Geologic Map of Wheeler Peak and Minerva Canyon 7.5' Quadrangles, White Pine County, Nevada

By Elizabeth L. Miller, Phillip B. Gans(1),and the Stanford Geological Survey(2)

Department of Geology, Stanford University, CA. 94305-2115

Open-File Report 93-???

This report was prepared under interagency agreement between the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. National Park Service.

(1)Department of Geology, University of California at Santa Barabara, CA. ?????

(2)Members of the Stanford Geological Survey in 1993 included Jeffrey M. Amato, Kai S. Anderson, Jack W. Daniels, Pilar E. Garc誕, Andrew D. Hansen, Brian Landau, Ezra M. Mauer, Natalie A. McCullough, Kurt D. Schwehr and Benjamin E. Surpless. 1993

Abstract					2
Introduction					2
Geography					2
Access						2
Climate						2
Vegetation					2
Human Activities				3
Previous Work/Present Study			4
Acknowledgements				4
Geologic Setting				4
Stratigraphy					5
Introduction					5
Map Unit Descriptions				5
Structural Geology				21
Introduction					21
Deformation and Intrustion of Lower Plate	21
Jurassic					21
Cretaceous					21
Faulting History				21
Introduction					21
Upper Plate Faults				22
Fault System on West Side of Range		22
John's Wash Fault System			22
Murphy Wash Fault System			22
Decathon Fault System and Related Faults	22
Anything Else???				23
The SSRD					23
Minvera Lower Plate Fault System		23
Western Range Front Fault			23
Summary						23


This study of the 7.5 minute Minerva Canyon and Wheeler Peak Quadrangles at 1:24,000 builds on Whitebread's (1969) mapping of the old 15 minute Wheeler Peak and Garrison Quadrangles at 1:48,000 and more closely examines the structural relationships and the timing of faulting in the region. Early Precambrian stratigraphic units exposed in the Wheeler Peak and Minerva Canyon Quadrangles (300 meters exposed thickness) are believed to represent a Windemeer-age rifting event (800-600 Ma) along the western margin of North America. Lower Cambrian terrigenous detrital sediments were likely associated with the main rifting event (approximately 550 Ma) and form the basal section of a miogeoclinal succession of conformable Paleozoic age carbonates and clastic sediments (15 kilometers thick). The major structural feature of the region, the Southern Snake Range decollement (SSRD), separates this stratified sequence into an upper plate of normal faulted and attenuated Cambrian and younger miogeoclinal sedimentary rocks and a relatively intact lower plate of Late Precambrian to Middle Cambrian strata that has been metamorphosed to amphibolite facies in the vicinity of Jurassic and Cretaceous plutons. Two cleavages previously correlated with temporally distinct pluton emplacements (at 155 +/- Ma and 79.1+/- 0.5 Ma) were measured and studied. These strike approximately north-northwest and dip to the east and west, respectively. Tertiary and Quaternary age rocks are represented in the map area by older alluvial fan conglomerates, extrusive volcanic rocks (the Tertiary Needles Range Formation dated at 33-27 Ma), younger conglomerates, and unconsolidated sediments. Four major normal fault systems are present in the upper plate of the SSRD, and one relatively minor system of westward-dipping normal faults cuts the lower plate rocks in the westernmost part of the area. These systems include (from oldest to youngest) the Johns Wash and westward-dipping lower plate range-front fault systems, the Murphy Wash system, the Decathon fault system (unclear age relationships with the above), and the post-QTol fault system (postdating Quaternary-Tertiary older alluvium). A range-bounding westward-dipping normal fault (post-dating the above fault systems) is inferred from the well-defined, north-south trending western range front as well as from bedding orientations that suggest normal drag that may be associated with motion on that fault. The relative timing of motion on the faults and their relationship to the Tertiary Needles Range Formation leads to the possible conclusion that motion on the Southern Snake Range decollement may have occurred both prior to as well as following the deposition of the Needles Range Formation ash flow tuff (27-33 Ma). Together with relations in adjacent quadrangles, relative and absolute time relations suggest older motion along the SSRD to the west and younger motion to the east. This represents a prolonged surface of movement. Basin and Range uplift related to faulting probably occurred in the 20-15 Ma interval based on apatite fission track data. Faults responsible for this uplift are the easternmost parts of the SSRD as mapped along the eastern flank of the Snake Range and the inferred west-dipping fault on the west side of the range. These two faults may be responsible for general domed or anticline geometry of rocks in the range.



The Snake Range is a 150 km long mountain range located in eastern White Pine County, Nevada. It is divided into the northern and southern Snake Range by Sacramento Pass which is traversed by Highway 50. The Southern Snake Range is bound on the west by Spring Valley and by Snake Valley on the east. The study area discussed in this report includes the 7.5 minute Minerva Canyon and Wheeler Peak quadrangles located in the Southern Snake Range. Together, these quadrangles comprise some of the most rugged relief of the range.

The geology of the southern Snake Range, including the Minerva Canyon and Wheeler Peak quadrangles, was previously mapped by Whitebread (1969) at a scale of 1:48,000. Whitebread mapped the area as consisting of two major structural plates, the "upper" and "lower" plates, separated by the southern Snake Range d残ollement. Part of this was mapped at a scale of 1:24,000 by the Stanford Geological Survey during the summer field season of 1993 using new 7.5 minute topographic base maps now available for the region. The area mapped included all of the Wheeler Peak and Minerva Canyon quadrangles (Figure 00) which constitute 2 of 6 quads which contain the new Great Basin National Park.

The Minerva Canyon Quadrangle contains Paleozoic rock units ranging in age from the Cambrian to the Carboniferous, as well as Tertiary volcanic rocks and conglomerates, and various Quaternary deposits. The Wheeler Peak quadrangle contains units ranging from the Precambrian to the Ordovician, and also contains Tertiary conglomerates. In addition, the Wheeler Peak quadrangle contains the Jurassic Snake Creek/ Williams Canyon pluton. Depositional setting for the units ranging from the Cambrian to the Carboniferous correspond to the eastern miogeoclinal setting as outlined by Stewart (1980). In general, units in the study area become older in a north to south, and west to east fashion ranging from Precambrian units in the far northwest of the study area to Tertiary conglomerates in the south.

The topographic expression of the area is variable though it shows a general increase in relief and elevation from south to north. The southwestern portion of the quadrangle is dominated by a north-south trending ridge of drastic cliffs, while the southeastern portion of the area is characterized more by hills and low ridges. The cliffs of the southwest eventually whip eastward to join with Highland Ridge and continue northward to become such landmarks as Baker Peak and the aptly named Pyramid Peak. Eventually, this series of ever heightening peaks culminates in Wheeler Peak, the highest point in the area, from which the surrounding ranges and valleys may be easily observed.


Access to the Minerva Canyon area is by secondary dirt roads of variable quality stemming from a well maintained gravel road running between Shoshone and Garrison and leading up Murphy Wash. Access to the Wheeler Peak area ranges from sedate to nauseating due to the recent improvement of some roads and the seclusion of other roads running through areas designated for forest reclamation by the Park Service. Roads of the former type include a paved road leading to Wheeler Peak campground at 10,000 feet, and a well designed gravel road stemming from the Wheeler Mine Road which winds up to one of the highest points in the area -- Mount Washington. Roads of the latter sort may be easily found anywhere along the rocky alluvial fans which blanket the western side of the range.

In addition to roads, there are many trails in the vicinity of Wheeler Peak which are clearly marked and well maintained. Unfortunately, trails decrease to the south until there is a paucity of any sort of path. A trail was broken along Highland Ridge at some point in the past and is shown on most maps, but in reality, it has long since degenerated to a glorified deer path. Many parts of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle are, in fact, nothing more than trackless swaths of mountain mahogany and sage reserved for the hiker with tough clothing and tougher skin. Higher elevations tend to have less vegetation and are thus more manageable, but are often guarded by formidable cliffs.


