2 command. You will need to uncompress the file with bunzip2 before using it.

curl -O http://vislab-ccom.unh.edu/~schwehr/Classes/2011/esci895-researchtools/0034_20100604_005123_Healy.all.bz2

# The -h option for ls gives a "human readable" file size.
ls -lh 0034_20100604_005123_Healy.all.bz2 
# -rw-r--r--  1 kurt  staff   5.2M Oct 15 13:57 0034_20100604_005123_Healy.all.bz2

bunzip2 0034_20100604_005123_Healy.all.bz2 

ls -lh 0034_20100604_005123_Healy.all     
# -rw-r--r--  1 kurt  staff    11M Oct 15 13:57 0034_20100604_005123_Healy.all

You should also get a couple other files to work with in this section. The focus will be on multibeam, but it is good to have these for our next command.

curl -O http://mgds.ldeo.columbia.edu/healy/reports/aloftcon/2010/20101009-1801.jpeg
curl -O http://schwehr.org/blog/attachments/2010-03/sons-2010-usgs-gnis.png
curl -O http://schwehr.org/blog/attachments/2006-11/CoreSheetBlank-v2.pdf
curl -O http://schwehr.org/blog/attachments/2010-03/weather-try1-georss.xml
curl -O http://schwehr.org/blog/attachments/2005-10/cracks-wireout-angle-fit.gif
curl -O http://vislab-ccom.unh.edu/~schwehr/TTN136B/Data/hysweep/TN136HS.308.bz2
bunzip2 TN136HS.308.bz2
curl -O http://vislab-ccom.unh.edu/~schwehr/Classes/2011/esci895-researchtools/examples/terrain.grd

Now we have a collection of different file types with some being binary and some being ascii. You can now use the command line program called file to see if it can identify the type of each file. It does not look too deep into the contents of each file, so it sometimes gets things wrong, but it is a start. One important note: It does not use the extension after the "." to figure out file type. People can rename files to whatever they like and using the file extension can be trouble.

file *
0034_20100604_005123_Healy.all: data
1:                              empty
20101009-1801.jpeg:             JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01
CoreSheetBlank-v2.pdf:          PDF document, version 1.4
TN136HS.308:                    ASCII text
cracks-wireout-angle-fit.gif:   GIF image data, version 87a, 640 x 480
holes.csv:                      ASCII text
listing:                        ASCII text
sons-2010-usgs-gnis.png:        PNG image, 600 x 296, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced
terrain.grd:                    NetCDF Data Format data
weather-try1-georss.xml:        XML document text
xy.dat:                         ASCII text

You can see that the 0034_20100604_005123_Healy.all EM122 multibeam file came up just as "data", while "TN136HS.308" Hydrosweep file came up as "ASCII text". Let's compare these two files using less. Press "y" when it asks you if you want to "See it anyway?". Then press "q" to quit. Using cat with binary data will likely really mess up your terminal window. The window might interpret some of the strange characters going by as special control characters.

less 0034_20100604_005123_Healy.all 
"0034_20100604_005123_Healy.all" may be a binary file.  See it anyway? 

0.02,S2P=-0.14,S2R=0.02,S2S=2,GO1=0.00,TSV=1.1.1 080617,RSV=1.1.1080425,BSV=2.2.
3 090702,PSV=1.1.9 100410,DSV=3.1.1 060110,DDS=3.4.9 070328,P1M=1,P1T=1,P1Q=1,P1
^BRz^@<FC><B5>2^A<B8>^N/^@^C?j^@^@^@^@^@<93>^N<C4>       p^Ww^@^P'
^@^@^TP^@^F^@ N^CA<86>A N^@^@^Q^C`      4^@^@^@^BRz^@<FC><B5>2^A<B8>^N/^@^C?j^@
^@^@^@^@<93>^N<C4>       p^Ww^@^P'
^@^@^TP^@^F^@ N^CA<86>A N^@^@^Q^C`      4^@^@^@^BRz^@<FC><B5>2^A<B8>^N/^@^C?j^@
^@^@^@^@<93>^N<C4>       p^Ww^@^P'
less TN136HS.308
-124.4324645 +41.058044420011104031924  19924168.3     +4.8     +1.4B -.60001  466.7 .10 1
29 123 247 373 497 623 752 879101211431279141515551695184019902139230124612623279029523146331135133730394441604383   0
29467146774688467646744690468047014696   0470947164717472247314730474947524753475247354759473147454769477447714765   0
29 124 247 371 497 620 747 873 99811261260138815211652179419372076222323722527268928393006316633433554373239274139   0
294647464546514665464146484643462746234632461746094593460046034587458345764574457645504545452145134541451545024497   0
-124.4324645 +41.058044420011104031924168.3166.8     +4.8  +.89 -.6 +1.60061620.0010
-124.4324645 +41.058044420011104031924M229226229030103432401000045808094149992 +2.70884001

