
The original program, "stalk", that I used as the basis for the program is included here. Many thanks to Dan Christian for giving me stalk.

Version 1.3 should have all of the bugs worked out that were in previous versions.

This is the core data from the core logging system that I am developing at Scripps. As of 05-Feb-2002, the system is a foam core arch ala ME101. On that is mounted the susceptability probe. The core is pushed through by hand. The logging code is still a little buggy. The core taken in the morning of the 05Feb were taking by hand holding the ms probe on the core. The first reading of the day was done on the left edge of the core. Then the next three were done down the center by hand. Baseline number in the morning are probably bogus 50% of the time..

Core files with version or 1.0 or 1.1 have an off by 1 position error. depth_actual = depth in file - offset

The setup:

MS2E Calibration Sample, Bartington, Serial # 100, 1% Fe3O4, 261x10^-6 CGS @ 20 deg C. Bartington set to SI and 1.0. Bartingtone serial # 040. Tested 17-4-87 by PB.

Bartington is set to continuous sample mode for logger versions 1.3 and older. It sends a string like "+1000\r" once a second. The code reads and averages 3 reading after the operator presses the space bar at each location. The program tries to record as much info in the header file as possible about the measurements. The code does not do a drift correction. That is left for post processing. It is up to the user to zero the bartington before each core.

I would like to switch to a polled mode so that the beeping does not drive me nuts. In polled mode, the device can be zeroed by the following pseudo code:

     send "MZ"
     sleep 3 seconds
     send "MA"
The device should be zeroed, but there should have been no output. Reading the device requires sending "MA". Would also like to add a gui w/ realtime graphing (maybe FLTK) and error analysis. Would also like to rewrite it so that the use can pick the # of samples taken per measurement.

Data Plots
      Name                    Last modified       Size  Description

[DIR] Parent Directory 20-Oct-2003 12:59 - [   ] 01TCI-a.gnuplot 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 01TCI-a.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 5k [   ] 01TCI-aa.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 2k [   ] 01TCI-b.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 5k [IMG] 01TCSecI-ms.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 24k [   ] 01TCSecI-ms.ps 10-Feb-2003 09:25 13k [   ] 02TCI-a.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 2k [   ] 02TCI-b.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 2k [   ] 02TCI-c.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 6k [   ] 02TCI-d.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 6k [   ] 03TCII-a.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 03TCII-b.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 03TCII-c.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 03TCII-d.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 03TCII-e.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 03TCII-f.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 03TCII-g.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 03TCII-h.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 03TCII.gnuplot 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [IMG] 03TCSecII-ms.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 38k [   ] 03TCSecII-ms.ps 10-Feb-2003 09:25 15k [   ] 05TCI-1sttry-leftedg..> 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 05TCSecI-a.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 05TCSecI-b.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 05TCSecI-c.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 05TCSecI-d.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [IMG] 05TCSecI-ms.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 35k [   ] 05TCSecI-ms.ps 10-Feb-2003 09:25 14k [   ] 05TCSecI.gnuplot 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 07TCI-a.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 07TCI-b.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] 07TCI-c.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 4k [   ] 07TCI-d.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 2k [   ] 07TCI-e.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 2k [IMG] Driftcorrtrialplot.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 67k [IMG] cor1plot_01TCI.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 72k [IMG] cor1plot_02TCI.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 79k [IMG] cor1plot_03TCII.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 64k [IMG] cor1plot_05TCI.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 62k [IMG] cor1plot_07TCI.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 82k [IMG] cor1plots.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 127k [IMG] core-logger.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 82k [   ] corelog-ver1.0.tar.bz2 10-Feb-2003 09:25 13k [   ] corelog-ver1.1.tar.bz2 10-Feb-2003 09:25 33k [   ] corelog-ver1.2.tar.bz2 10-Feb-2003 09:25 10k [   ] corelog-ver1.3.tar.bz2 10-Feb-2003 09:25 10k [IMG] coreplots.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 137k [   ] drifttest-0.1.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] drifttest.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 4k [   ] heighttest.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] make-thumb.bash 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [   ] stalk-Feb2002.tar 10-Feb-2003 09:25 50k [   ] temp-depend-test.ms 10-Feb-2003 09:25 2k [IMG] thumbcor1plot_01TCI.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 4k [IMG] thumbcor1plot_02TCI.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 4k [IMG] thumbcor1plot_03TCII..> 10-Feb-2003 09:25 4k [IMG] thumbcor1plot_05TCI.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 4k [IMG] thumbcor1plot_07TCI.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 4k [IMG] thumbcor1plots.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 6k [IMG] thumbcore-logger.jpg 10-Feb-2003 09:25 6k [   ] tojpg.bash 10-Feb-2003 09:25 1k [TXT] when.txt 10-Feb-2003 09:25 2k

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