The climate is locally as variable as the elevation. As a whole, to quote an unimaginative but succinct meteorologist (Brown, 1960), "summers [in Nevada] are short and hot, and winters long and cold...". Elevation, however, can radically alter local temperature from the mean. Both highest and lowest mean annual temperatures tend to occur in the basins at low elevations. This seems counter-intuitive for the winter months, however, lowest mean temperatures occur due to orographic ponding of cold air rather than elevation and exposure. Precipitation is strongly associated with this phenomenon and tends to increase with elevation: between 5,000 and 6,000 feet it is less than 8 inches per year, between 6,000 and 7,00 feet, it is 8 to 12 inches, between 7,000 and 8,000 feet, 12 to 15 inches, between 8,000 and 9,000 feet, 15 to 20 inches, and above 9,000 feet, more than 20 inches.

This rainfall gradient is reflected in the vegetation... (Go Elizabeth!)


Extreme differences in elevation and climate in the southern Snake Range make the region unique in terms of its plant diversity. Together with the topography, particular plant communities can often add challenge to the day of a geologist.

Ever denser stands of juniper and pinon pine clad the upper alluvial fans and foothills of the southern Snake Range, representing the first woodland community above the sage and grassland of lower elevations. The height and density of these trees, together with the lack of relief of their habitat make it annoyingly difficult to locate oneself in the field. Overgrazing and increased fire control have led to an expansion of the juniper community over the years which is notable when using older air photos. During September, pinon cones ripen. They should be picked when fat but still green, oozing with sap. Placed in a dark, dry, safe place, they dry and open, yielding one of the key raw ingredients of that delectable dish- pasta al pesto- but good luck finding fresh basil in Ely!

Mountain streams provide water that supports riparian communities in the drainages of the southern Snake Range. Appearing enticingly shady from the hot ridge tops, they will no doubt lure an eager hiker into their dense and impenetrable thickets of wild roses, and more rarely, raspberries, in addition to young aspen, alder, chokecherry, willow, and cottonwood. Although luxuriously vegetated, some of these drainages prove to be dry.

Higher elevations, above 8,000' bring some relief temperature wise from the hot and scratchy lowlands. Mixed conifer forests of ponderosa, white, and Douglas fir are found on north facing slopes, but the drier, mountain mahogany covered south-facing slopes present a new set of challenges. Woe to the geologist who innocently begins a descent from higher elevations across such a slope. Mountain mahogany, particularly young and stubby mountain mahogany, can deter one's progress as nothing else can. Its inflexible branches make passage impossible except by desperate and violent destruction with a sledge hammer. Its elongate, fuzzy flowers consist of a delicate yellow fur covered with tiny hooks that, when inside the back of one's shirt, feels like crushed fiberglass insulation. If these bushes are old and high enough, one can generally make one's way in a backbreaking, stooped position.

In ascending the range, cool alpine climates at elevations greater than 9,000' host the engelwood spruce and limber pine community. Aspen forests in valleys over 8,000' and in moist upper elevation slopes with their stark white trunks and quaking leaves ("quaking groves") provide welcome respite, shade, and comfort for afternoon naps. Their white trunks boast a myriad of carvings documenting the past 50 years of shepherding, ranching, hunting, and geologic mapping. Of particular note are the many carvings incised by the notorious Whitebread from 1955 to 1968 throughout Decathon Canyon.

Approaching tree line, bristle cone pine stands represent the last plant life, clinging for survival on the rocky crests and ridges of the range. Bristle cone pines, a primary Great Basin National Park attraction, are also present at much lower elevations (7-8,000') on north facing slopes, most commonly underlain by dolomite. These bristle cone pines do not, however, share the ancient histories and longevities of their counterparts at higher elevations. The southern Snake Range hosts many spectacular stands of bristle cone pines, only a small part of which are touted to the public by the National Park. The most spectacular of these forests covers the gently sloping region above 11,000' between Mt. Washington and Lincoln Peak, extending south of Lincoln Peak down Highland Ridge into the Minerva quadrangle. Four-wheel drive roads to access mining claims criss-cross the bristle cone pine forest between Mt. Washington and Lincoln Peak.

Above tree line, one can finally breathe clean, cool, thin air, even on scorching valley days. Here the alpine community, including primrose, sticky polenium and phlox, granes, and sedges, grows in rocky conditions too harsh for trees. Growing on the rocky quartzite slopes are two types of flowering plants, one of which smells distinctly of skunk and the other simply foul.

Human Activities

Sometime between 35,000 and 14,000 years ago mammoth hunters began to trickle into the New World using the awesome new technology of the Clovis Point. Like their weapon, these people were specialized for the mammoth hunt and passed in waves over the North and South American continents following their prey. By and by, after 1,000 or 10,000 or 20,000 years, the mammoths had been hunted to extinction. In the meantime, either by creative intelligence or dumb luck, humans had come to follow various subsistence patterns in many parts of the western hemisphere, generally in areas where survival was simple. Areas where flora and fauna were abundant and subsistence a matter of a couple hours of work a day were desirable.

The Great Basin was not a particularly hospitable region. Although the paleoclimate was certainly less arid than today, life could have been more easily lived in many other places. Based on the archaeological record, it took until 8,000 B.C. before population pressure (or war, or a socio-cultural revolution, or random chance) caused humans to adopt this region for any significant amount of time. The first group to do so has been termed the Anasazi, reflecting their linguistic heritage. From the archaeological record, it seems that these were a sedentary people who employed a horticultural subsistence pattern later exemplified by the cliff dwelling Anasazi of Mesa Verde.

Over time, roughly 8,600 years, the Anasazi drifted laterally to areas farther east, gradually being replaced by the Fremont, Chewaucanian, and Lovelock cultures in a medley of shifting territories and tribal movements only vaguely documented. It appears that those cultures which replaced the Anasazi group and the Anasazi themselves, were responding to gradual climactic changes, moving into areas which suited their previously set subsistence patterns. The Fremont were horticulturally based like the Anasazi. The Chewaucanian and Fremont cultures were adapted to lacustrine survival. The Lovelock even produced stuffed waterfowl decoys to assist in their foodgetting. Eventually however, the climate took a relatively drastic turn towards the more arid.

Sometime around the seventh century (A.D.), the present Basin and Range was more or less abandoned by the previous cultures, having become semi-desert. The Anasazi had long since moved toward present day Colorado and New Mexico, the Fremont just north of that, the Chewaucanian to the north-west, and the Lovelock into the rainshadow of the Sierras. This left a gap that came to be filled by a Numic speaking people. Based on distinct new styles of basketry, pottery, architecture and rock art, and glotochronological evidence, it seems that this new culture came from the most northern part of the Utaztekan group which was located in present day Death Valley. These people were adapted to desert survival and managed to remain in the area through the monumental drought of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries which caused the abandonment of settlements throughout the Southwest. It was not until European intrusion that a drastic cultural change occurred again in the region.

Two Spanish friars, Dominguez and Escalante, were the first known visitors of European descent to visit the area in 1776. Approximately fifty years later the famous explorer Jedediah Smith traversed the area. Twenty years after Smith's travels, John Charles Fremont of the U.S. Army encircled the area and named it the Great Basin, being the first person to recognize that no rivers within the area drain to the sea.

Among the first permanent white settlers was Howard Egan, an Irish immigrant, who came west with Brigham Young in 1845. Egan befriended the Shoshones and so was able to lead wagon trains across Nevada to California during the 1849 and subsequent Gold Rush years. In 1858, the town of Baker was established as a Mormon outpost. By 1860 the Pony Express was carrying mail along a route to the north by the Deep Creek Range.