The second file, TN136HS.308, while strange, is all numbers and readable codes. This file contains just readable text.

For 0034_20100604_005123_Healy.all, notice the "^B", "^@", "^A", and so forth. These are less trying to give you a printable version of binary data. However, it does look like there is some human readable ASCII text in the file. ASCII is now the most common character set for text on the command line. You might be familar with Unicode, but we can ignore that for working with the shell. There is man page for ASCII. Each byte in a file is a number that represents a character. Not all code are characters that can be directly display. For example, number 7 will make a terminal put out a beep sound.

ASCII(7)             BSD Miscellaneous Information Manual             ASCII(7)

     ascii -- octal, hexadecimal and decimal ASCII character sets

     The octal set:

     000 nul  001 soh  002 stx  003 etx  004 eot  005 enq  006 ack  007 bel
     010 bs   011 ht   012 nl   013 vt   014 np   015 cr   016 so   017 si
     020 dle  021 dc1  022 dc2  023 dc3  024 dc4  025 nak  026 syn  027 etb
     030 can  031 em   032 sub  033 esc  034 fs   035 gs   036 rs   037 us
     040 sp   041  !   042  "   043  #   044  $   045  %   046  &   047  '
     050  (   051  )   052  *   053  +   054  ,   055  -   056  .   057  /
     060  0   061  1   062  2   063  3   064  4   065  5   066  6   067  7
     070  8   071  9   072  :   073  ;   074  <   075  =   076  >   077  ?
     100  @   101  A   102  B   103  C   104  D   105  E   106  F   107  G

Thankfully, there is a program on the command line called strings that tries to find all the human readable text in a binary file. It finds all sequences of printable characters that are 4 characters or longer. Give it a try.

strings 0034_20100604_005123_Healy.all | head
.1 080617,RSV=1.1.1 080425,BSV=2.2.3 090702,PSV=1.1.9 100410,DSV=3.1.1 060110,DD
S=3.4.9 070328,P1M=1,P1T=1,P1Q=1,P1X=0.00,P1Y=0.00,P1Z=0.00,P1D=0.000,P1G=WGS84,

Sometimes we get unlucky and strings finds data that by chance happens to have 4 or more characters in a row. However, we are seeing important parts of the multibeam file that we can read without writing software that understands the binary format of Kongsberg multibeam files. The string starting with "WLZ" is the setup parameters for the multibeam and the ship. We will ignore that part. The 3rd line from the bottom contains the string "GGA". This is an ASCII NMEA 0183 string from the ships Global Position System (GPS) containing the position of the ship at that time. We can combine strings with an egrep to see some of the position information in the sonar log file.

strings 0034_20100604_005123_Healy.all | egrep GGA | head

Here is the format for a GGA message taken from the GPSD AIVDM.txt document that describes many of the NMEA strings in use.


The "llll.ll" is the latidude and "yyyyy.yy" is the longitude. We can start to split out the position messages using cut. First we will use egrep and cut to put all the "GGA" string's position text in a file called "position.raw." Note that I will use head with a number of lines to return to shorten up the examples. Here I specify "-5" for only five lines.

strings 0034_20100604_005123_Healy.all | egrep GGA | cut -d, -f3-6 > position.raw

head -5 position.raw

The next task is to try to convert the position strings into decimal degrees longitude and degrees. What you see here is evidence that we are starting to push the shell into tasks where it is not well suited. This kind of task is much easier in python.

