/proj/ops/ssi/bin/README IRIX -- IRIX binaries (should probably be mips-3, n32 bins) MCP.bash -- Master Control Program which fires off stereopair2wits. By Kurt Schwehr schwehr@ri.cmu.edu SunOS -- Solaris 2.7 (SunOS 5.7) binaries. calibration -- Calibrartion files for marsxyz. From Justin Maki. fwADSC_MSOC.csh -- Sends data to various places. java -- wits.jar. magisoft -- IDL code from UofA for calibration of images. stereopair2wits.bash -- The JAMES pipeline. Produces data for VIZ and WITS. fwMaster.bash -- Master start script for the MVACS processing pipeline fwIFPD.bash -- (OLD) System archiver and pipeline entrypoint ctmIFPD.csh -- New project level archiver and data pipeline feeder stereo.default.james.em -- Config file for correlation with the engineering model of the SSI (at MVACS). stereo.default.james.fm -- Flight model config file.