In the mid-1860's, Ab Lehman established a ranch on Strawberry Creek and later moved six miles south and opened Lehman Cave. The discovery of gold at Osceola in 1872 began a long history of mining in the southern Snake Range and surrounding areas. The Osceola Ditch was constructed in the 1870s to carry water to the Osceola mine which produced between one and six million dollars of gold ore. Mining is no longer a major activity in the region but mining for gold, mostly as placer deposits in older Quaternary alluvium continues in the general vicinity of Osceola and the northwest flank of the southern Snake Range. Many mining claims are still maintained and have helped to define the present "indefinite park boundary" of the Great Basin National Park. By the 1880s, mining was waning and livestock ranching growing. The lumber industry became active in the area and partially in response to the unregulated nature of this activity Teddy Roosevelt established the Nevada National Forest, which included the Snake Range, in 1909. By the 1910s, Basque immigrants had become prominent sheepherders, establishing large sheep herds in the region.

In 1922 President Warren Harding proclaimed the Lehman Caves a national monument. On October 27, 1986 Great Basin National Park was established as a token of President Reagans "environmental policy". The designation of national park status has been greeted with mixed emotions due to the no-grazing laws generally associated with national parks. However, because of the past use of the lands for cattle ranching, a compromise was struck allowing the continuation of grazing for an indefinite period of time. It is expected that grazing will be phased out as it is not considered to be a tourist attraction by park officials. Plans devised by park officials to make the park more attractive are underway, yet as a current resident of Baker noted, "Sure, the area is nice, but it isn't ever going to be Yosemite".

Previous Work/Present Study

The southern Snake Range was previously mapped at a scale of 1:48,000 by Whitebread (1969) who also provided a fairly detailed description of most of the stratified rocks in the quadrangle. Plutonic rocks in the area have been extensively dated and investigated (Lee and others, 1968, 1970, 1981, 1982, 1984, and 1986; Lee and Van Loenen, 1971; Lee and Christiansen, 1983a, 1983b; Miller and others, 1988; Smith, 1976). Our studies have focused primarily on the nature and timing of deformation related to the development of the major fault system in the quadrangle, the southern Snake Range d残ollement.


Geologic mapping of the northern and southern Snake Ranges at a scale of 1:24,000 began in 1981 by the "Stanford Geological Survey," Stanford University's Geology Summer Field program, which was taught in this general region by Elizabeth L. Miller and Phillip B. Gans until 1987. We are grateful to Stanford University's School of Earth Sciences, the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, and to the Wright Fund for undergraduate field studies for financial support of this program and thank all of the undergraduate students and graduate student teaching assistants who energetically and enthusiastically contributed to the making of the preliminary geologic maps of the region over the past 12 years.

This Open-File results from the 1993 collaboration of the U.S. Geologic Survey, the U.S. National Park Service, Stanford University, and University of California at Santa Barbara . We gratefully acknowledge the research funding from the U.S. National Park Service through an Interagency Agreement with the U.S. Geologic Survey, and collaborators to provide geologic mapping for the Great Basin National Park, Nevada. Janet L. Brown of the U.S. Geologic Survey formulated the collaborative Interagency Agreement and the effort to complete and publish these geologic maps. We owe thanks to Albert J. Hendricks, Superintendent, Great Basin National Park, Vidal Davila, Acting Chief Ranger, and Kurt S. Pfaff for their expertise and support.

We are inimitably indebted to Lisl Gans, a woman who was quietly transformed into camp manager, nanny, range rover pilot, spirit lifter and thrift store queen in the course of one short summer.We are also grateful to Pip the Wonderdog for his boundless enthusiasm in providing convenient wake-up calls in the form of drooling kibble-kisses and howling forays into bovine territory. We also thank the Vehicular Maintenance Department of Stanford University for their understanding concerning the sheared shocks, displaced fender, dented panelling, broken door handle, missing mirror, and broken windshield of the fuel efficient vehicles they so conscientiously maintain. Next, we feel compelled to recognize the administration of the recently formed Great Basin National Park for their exemplary efforts to reduce government spending and our National Debt by drastically reducing the number of trails and thus saving on trail maintenance. Finally, and most importantly, we would like to acknowledge our moms: Maria, Marcia, Margaret, Marcella, andLinda. And of course our dads: Julio, Robert, Bob, Frank, and Paul.

Geologic Setting

The southern Snake Range forms a broad, north-trending anticlinorium that exposes the lower part of the late Precambrian to Paleozoic miogeoclinal shelf succession of the Great Basin (Fig. 2). This anticlinorium is bounded by the Butte synclinorium to the west and by the Confusion Range structural trough to the east (Fig. 2). Southern Snake Valley, a narrow (8 km wide) basin, separates the southern Snake Range from the relatively simple structure and well-known stratigraphy of the Burbank Hills in the adjacent Garrison quadrangle (Fig. 2; Hintze, 1960; Anderson, 1983).

The dominant structural feature of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle and adjacent Wheeler Peak quadrangle is a regionally extensive detachment fault known as the southern Snake Range d残ollement (SSRD) first named and described by Misch (1960). On average this fault dips 10。-15。 eastward, but like many low-angle detachment faults in the Basin and Range Province, it is warped by gentle map-scale folds or corrugations plunging approximately parallel to the inferred movement direction along this fault (in this case, approximately 102。,6。; see below). The upper plate of the SSRD exposes a severely attenuated, normal fault-bounded mosaic of various non-metamorphosed to slightly metamorphosed sedimentary rocks representing parts of the Paleozoic miogeoclinal carbonate sequence and portions of an overlying Tertiary sequence of conglomerate and lesser sandstone, marl and tuffaceous marl. The lower plate of the SSRD exposes a thick sequence of mildly deformed latest Precambrian to Middle Cambrian age units. Two plutons of Late Jurassic, and Cretaceous age intrude these strata (Plate IB, map).

The position of the Snake Range in the hinterland of the Cretaceous-aged Sevier orogenic belt (Fig. 2) led earlier workers to relate the low-angle "d残ollement faulting" in the southern Snake Range to thin-skinned thrust faulting further east (Misch, 1960; Miller, 1966; Hose and Danes, 1973; Hintze, 1978), and this interpretation was adopted by Whitebread (1969) in his more detailed mapping of the area. However, as discussed in more detail below, cross-cutting relationships with upper plate normal faults have constrained the age of the SSRD, a low angle normal fault, to Tertiary in age.



The stratigraphic units exposed in the combined Minerva Canyon and Wheeler Peak quadrangles form part of a 15km thick sequence of stratified rocks that accumulated from the late Precambrian through the Paleozoic and into the early Mesozoic. These strata represent part of a westward-thickening prism of sediments deposited along the subsiding rifted western margin of North America (Stewart 1980). Tertiary and Quaternary age rocks are also represented in the region by volcanic rocks, conglomerates and unconsolidated sediments. Mesozoic age stratified rocks, however, are distinctly lacking since the Mesozoic was a time of regional deformation, uplift and intrusion of granites at depth across east-central Nevada (Miller et. al., 1988). Most of the Paleozoic units and all of the Cenozoic units are exposed in the Minerva Canyon quadrangle, above the southern Snake Range d残ollement, while Cambrian and older sequences, and Jurassic and Cretaceous intrusives are mainly exposed in the Wheeler Peak quadrangle to the north, beneath the Snake Range d残ollement.