First, let's start by trying to reconstruct the decimal latitude. The first 2 characters in each line of "position.raw" are the degrees of latitude. We can pick them off using cut but instead of separating fields with the "-d," as we did before, we can tell cut exactly which range of characters we want to include by giving it "-c1-2". The means to return from position 1 to position 2. Because position 1 is the beginning of the line, we can leave it off and cut will take that as "start from the beginning of the line."

cut -c-2 position.raw > lat.deg

head -5 lat.deg
# 26
# 26
# 26
# 26
# 26

We can now grab the decimal minutes that are in positions 3-10 and store them in a file called "lat.min".

cut -c3-10 position.raw > lat.min

head -5 lat.min
# 15.32662
# 15.32959
# 15.33258
# 15.33558
# 15.33858

Now we have two files: "lat.deg" and "lat.min". We need to combine these two files into a singe file with multiple columns so that we can do some math in a moment. The paste command takes a line from each file given and combines them all together, but separates them with a tab character.

paste lat.deg lat.min | head -5

# 26    15.32662
# 26    15.32959
# 26    15.33258
# 26    15.33558
# 26    15.33858

We can now use a text processing lanuage called awk to do some math with these columns. We must divide the second column by 60 to convert from minutes to degrees and add it together with the first column. awk refers to each column with a "$" followed by a number.

Let's start with a very simple awk line. We can use echo to create one line to test with and then we want to

echo alice bob
alice bob

echo alice bob | awk '{print $2,$1}'
bob alice

Now try to do the actual command.

head -5 lat.deg
# 26
# 26
# 26
# 26
# 26

head -5 lat.min
# 2554
# 2555
# 2555
# 2556
# 2556

paste lat.deg lat.min | awk '{print $1 + $2/60.}' | head -5
# 26.2554
# 26.2555
# 26.2555
# 26.2556
# 26.2556

We can now save that result to a "lat" file.

paste lat.deg lat.min | awk '{print $1 + $2/60.}' > lat

We can do the same to the longitude. One twist with this dataset is that we are in the western hemisphere and need to change the sign on the longitude. We will force the longitude to be negative.

cut -c14-16 position.raw > lon.deg
cut -c17-24 position.raw > lon.min
paste lon.deg lon.min | awk '{print -($1 + $2/60.) }' > lon

head -5 lon
# -159.407
# -159.407
# -159.407
# -159.407
# -159.407

We now need to combine the longitude and latitude numbers and plot them with Gnuplot. The results of the plot are not great as awk is not great at handling floating point numbers - giving us rounding errors and the ship was heading north for this time period. Small changes in the latitude are not shown, giving a stair-step graph. I am going to use printf instead of print inside of the awk to ask for more precision. Don't worry about the details, but it is asking awk to print 5 decimal places. While awk is a complete programming language, we will cover how to do this kind of thing in python and encourage you to avoid awk if at all possible.

# This new awk line works... "trust me"
paste lat.deg lat.min | awk '{ printf "%.5f\n",   $1 + $2/60.  }' > lat
paste lon.deg lon.min | awk '{ printf "%.5f\n", -($1 + $2/60.) }' > lon

head -5 lon
# -159.40673
# -159.40673
# -159.40673
# -159.40673
# -159.40673

paste lon lat > position.xy

head -5 position.xy
# -159.40673    26.25544
# -159.40673    26.25549
# -159.40673    26.25554
# -159.40673    26.25559
# -159.40673    26.25564

plot 'position.xy'

A first use of Google Earth!

Now for the fun part! It's time to get this ship track on a globe. I will not example the Google Earth KML format beyond telling you that if you put some text in front of your points, the right text after your points and have one point per line with "x,y", Google Earth will draw your ship track on the map.

