La Jolla, CA
Fledermaus Scene

by Kurt Schwehr

This model was produced inconjuction with the Chirp Lab, Paleomagnetic Lab, and SIO Viz Center with help from many in the SIO community.

Movies: [Large QT 23MB] [Large mpeg 1 7MB] [Medium QT 6MB] [Medium Animated GIF 6MB]
Scene: [LaJolla-public.scene.gz 68MB] - This file will uncompress to 200 MB.
Free Viewer: iView3D from IVS

Here are some of the data sources:

Here is a quick figure explaining what is in the seismic images:

Which were acquired by this EdgeTech chirp:

Helocopter photos used with permission:

Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Kenneth Adelman, California Coastal Records Project,