The oldest part of the stratigraphic section in the study area is represented by rocks from the upper two units of Precambrian McCoy Creek Group - the Osceola Argillite and the underlying quartzites of the McCoy Creek Group unit 1. These units form part of an impressively thick section believed to be late Precambrian in age but they have not been dated with any certainty. Generally the McCoy Creek Group strata are considered as part of the broader Windemere Group believed to be 800-600 Ma old (Stewart, 1992). Because this represents such a long time span prior to the middle Cambrian and younger miogeoclinal deposits, the McCoy Creek Group may represent an older, unrelated episode of rifting and subsidence along the western margin of North America (Stewart, 1992).

The McCoy Creek Group is conformably and gradationally overlain by the Prospect Mountain Quartzite, a 1.5 km thick unit of clastic rocks assigned to the Early Cambrian, although it lacks fossils. The first Cambrian fossils occur in the overlying Pioche Shale which has been well dated and studied by stratigraphers and biostratigraphers. Trilobite fossils indicate the Pioche Shale is upper lower Cambrian in age (Stewart, 1974).

Several systems of normal fault cut Paleozoic and Tertiary rock unit sequences in the Minerva Canyon quadrangle, effectively reducing the amount of complete sections in the area. Where complete section thicknesses could not be calculated in the quadrangle, we have calculated minimun thicknesses and cited unit thicknesses estimated by Whitebread (1969) for the old Wheeler Peak and Garrison 15" quadrangles. Rock unit descriptions build upon Whitebread (1969) and on descriptions of units in reports from adjacent quadrangles (e.g. McGrew & Miller, Kious Spring- Garrison quadrangle USGS Open File Report - submitted; Miller and others, Windy Peak quadrangle USGS Open File Report - submitted; Gans and others, The Little Horse Canyon quadrangle NBM Open File Report - submitted).

Despite the amount of faulting that has occurred in this region, the rocks in the Minerva Canyon quadrangle have remained relatively undeformed. Even the units in the lower plate of the southern Snake Range d残ollement, which have undergone variable ductile deformation and metamorphism in the Northern Snake Range and in the adjacent Kious Springs and Garrison quadrangles, are mostly intact and only mildly deformed and metamorphosed in the Minerva Canyon and Wheeler Peak quadrangles.

Map Unit Descriptions

pCMc Precambrian McCoy Creek Group

Only the upper two units of the McCoy Creek Group, the McCoy Creek Group Quartzite 1 (the Shingle Creek Quartzite of Misch and Hazard, 1962) and the Osceola Argillite, are exposed in the Wheeler Peak quadrangle, but just to the north, in the Windy Peak quadrangle, the McCoy Creek Group consists of a series of variably metamorphosed alternating quartzite and pelitic units. On the north-facing slopes leading up towards Wheeler Peak, the McCoy Creek Group forms an intact, gently dipping, apparently conformable section about 1100 m thick that has been subdivided into five units. Previous description of these units can be found in Misch and Hazzard (1962) and Miller and others (1992). Our unit nomenclature differs somewhat from that of Misch and Hazzard (1962); these differences are discussed in the unit descriptions below. The McCoy Creek Group has been assigned a Late Precambrian age based on its position beneath the Prospect Mountain Quartzite which is generally assigned to the Early Cambrian (Hose and Blake, 1976). Hose and Blake (1976) described the depositional environment of the entire McCoy Creek Group as having oscillated from near shore to offshore marine environments.

pCm1 Late Precambrian McCoy Greek Group Unit 1 (quartzite)

The quartzite of the the Late Precambrian McCoy Creek Group Unit 1 varies considerably in thickness and grain size from north to south across the Windy Peak and Wheeler Peak quadrangles. According to Whitebread (1969), the unit is about 150 m thick. A full section is not present in the Wheeler Peak quadrangle - the lower part of the section being covered by alluvium. Unit one is primarily a ledgy cliff former becoming a ledgy slope former near the top 20 m of the unit. To the north, in the Windy Peak quadrangle, it is a thin conglomeratic quartzite, no more than 30 m thick, with clasts consisting mostly of rounded quartz pebbles 1-3 cm in diameter. To the south of Willard Creek, in the Wheeler Peak quadrangle, it is mostly a well-bedded quartzite with conglomerate beds of variable thickness occuring only locally in its upper part. The maximum partial thickness of the section measured in the Wheeler Peak quadrangle is 112 m. Misch and Hazzard (1962) named the unit the Shingle Creek Conglomeratic Quartzite (pCs) which was followed by Whitebread(1969), but since the unit is neither notably thin nor conglomeratic across the greater region of the Wheeler Peak quadrangle, we have designated it the McCoy Creek Group Unit 1 (pCm1.)

pCmo Late Precambrian McCoy Creek Group Osceola Argillite

The Osceola Argillite of Misch and Hazzard(1962) in the Late Precambrian McCoy Creek Group is exposed in the northwestern corner of the Wheeler Peak quadrangle where it overlies older quartzite (pCmc1) of the McCoy Creek Group and underlies the Prospect Mountain Quartzite. Good exposures of the unit occur on the slopes north of Hub Mine and in the Pine Creek drainage. The unit is a gentle slope former with occasional resistant silt on calcareous beds that form ledges from 1 to 10 m thick. According to Whitebread (1969), the Osceola is 180 to 230 m thick. A thickness of 190 m was derived from the area between Pine Creek and Ridge Creek. On the north slope of Bald Mountain in the Windy Peak quadrangle, the section was estimated to be about 200 m thick (Miller and others, 1992). The Osceola Argillite consists mostly of well-bedded to laminated slates and siltstone which are distinctively green to grey-blue, although locally, maroon colors are common (such as in the less metamorphosed Stella Lake region). Abundant sedimentary structures are present and include small-scale cross beds (maximum height 6 cm), ripple marks, fluid-escape structures, rip-up clasts and soft sediment folds and slumps. Quartz-rich sandy to gritty layers and lenses also occur in the formation and some of these exhibit cross-bedding and more rarely graded beds. Rare limestone interbeds occur near the base of the unit and calcareous muds occur throughout the sequence. The contact of the Osceola Argillite with the overlying Prospect Mountain Quartzite is gradational over approximately 10-15 m. The upper part of the Osceola contains interbeds of cross-bedded pure quartz sand. The bottom 10-15 m of the Prospect Mountain Quartzite contains many thin argillaceous intervals similar to lithologies present in the Osceola. The metamorphic grade and the degree of deformation within the Osceola Argillite varies from very little metamorphosed and deformed near Stella Lake to amphibolite facies (biotite, muscovite, staurolite, garnet, andalusite and sillimanite) adjacent to Jurassic plutons in the western part of the Wheeler Peak quadrangle and in the Windy Peak quadrangle to the north (Miller and others, 1988). Abundant metamorphic staurolite, muscovite and chlorite are present in the Wheeler Peak quadrangle. The staurolite and other aluminum silicate minerals are frequently entirely retrograded to white mica and chlorite in Wheeler Peak quadrangle. Where little deformed, the shale layers possess an incipient penetrative cleavage that dips east with respect to more gently-dipping bedding (Figure 8). This cleavage can be tracked into the contact aureoles of Jurassic plutons (Snake Creek-Williams Canyon Pluton in the Wheeler Peak quadrangle) where it is more intensely developed and can be shown to have formed synchronously with the intrusion of plutons (Miller and others, 1988). This east dipping cleavage is cut by a younger, west-dipping cleavage inferred to be Cretaceous in age which was seen locally in the Wheeler Peak quadrangle (Miller and others, 1988).