We now need to convert the tabs in the "position.xy" file to commas and glue everything together. We can again use the tr command, but there are two twists. First, the tr command does not take a file name. It only reads from what you type into it or from another program via a pipe. We will use cat to send the contents of the "position.xy" file into tr. The next hurdle is how to specify the tab character. The trick is to use single quotes around a special character combination. The '\t' means one tab character.

cat position.xy | tr '\t' ',' > position.csv
head -5 position.csv
# -159.40673,26.25544
# -159.40673,26.25549
# -159.40673,26.25554
# -159.40673,26.25559
# -159.40673,26.25564

Get the header and footer text for the KML line format:

curl -O http://vislab-ccom.unh.edu/~schwehr/Classes/2011/esci895-researchtools/google-earth-line-start.kml
curl -O http://vislab-ccom.unh.edu/~schwehr/Classes/2011/esci895-researchtools/google-earth-line-end.kml

You can use cat to glue multiple files together end-to-end.

cat google-earth-line-start.kml position.csv google-earth-line-end.kml > position.kml

You might want to take a look at the "position.kml" file that you created using the less program.

Now open the "position.kml" file in Google Earth. If you are working on a Macintosh computer, you can use this command to open the file in Google Earth.

open position.kml

Variables and looping

FIX: write this section using a number of images from http://mgds.ldeo.columbia.edu/healy/reports/aloftcon/

This section moves pretty fast and introduces a number of concepts that are somewhat complicated. Do not expect to get them right away. Give it a couple of reads and watch out for small typos in what you do.

Like many other programming languages, bash has variables. When you have a bash shell open, it already has a good number of variables that are already set. Let's jump in and see some of the variables. The printenv (print environment) command will show you all the variables. The "environment" is the current workspace of variables for bash.

PS3=Pick a number:     

The convention is to name all settings variables to be all CAPITALS. Here, for example, PATH gives the locations that bash will search for programs that you are trying to run. By setting the EDITOR variable to "emacs", any time a program wants to know which editor I prefer to use, it will go and run emacs.

You can set variables with a special syntax two different ways.

export EDITOR=emacs

There are some key tricks to understanding variables in bash. First, you must have no spaces before or after the equal sign. Bash is very picky about this. The other part is where your variable is available. Without the export, the variable is not available to other programs that are called from the command line. For us, right now, the export is not important, but later on for things like the PATH variable that control where to look for programs, export is essential.

To demonstrate variables, we will use the echo command which will just print out to the screen whatever we pass to it. Give it a try. The "$" character starts the use of a variable.

# Set a variable

# Print the variable
echo $testing
# 123

# Start a new bash shell inside the original one

# See that "testing" is not set.  If there is no variable, bash gives
# an empty string
echo $testing

# quit back to the main bash shell

# Set testing to have a value that will be inherited
export testing="hello world"


# Now see that the exported variable went through
echo $testing
# hello world

That's great, but how can we use variables? One way is to count through a range. We can use this to download one file for every hour of the day. The US Coast Guard Cutter Healy uploads a picture every hour from the camera mounted over the bridge. The files look typically like this. Here I am using curl to pull down one image.

curl -O http://mgds.ldeo.columbia.edu/healy/reports/aloftcon/2010/20101009-1801.jpeg

We now need to figure out how to count from 0 to 23 to get the hours of the day. The let command does simple math for variables.

echo $hour
# 0

let hour=$hour+1
echo $hour
# 1

We can now combine that ability to do simple math with a while loop. The while loop keeps

while [[ $hour -le 23 ]]; do
  echo $hour
  let hour=$hour+1
# 1
# 2
# 3
# 4
# 5
# ... Trimmed to be a more reasonable length
# 22
# 23

One problem with the above is that we want to have the numbers written in in ## format. For example "1" should bewritten as "01". The printf command can help us format a number. The printf command is pretty complicated, but here the "%" and "d" says to present a decimal number and the "02" asks for 2 digit places padded on the left with 0's to make it 2 characters wide. The "\n" asks for a new line such that we can read the output easier.


