C-g quit C-x C-x Exit C-x C-f open / "visit" a file C-x k kill the buffer representing a file... not deleting a file C-f move forward one character C-b move back M-f move forward one word M-b move back one word C-d Delete a character M-d Delete a word C-_ Undo C-p previous line / up C-n next line / down C-a move to the beginning of the a line C-e move to the end of the line M-< begging of the buffer M-> end of the file C-v page down M-v page up C-l center the screen C-x 2 split top/bottom C-x o other window C-x 3 split left right C-x 1 remove all windows - simplify life Search C-s text <--- search C-s Text <--- case sensitive search C-space <--- start / toggle marking a region C-k kill to end of line M-w copy C-w cut C-y yank / paste M-x query-replace M-% M-$ spell check word Hello Worlds M-x flyspell-mode Hello Worlds