The thick (1.5 km), resistant Early Cambrian Prospect Mountain Quartzite underlies a significant portion of the Wheeler Peak quadrangle, forming the jagged and rugged, glaciated crest of the range north of Pyramid Peak to Wheeler Peak. The Prospect Mountain Quartzite dips gently south and is well exposed in steep glacial cirques, cirque walls, and cliffs of the Southern Snake Range. The best exposure of the gradational upper contact of the Prospect Mountain Quartzite with the Pioche Shale is located on the ridge between Box and Dry Canyons north of Mt. Wheeler Mine. The top of the unit contains three or four thick layers of slope forming dark siltstone and silty shale that frequently give the top of the Prospect Mountain Quartzite a terraced appearance. A good frontal view of the main part of the unit can be seen in the cirque walls above the small glacier just to the north of Wheeler Peak. Here, the lower third to half of the formation consists of thickly bedded (.3-1.5 m) lighter colored, coarse grained quartzite, gritty to conglomeratic quartzose to feldspathic quartzite, while the upper part of the formation is somewhat thinner bedded and contains more horizons of dark silty quartzite and siltstone. In general, the Prospect Mountain Quartzite forms cliffs and talus slopes that weather rust-brown, tan, or purple. Whitebread (1969) estimates the thickness of the Prospect Mountain Quartzite as 1520 m. Due to the intruding Jurassic granite, only a partial thickness of 1250 m was measured along the ridge line south from Stella Lake in the Windy Peak quadrangle. Bedding thicknesses in the Prospect Mountain Quartzite are generally quite consistent, and the .3-1 m thick beds are ubiquitously cross-bedded, where cross-bedding is defined by dark laminations. Occasionally, soft sediment slumping of crossbeds is evident. In hand specimen, the quartzite is white to gray, well-sorted, medium to course-grained, and generally consists of 90-95% quartz, 5% feldspar, except for the more feldspathic horizons which can contain up to 25% feldspar. At the base, fine grained green intervals and purple siltstone intervals typical of the underlying Osceola Argillite are overlain by medium to coarse grained, crossbedded quartzite, gritty to conglomeratic quartzite and feldspathic quartzite. The Prospect Mountain Quartzite is distinguished from similar quartzite units in the underlying McCoy Creek Group by its general lack of pebble conglomerates (thin horizons are, however, occasionally present) and only rare pelitic intervals, by the abundance of cross-beds, and by the more regular bedding and total thickness of the unit as a whole.


The Early Cambrian Pioche Shale forms an important lithologic transition between dominantly clastic Early Cambrian and older strata and the overlying Middle Cambrian carbonate section. Intact and little metamorphosed sections are widely exposed in the Wheeler Peak quadrangle and superb exposures of the unit occur in the Mt. Wheeler Peak Mine district on the western flank of the range. Thickness of 96, 90, and 90 m were measured to the east and west of Mount Washington. The Pioche Shale consists of dark siltstone, quartzose, sandy siltstone and calcareous quartzite and shale that is greenish grey to khaki-colored and is mostly thin bedded. True shale is less common in the section in the Southern Snake Range. Sedimentary features characteristic of the Pioche Shale include abundant grazing trace fossils, ripples, mudcracks, and burrows. The Pioche is transitional with the underlying Prospect Mountain Quartzite and contains thin dark-colored quartzite beds in its lower part interbedded with olive-brown to rust-brown siltstone. Abundant detrital mica is present but is particularly common at the basal section. The middle part of the section consists of siltstone, khaki shale and reddish sandstone. Calcareous horizons occur intermittently throughout the unit. Several thick (meters to tens of meters) layers of micaceous quartzite occur near the top of the section, and the amount of limestone with respect to shale increases upward toward the base of the massive overlying limestone of the Pole Canyon Formation. The upper contact with the Pole Canyon Limestone is particularly well exposed in snow avalanche chutes on the northeastern face of Mount Washington. At this location, several centimeters to tens of centimeters of thick dark grey, conspicuously orange weathering siltstone layers and lamina are interbedded with grey limestone in equal proportions and mark the transition to the overlying dark grey limestone of the Pole Canyon Formation. In the map area, the Pioche Shale is largely unmetamorphosed except in the vicinity of the Snake Creek-William Creek pluton in the Snake Creek Drainage and on the ridgeline between Pyramid Peak and Mt. Washington. At these locations, it is metamorphosed to biotite-, muscovite- and andalusite- bearing psammite, schist and calc-silicate (garnet, epidote, and diopside) bearing rocks.


The Middle Cambrian Pole Canyon Limestone, as described by Whitebread (1969) during previous mapping of the Minerva Canyon and Wheeler Peak Quadrangles, consists of five distinct subunits (A,B,C,D, and E) mappable at 1:24,000 scale. These five subunits were further divided and described in a section measured by Whitebread (1969). In summary, the A,C, and E members are generally darker, consisting of medium-dark- to dark grey, slope-forming limestones with abundant silty interbeds, whereas the B and D members are mostly light grey to white, cliff-forming limestones. However, these color distinctions are not always continuous along strike. The unit as a whole forms prominent grey and white cliffs which underlie and are spectacularly exposed beneath Mount Washington. It dips gently southward towards the valley floor to the west and is also well-exposed in the upper reaches of Big Wash drainage to the east of Mount Washington. The units are particularly well-displayed as they cross the high ridgeline of the southern Snake Range and can be viewed looking south from Wheeler Peak and Baker Peak. The complete section is best exposed east of the fork in Lincoln Canyon in the southern section of the Wheeler Peak Quadrangle and in the cliffs east of Mount Washington. The Pole Canyon was measured in Lincoln Canyon and has a total thickness of 557 m.

A member:

The A member of the Pole Canyon Limestone is well-exposed near the head of the north fork of Big Wash in the Wheeler Peak Quadrangle. The unit was measured there by Whitebread (1969), where the total thickness is 137 m. The A member of the Pole Canyon Limestone generally consists of a dark grey, slope-forming limestone, but more massive, resistant parts of the section are common as well. The unit contains abundant tan or pink silty interbeds which are commonly bioturbated or burrowed, giving the silt beds a mottled appearance. Limestone in the A member is fine to medium grained and contains lenses of oolitic limestone. There is a section of more resistant, cliff-forming limestone 7+ m in thickness in the middle of the A member (designated as subunit 2 of the A member by Whitebread (1969)). This cliff-forming section contains a 1-2 m layer of light grey limestone, and above the cliff is a section of yellowish-brown siltstone and calcareous quartzite 1.5 - 3.5 m thick (described as subunit 3 of the A member by Whitebread (1969)). Girvinella 1.25 - 2.5 cm in diameter are very abundant throughout the A member and are a diagnostic feature of the unit. The member is in general thin-bedded (bedding 1.25 - 3.5 cm thick) with abundant pink silt layers (1-3 mm thick) parallel to bedding along parting surfaces. Fenestral fabric is common in the A member limestone. The A-B contact is gradational, with the upper meter of dark grey A unit limestone grading into the lighter grey B unit limestone. The contact is the first appearance of the lighter grey limestone.

B member:

The B member of the Pole Canyon Limestone is well-exposed east of the fork in Lincoln Canyon in the Wheeler Peak Quadrangle. The unit was measured there by Whitebread (1969), where the total thickness is 200 m. The B member of the Pole Canyon Limestone is a massive, resistant, cliff-forming limestone distinctive for its light color compared to the A member below. The prominent white cliffs of the B member are easily visible on air photos as white swatches. The lower 30 - 70 m of the B member consists of homogeneous, light grey, and very fine to fine grained limestone. In this section, the B member contains abundant tan silt in mottled stringers and blebs strung out sub-parallel to bedding, a result of extensive bioturbation or burrowing. The upper 135 - 150 m of the B member consists of alternating medium dark and light grey limestone beds 1.5 - 17 m thick. The darker limestone layers are fine grained and commonly have lighter colored limestone blebs (2-3 mm thick) strung out parallel to bedding planes, which is diagnostic of the B member limestone. Fenestral fabric is common in the B member limestone. The contact with the overlying C member is marked by an abrupt change in slope and the last appearance of light beds.