printf "%02d\n" $hour
# 02

How can we get that 02 into our echo command? We can use the "`" (back quote) character to put the text from some command that was run into another command's arguments.


echo Here it is with 2 digits: `printf "%02d" $hour`
# Here it is with 2 digits: 05

We can now combine the printf into the while loop.

while [[ $hour -le 23 ]]; do
  echo `printf "%02d" $hour`
  let hour=$hour+1
# 00
# 01
# 02
# ..
# 22
# 23

Now we can replace the URL for the image and place in the hours for the day.

while [[ $hour -le 23 ]]; do
  curl -O http://mgds.ldeo.columbia.edu/healy/reports/aloftcon/2010/20101009-`printf "%02d" $hour`01.jpeg
  let hour=$hour+1

We now have 24 images in the directory.

ls -1 2010*

Windows: FIX: how do we open images on windows?

Linux or Mac: You can use the ImageMagick display command:

display 20101009-1801.jpeg

Mac, you can easily view an image from the command line with the open command (this works for many other types of files too):

open 20101009-1801.jpeg
# An image from the Healy at sea leaving Dutch Harbor, AK

open .
# The directory of images should appear in the Finder

We now have a slight issue. Some programs do not recognize JPEG compressed images unless the file extension at the end is ".jpg", but the images here have ".jpeg". We can use bash to quickly rename all the variables in the directory. This might seem like no big deal with a GUI, but if you have to rename hundreds of images, it will take you quite a while. Once you get comfortable with the bash syntax, you will be renaming files with ease.

First we need to figure out how to strip off the ".jpeg" from the file name. If we have a file name in a "file" variable, we can use the special %% syntax to remove the end of a string. Up until now, we have just used the "$" character to start variables:


echo $file
# 20101009-1801.jpeg

However, bash allows variables to be inside of "curly braces": "${}"

echo ${file}
# 20101009-1801.jpeg

That's more verbose and not interesting by itself, but with the %% to remove the end of a string it becomes much more powerful.

echo ${file%%.jpeg}
# 20101009-1801

# If there is no match, the %% and string just does nothing.
echo ${file%%.junk}
# 20101009-1801.jpeg

We can now construct the example mv command. We need to append the new extension on the base name. By putting an echo in front of the command, nothing will actually happen. In bash, we use the mv (move) command to do renames.

echo mv $file ${file%%.jpeg}.jpg

# The output:
mv 20101009-1801.jpeg 20101009-1801.jpg

The printed mv command looks like it is doing the correct thing. The "file" after the for is the variable that will contain each instance of what is contained in the list after the in.

for file in 1 2 three alice bob; do
  echo $file



We now need to construct the for loop around it to handle all of the files. With an ls command we can list the files: ls \.jpeg*. We can put that list before the semi-colon. This will print all the jpeg files in the current directory. While it is more complicated than the ls it gets us towards our mass renaming of files.

for file in *.jpeg; do
    echo $file

Now we can put in the mv command after the echo.

for file in *.jpeg; do
    echo mv $file ${file%%.jpeg}.jpg

The output:

mv 20101009-0001.jpeg 20101009-0001.jpg
mv 20101009-0101.jpeg 20101009-0101.jpg
mv 20101009-0201.jpeg 20101009-0201.jpg
mv 20101009-0301.jpeg 20101009-0301.jpg

Remove the echo and you have the command that will do the actual work.

# How many of each do we have?
ls *.jpeg | wc -l
#      24

ls *.jpg | wc -l
ls: *.jpg: No such file or directory
#       0

# Silently rename all the jpeg files to jpg
for file in *.jpeg; do
    mv $file ${file%%.jpeg}.jpg

# Note that we now have no jpeg files and they are now all jpg
ls *.jpeg | wc -l
# ls: *.jpeg: No such file or directory
#       0

ls *.jpg | wc -l
#      24


Renaming of files does not change the contents of the file. Smart software will look into files to verify that a file is indeed the type that it wants, but unfortunetely not all software is smart. You may have need to determining if two files are the same. If both files are on your computer, there are two command that can tell you if files are the same or different. diff (difference) is meant for text and cmp (compare) is designed for binary files, but both can work with either to some extent.

