AIS Message Definitions

AIS Message: whalenotice (366:63:2)


Boston area whale notification binary message.

Note:LNG terminal project

See Also:http://

Name NumberOfBits ArrayLength Type Units Description
dac 16 uint Designated Area Code
fid 4 uint Functional Identifier
efid 12 uint extended functional identifier (dac+fid+id defines which message)
timetag_month 4 uint Time whale was last recorded month 1..12
timetag_day 5 uint Time whale was last recorded day of the month 1..31
timetag_hour 5 uint Time whale was last recorded UTC hours 0..23
timetag_min 6 uint Time whale was last recorded minutes
timetag_sec 6 uint Time whale was last recorded seconds
stationid 6 7 aisstr6 Character identifier of the station. Usually a number.
station_longitude 28 decimal degrees Location of the sensor taking the water level measurement or position of prediction East West location
station_latitude 27 decimal degrees Location of the sensor taking the water level measurement or position of prediction North South location
whale_longitude 28 decimal degrees Where was the whale East West location
whale_latitude 27 decimal degrees Where was the whale North South location
timetoexpire 16 uint seconds Seconds until this notice expires
radius 16 uint m Distance of the required exclusion/slow zone
heading 9 uint degrees true north Direction the whale is traveling
numWhales 8 uint Number of whales detected