C member:

The C member of the Pole Canyon Limestone was measured on the north side of Swallow Canyon in the Wheeler Peak Quadrangle. Our measurement of 45 m differs slightly from Whitebread's (1969) measurement of 52 m. The C member of the Pole Canyon Limestone is a less resistant slope-former of dark grey limestone which occurs between and separates the two cliff forming B and D units. The unit consists of fine to medium grained limestone with small lenses of dolomite (2-3 cm thick). The C member contains abundant red-pink silt interbeds (1-3 mm thick) which are commonly discontinuous along strike. These silt interbeds (diagnostic of the C member) are roughly parallel to bedding and have undulatory stringers of silt connecting silty blebs. The silt has a mottled appearance, which is the result of bioturbation or burrowing. Lenses of darker oolitic limestone are locally abundant in the middle of the C member section. Near its upper and lower contacts, the C member is very well-bedded (2.5 - 3.75 cm thick) and platy fracture is common, with bedding well-defined by silty partings. Fenestral fabric is common in the C member limestone. The upper contact of the C member is marked by an abrupt change in slope at the base of the cliffs of the overlying D member.

D member:

The D member of the Pole Canyon Limestone is well-exposed on the east fork of Lincoln Canyon in the Wheeler Peak Quadrangle. Our measurement of 100 m differs substantially from Whitebread's (1969) measurement of 59 m. The D member of the Pole Canyon Limestone is a resistant, massive, cliff-forming limestone. The limestone is very fine to fine grained, medium to light grey (with a bluish tint). In terms of its color and bedding characteristics, the D member is the most variable of the five Pole Canyon subunits. There are localized sections of darker grey limestone within the unit, and in those sections, tan colored, silty interbeds are common. The silty interbeds (2.5 - 3.75 cm apart) are parallel to bedding and 1-3 mm in thickness. The silt has a mottled appearance in outcrop and is a result of bioturbation or burrowing. The D member contains abundant oolitic limestone throughout the section. The D member contains tiny flecks and blebs of lighter colored limestone (1-2 mm in diameter) which are diagnostic of the D member. Fenestral fabric is also common in the D member. The contact with the overlying E member is marked by a change in slope and by the last appearance of light colored beds.

E member:

The E member of the Pole Canyon Limestone is well-exposed and was measured on the south side of Swallow Canyon in the Wheeler Peak Quadrangle. The unit was measured there by Whitebread (1969), where the total thickness is 109 m.

The E member of the Pole Canyon Limestone consists of two types of limestone: a fine grained, platey and silty slope-forming limestone and a very fine to fine grained, cliff-forming limestone. The lower 23 - 33 m of the E member crops out as a dark grey slope-former with tan or pink silt abundant along partings. Near the lower contact, the E member is well-bedded, and platy fracture is common. The bedding planes are mottled, with tan or pink silt along the partings. The mottled appearance of the silt beds is the result of bioturbation or burrowing. Fenestral fabric is common in the E member limestone. Higher in the section is a massive, medium grey cliff-former. Lenses of oolitic limestone are common in the massive member, and lenses of rip up clasts are present. Small Girvinella (5-10 mm in diameter) are also present in the massive section of the E member. The upper section of the E member is a poorly-exposed, dark grey slope-former.


The Cambrian Lincoln Peak Formation is exposed along Johns Wash, and extensively in relation to the decollement. The best exposure is along the east side of Lincoln Peak at which a partial thickness of 630 m was measured. Whitebread (1969) estimates 1,200-1,370 m. The Lincoln Peak is a non-resistant limestone and shale which generally weathers to gentle slopes of brownish orange covered by dense vegetation. The coloration and and low angle of slope distinguish the Lincoln Peak from the more resistant, underlying E Member of the Pole Canyon Limestone and may be easily seen on air photos. The contact is similarly notable between the Lincoln Peak and the overlying Johns Wash Limestone. However, in the study area, at least one contact involving the formation is always fault bound in either the upper or lower portions of the section. In general, the formation consists of a light to medium bluish grey, fine grained, thin bedded limestone with silty partings, silty limestone, or calcareous siltstone, each interbedded with shale. Overall, bedding ranges from 3 to 30 cm thick and is punctuated by rare beds of chert or trilobite hash rich horizons. Where the limestone layers are thickest, the shale occurs as wavy interbeds and partings. The basal portion of the section is commonly interbedded with a fissile shale or calcareous shale bedded at 1 to 3 cm intervals and locally characterized by a reddish-purple color.


The Cambrian Johns Wash Limestone is exposed in Johns Wash and in relation to the Gateway fault. A complete section of 86 m was measured at the head of Johns Wash which agrees with a previous measurement by Whitebread (1969). The Johns Wash Limestone is a medium grey to light grey, ledge to cliff forming limestone that is easily distinguishable from the underlying, non-resistant Lincoln Peak, and even less resistant, overlying Corset Springs Shale. However, when present in a complete stratigraphic section it is easily confused at a distance with the Notch Peak Limestone (which overlies the Corset Spring) as the formations appear as one continuous set of cliffs. Upon closer inspection one may see that the Johns Wash Limestone is thin bedded to massive, and medium to coarse grained. The limestone is interbedded with wavy, yellowish-brown calc-arenite layers and clastic carbonate. The Johns Wash Limestone locally contains abundant cross bedded oolitic limestone beds .5 - 1 m thick. Other thick bedded to massive parts of the section are characterized by fenestral fabric, especially near the top of the section. Together with its more resistant cliff-forming nature and light color, the cross-bedding and fenestral fabric found in the Johns Wash Limestone is distinctive


The Cambrian Corset Spring Shale is exposed along Johns Wash and in relation to the Gateway Fault. A complete section of 26 m was measured at the head of Johns Wash and is in agreement with a previous measurement by Whitebread (1969). The corset Spring Shale is a light olive grey to brown, fissile shale which weathers to very gentle slopes. This typically forms a bench above the underlying Johns Wash Limestone which is the only indication of its presence from afar. Closer examination is not initially more enlightening as the Corset Spring weathers to a characteristic splintery float resembling woodchips. This float is typically the only means by which the shale may be mapped.

Where better exposed, distinctive units may be seen within the Corset Spring Shale. According to Whitebread (1969), the upper portion of the formation is characterized by units of shale interbedded with limestone units. The shale is fissile and occurs in layers approximately 2 mm thick, and contain scattered discoidal nodules of medium-grey aphanitic limestone 3-8 cm in diameter. The limestone units in the upper portion of the Corset Spring are described by Whitebread as medium-grey, and coarsely clastic with beds 6-16 cm thick. The bedding planes are uneven and punctuated by layers of trilobite and echinoderm fragments.

The middle units of the Corset Spring Shale are, according to Whitebread, entirely light-olive-grey shales. These contain lenses of coarsely bioclastic limestone which average .8-3 cm thick and are between 9 and 72 cm long. Also in the middle units Whitebread describes a single 18 cm bed of intraformational conglomerate with rounded flat limestone pebbles in a clastic limestone matrix.

The lower portion of the Corset Spring Shale, by Whitebread's description, is once again interbedded units of limestone and shale. The shale has no peculiar characteristics in this portion of the section. The limestone units are described as being medium-grey to dark-grey and weathering light-grey. the bedding is uneven and between 1.5 and 6 cm thick. The limestone are locally nodular due to coalescence of greyish-orange-weathering shaly partings, and some beds are crowded with trilobite fragments.