cp 20101009-1401.jpg 20101009-1401.jpeg

# No output when the files are the same
cmp 20101009-1401.jpg 20101009-1401.jpeg

cmp 20101009-1401.jpg 20101009-1301.jpg
# 20101009-1401.jpg 20101009-1301.jpg differ: char 205, line 1

# No output when the files are the same
diff 20101009-1401.jpg 20101009-1401.jpeg

diff 20101009-1401.jpg 20101009-1301.jpg
# Binary files 20101009-1401.jpg and 20101009-1301.jpg differ

That's helpful, but often you need to compare a file on your computer with a file on a server. In that case, if the provider of the data also puts a checksum up, you are in business. With a small number, you can check to see if the file you have matches that on the remote server. A checksum is a calculation based on the contents of the file. It does not depend on the file name! There are many types of checksum and all are not created equal. Here are typical ones that you may run into.

The weaker checksums are calculated in a way such that it is easier for two different files to have the same checksum. Random corruption of the file does have a reasonable chance to give the same checksum.

  • XOR (Exclusive OR) of bits. This is the weakest.
  • Byte sum. Better than XOR, but still very risky.

Cryptographically designed algorithms work hard to make sure that small changes or corruptions in a file have a very tiny chance of producing the same checksum.

  • CRC32. This was the standard for checksums in the 1980's and 90's.
  • MD5. This was the standard for using in 2000's and is still in common use.
  • SHA. The SHA algorithm is stronger than md5 and is currently the gold standard for common use. There are 5 different levels of SHA (1, 224, 256, 384, 512) in common use. The higher the number, the stronger the check, but the more time to calculate and the string it returns starts to get very long.

We are going to ignore the weak checksums and try out calculating each of the checksum types for a file.

crc32 20101009-1401.jpg
# 9d1feaed

md5 20101009-1401.jpg
# MD5 (20101009-1401.jpg) = dd1452aa1074ee19f50e13139d0cec84

# There are two different commands that calculate the MD5 sum.
md5sum 20101009-1401.jpg
# dd1452aa1074ee19f50e13139d0cec84  20101009-1401.jpg

shasum 20101009-1401.jpg
# 63f3e12bfd9527da36759748a3ae4148a4be397e  20101009-1401.jpg

shasum -a 1 20101009-1401.jpg
# 63f3e12bfd9527da36759748a3ae4148a4be397e  20101009-1401.jpg

shasum -a 224 20101009-1401.jpg
# fc93690fab4b18fb485122f43d82b5d88b0791f3aa758b38063ef059  20101009-1401.jpg

shasum -a 256 20101009-1401.jpg
# 118ae7bf4761231930efccd958ab84b809180549f90ddb0f5178becb08d9d352  20101009-1401.jpg

shasum -a 384 20101009-1401.jpg
# 73b4921412da4f8c756bf01dfd07097a648d751b53cd57d6ad8073389f3da3695c30cb95b10fc1fff97128c3cf5b1ee6  20101009-1401.jpg

shasum -a 512 20101009-1401.jpg
# 7a0a81fbba64f6b0d287a2fdad6c00ea6ade2498356564e1f23984887f0ce4577461c5a48691c5a261a278c0635ffec3fe32da1e6df121121d647f626e735d3e  20101009-1401.jpg

The key thing to note above is that the stronger the checksum, the more characters it has. Using a SHA of 512 is really not fun for a human. But imagine comparing two files that are more than 1G. It might take a long time to transfer the file, but the checksum is a quick check.

Jobs control - running things in the background

FIX: write about &, bg, fg, jobs, kill, ps

Making a bash script file that you can run

FIX: write

  • What types of checksums are there and how are they different? cryptographic hash (md5/sha), bytewise checksum, xor.
  • Why is md5 the current standard for file checksums?

What did we cover in this chapter?

Additional resources

Author: Kurt Schwehr

Date: $Date: $

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