Whitebread (1969) divided a thick, cliff-forming, cherty limestone in the Minerva Canyon and Wheeler Peak Quadrangles into the Upper Cambrian Notch Peak Limestone and the Lower Ordovician House limestone. In this study, we have combined the two units into the Upper Cambrian-Lower Ordovician Notch Peak Limestone following the suggestion of Hintze (1980). Throughout East-Central Nevada, the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary typically occurs near the top of this thick (790-870 m (Whitebread, 1969)) cherty, cliff-forming limestone, and it is not an easily mappable rock contact. Although previous workers (e.g. Fritz, 1968; Woodward, 1969?; and Young, 1960) all attempted to map this time-stratigraphic boundary, it has proved impractical. The first easily mappable rock-stratigraphic boundary or contact occurs at the sharp break in slope between the relatively pure grey cliff- to ledge-forming Notch Peak Limestone (our usage) to the non-resistant, typically yellow to reddish brown, slope-forming Fillmore Limestone of the Pogonip Group which is characterized by abundant flat-pebble conglomerate and little or no chert.

The Ordovician-Cambrian Notch Peak Limestone is best exposed on a north-south trending ridge in the Minerva Canyon Quadrangle. A partial section of 770 m was measured on this ridge. The Ordovician-Cambrian Notch Peak Limestone is a resistant, medium-grey to dark grey, cliff-forming limestone. The limestone is in general a very fine to fine grained limestone, and chert nodules and stringers subparallel to bedding are its most characteristic feature. Chert nodules (2.5-7.5 cm thick) parallel to bedding are very common lower in section, with individual chert layers ranging up to 30 cm in thickness. There are medium-dark grey, nonfossiliferous, massive sections common in the middle of the Notch Peak that weather in a blocky manner. The float from the massive and chert-rich sections is commonly made up of equant cobbles with sharp fracture surfaces. Scattered, localized dolomitization has occurred in the massive sections of the Notch Peak unit. Well-bedded limestone sections (bedding 2.5-30 cm thick) defined by tan or pink silty interbeds (5-15 mm thick) are common higher in section. Platy fracture is common in these well-bedded sections, with evidence for bioturbation or burrowing evident along exposed, silty parting surfaces. Although chert is common in the Notch Peak limestone, it seldom occurs where there is silty interbedding. Sections of the unit containing chert have bedding thicknesses ranging from 15 cm to 1.2 m thick. Gastropods, trilobite debris, inarticulate brachiopods, stromatolites, and fossil hash are common higher in the section. The contact with the overlying Fillmore Limestone occurs at the sharp break in slope from the cliff- to ledge-forming Notch Peak Limestone to the slope-forming Fillmore Limestone.


A complete, well-exposed section of the Ordovician Pogonip Group is found at the southern end of Highland Ridge in the central part of the Minerva Canyon Quadrangle. In our mapping, we have followed the subdivisions of the Pogonip Group of Hintze (1951) into the Fillmore Limestone, Wahwah Limestone, Juab Limestone, Kanosh Shale, and Lehman Formation. Where these subdivisions were not possible, we have mapped them as Ordovician Pogonip Group, undifferentiated. By utilizing these subdivisions, we were able to map in more detail the complex faulting that occurs on the eastern slope of Decathon Canyon. Previously, Whitebread (1969) grouped the Wahwah, Juab, and Fillmore Limestones, and the Kanosh Shale and Lehman Formation of the Pogonip in this region. Total thickness of the Pogonip Group is approximately 530-730 m as measured from cross-sections in the Highland Ridge and Granite Peak area of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle.


The Ordovician Fillmore Limestone is exposed extensively along Highland Ridge and also in the southwestern portion of the study area. A complete section of 380 m was measured at the southern end of Highland Ridge. The Fillmore Limestone is a light grey, slope to ledge forming, limestone and shaley limestone which is notable at a distance for a pale orange to yellowish-orange color imparted by the weathering of silty olive grey layers. This coloration and a break in slope separates the Fillmore from the cliff forming, occasionally reddish, Notch Peak Limestone at all scales. The Fillmore is well bedded, fine grained to coarsely clastic, and is commonly shot by calcite veins. Beds range from 12 to 40 cm in thickness and crop out at approximately 6 m intervals and are separated by shale intervals. Limestone beds become increasingly resistant towards the top of the unit. The Fillmore is distinguished stratigraphically by abundant flat pebble conglomerate which is present throughout the unit.


The Ordovician Wahwah Limestone is a medium grey, slope- to ledge- forming, well bedded, fine to medium grained limestone and shaley to silty limestone. It is distinguished from the underlying Fillmore Limestone by its higher limestone content, more resistant nature, and the lighter yellow to grey color of its region of exposure compared to the darker float of the underlying Fillmore. Limestone beds range from 2 to 30 cm thick and are commonly mottled yellow and grey. Ichnofossils are the only paleontological feature; they are primarily disorganized, simple burrows that range in width from .5 to 1.5 cm thick. In contrast to the underlying Fillmore, little or no flat pebble conglomerate occurs in the unit. Thickness is approximately 90 m.


The Ordovician Juab Limestone is a medium grey to medium dark grey, ledge forming, extremely well bedded, fine grained limestone to coarse grained clastic limestone with silty partings. The lower boundary of the unit with the underlying Wahwah Limestone is defined by the first appearance of less resistant, reddish, silty limestone with prevalent flat pebble conglomerate. Beds are 2 to 4 cm thick and coated by silt which weathers a distinctive reddish orange. Towards the top of the unit, beds become more resistant and alternate at approximately 4 cm intervals between chert rich and fossiliferous limestone. Fossils include gastropods, ostracods, and trilobite debris. Thickness is approximately 230 m.


The Ordovician Kanosh Shale is a yellowish brown to olive grey, non-resistant, slope forming, fissile shale. The Kanosh contains resistant beds of distinctive brown-weathering, highly fossiliferous grey limestone. Ostracods, trilobite spines, turitella, and phosphatic brachiopods are in abundance. The Kanosh exists almost entirely as float; the resistant limestone beds within it outcrop only on the ridgeline to the north of the Mustang Spring in the Minerva Canyon quadrangle. Thickness varies because the unit apparently serves as a zone of movement or faulting between more resistant limestones above and beneath. The section on the southern end of Highland Ridge has a thickness of 110 m, but because exposure is rare, faulting and/ or folding could compromise this estimate.


The Ordovician Lehman Limestone is a medium grey, slope to ledge forming, well bedded, fine to medium grained limestone and silty limestone. The silty partings weather orangish yellow or reddish-pink. Bioturbation or burrowing is common, giving the beds a mottled appearance. Beds range from 2 to 10 cm thick and locally contain abundant layers of gastropods and ostracods. Unit thickness measured on the southwest flank of Granite Peak is approximately 300 m; to the south on Highland Ridge, it is approximately 100 m. This variation could be due to gentle folding and minor faulting that could not be documented given the generally poor exposure and the scale of our mapping.


The Ordovician Eureka Quartzite is a white, cliff-forming, thick-bedded quartzite which is exposed in several places in the Minerva Canyon quadrangle. The best intact section of Eureka Quartzite is present in the east-central part of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle, where it underlies Granite Peak. The Ordovician Eureka Quartzite represents a distinctive stratigraphic marker, occuring as it does between the yellow-weathering slope-forming, grey Ordovician Lehman Limestone of the Pogonip Group below and the dark colored undifferentiated dolomites of the Ordovician Silurian above. In this portion of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle, the Ordovician Eureka Quartzite is about 100 m thick. Whitebread (1969) measured a 134 m section of the Ordovician Eureka Quartzite 2 miles south of Chokecherry Canyon in the old Wheeler Peak and Garrison 15" quadrangles. The basal contact of the Ordovician Eureka Quartzite is seen as a gradational increase in quartz sand content in the upper beds of the Ordovician Lehman Limestone. This contact is exposed a mile north from where Murphy Wash intersects Johns Wash and half a mile from the road in Johns Wash. The upper contact of the Ordovician Eureka Quartzite can also been seen near this location and is evidenced by a small transition zone where Ordovician Eureka quartz grains gradually diminish in quantity in the overlying Ordovician-Silurian undifferentiated Dolomites.

The Ordovician Eureka Quartzite weathers to a rust color and is usually highly jointed and fractured. Because of its resistance to erosion, quartzite rubble and large blocks are common downslope of its exposures. Bedding is generally difficult to discern because of its purity and the presence of joint and fracture planes, except near the top of the unit where increasing carbonate content accentuates bedding within the unit. The Ordovician Eureka Quartzite is an orthoquartzite composed of well rounded and well sorted, fine to medium grained quartz. The unit is distinctively lacking in fossils, although vertical burrows can locally be seen.


The Ordovician and Silurian Fish Haven and Laketown Dolomites, undifferentiated, are best exposed between Johns Wash and Decathon Canyon in the east-central section of the Minerva Canyon Quadrangle. Our measurement of 230-270 m there differs substantially from Whitebread's (1969) measurement of 433 m (taken on the south of Silver Chief Canyon on the western side of the Minerva Canyon Quadrangle). The Ordovician and Silurian Fish Haven and Laketown Dolomites (undifferentiated in the map area) are best exposed to the south of Silver Chief Canyon on the western side of the Minerva Canyon Quadrangle. The Ordovician and Silurian Fish Haven and Laketown Dolomites (undifferentiated in the map area) are resistant, ledge and cliff-forming dolomites ranging in color from dark brown to light grey. Parts of the section are chert-rich and form the more resistant ledges and cliffs within the unit. Above its contact with the underlying Eureka, the unit is well-bedded and finer-grained, but most of the lower section consists of a medium grained, sugary textured, dark brown dolomite. Higher in section, the dark brown dolomite is interbedded with layers of fine grained, light grey dolomite. Layers of dark brown, coral-rich dolomite are very common and are diagnostic of the unit. Also present in these dark brown layers are very large brachiopods, 10-13 cm in diameter. he interbedded dark brown dolomite weathers to well-rounded, mottled brown and grey outcrops, and the better bedded, finer grained light grey dolomite has blocky character when weathered. Bedding throughout the unit is often poorly developed or difficult to discern in the coarser grained, sugary-textured dolomite, but in the finer-grained light grey dolomite, bedding ranges from 10-20 cm in thickness. Chert is locally abundant and ranges from thin, discontinuous stringers (0.5-3 cm thick) roughly parallel to bedding to single layers of chert 1-2 m thick. The Fish Haven and Laketown Dolomite is fossiliferous, with abundant branching coral, Halycites (chain coral), crinoid stems, and brachiopods present throughout the section but are often difficult to see in the coarser-grained, sugary brown dolomite. The contact with the overlying Sevy Dolomite is gradational, with beds of lighter grey dolomite common in the upper section of the Fish Haven and Laketown unit becoming more abundant closer to the contact. The contact is mapped above the highest conspicuous layer of dark brown dolomite at the color change from dark to light dolomite.


The Devonian Sevy Dolomite is well exposed throughout the southeastern corner of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle and is best exposed to the east of hill 7922T on the west side of the road in Johns Wash. It is a light-weathering ledgy slope-former, that is easily distinguished from a distance from the underlying and overlying darker dolomites of the Ordovician-Silurian section and the Devonian Simonson, respectively.

The Devonian Sevy Dolomite consists of distinctive white-weathering, light grey, thin to medium-bedded, very fine-grained, nonfossiliferous, generally well laminated dolomite. Quartz sand occurs in small stringers and lenses and as isolated grains "floating" in a dolomite matrix. These sand occurrences are more abundant near the top of the unit where quartz sand beds are up to several tens of cm to 1/2 m in thickness. The Devonian Sevy Dolomite is also noted for its lack of fossils. These features are diagnostic of the Devonian Sevy Dolomite.

Although there is no complete section of the Devonian Sevy Dolomite in the Minerva Canyon quadrangle, its lower and upper contacts were studied at separate locations. Its gradational contact with the underlying Ordovician-Silurian undifferentiated dolomite section can be seen just east of hill 8395T in the southeast portion of Johns Wash. The dark, coarse-grained, cherty, dolomitic beds of the Ordovician-Silurian become less common as the contact with the overlying Devonian Sevy Dolomite is approached. Where the Devonian Sevy Dolomite is best exposed, its upper contact with the overlying Devonian Simonson Dolomite can be clearly seen. The transition is marked by an obvious change from the light grey, fine grained texture of the Devonian Sevy Dolomite to interbedded dark brown layers and the sugary texture characteristic of the Devonian Simonson Dolomite. In some places the transition appears to be an unconformity or disconformity where large cracks or fissures in the underlying Devonian Sevy Dolomite are filled with layered sandy to conglomeratic dolomite that is similar in lithology to the overlying Devonian Simonson Dolomite.

In the Minerva Canyon quadrangle the Devonian Sevy Dolomite has a minimum thickness of 213 m Whitebread (1969) cites an estimated thickness of 244 m for this unit in the old Wheeler Peak and Garrison 15'' quadrangle.


The Devonian Simonson Dolomite occurs in various locations in the southern portion of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle, mostly in the eastern and east-central portion of the quadrangle. It is best exposed to the east of Johns Wash about 1 km from the southern boundary of the quadrangle.

The Devonian Simonson Dolomite is predominantly a ledgy slope former. It consists of light to dark brown, thin to medium bedded, laminated, microcrystalline to coarsely crystalline dolomite. Its basal part is thicker bedded and uniformly light brown. Fossils present in the unit include gastropods, crinoids, brachiopods, and stromatoperoids.

At the above location, the transition from the underlying light-colored Devonian Sevy Dolomite to the Devonian Simonson Dolomite is quite clear and has been described in the previous section. The stratigraphic contact with the overlying Devonian Guilmette is everywhere a fault contact in the Minerva Canyon quadrangle. Whitebread (1969) reports an estimated thickness of 575 ft. (175 m) of Devonian Simonson Dolomite which was measured west of Big Springs Ranch, 3 miles south of the Garrison quadrangle. In the Minerva Canyon quadrangle, the minimum thickness estimated for the Devonian Simonson Dolomite is about 168 m.


The Devonian Guilmette Formation (Dg) is a slope to cliff forming limestone. The best exposures of the Guilmette Formation occurs on the southern edge of the study area, east of John's Wash, and these continue to the south into the Red Ledges quadrangle. Here the base of the Guilmette Formation is in fault contact with the underlying Simonson Dolomite. The upper contact and presumably most of the Formation is not exposed in the map area. Whitebread (1969) estimates the Guilmette Formation to be 760 m thick - more complete sections are exposed in the adjacent Arches and Red Ledges quadrangles.. The Guilmette Formation is generally massive, but locally it is thinly bedded with shaly partings. According to Whitebread, dolomite is more common in the upper part of the section. The limestone is generally massive and dark bluish grey which becomes progressively more well bedded and more shaly up-section. A well-developed stromatolite boundstone up to 2 m thick was seen approximately halfway between the base and the uppermost exposure. 20 m above the stromatolite bed the Guilmette there are several 1 to 2 m shale layers which interbed with the limestone but are less resistant to weathering and thus are generally seen as float, not as outcrops. They weather to orangish-red to yellow and contain abundant grazing trace fossils. Other fossils seen in the Guillmette Formation include brachiopods, crinoids, gastropods, and stromatoperoids.


The Mississippian Devonian Pilot Shale (map unit MDp) is a slope former that is generally very poorly exposed and is found primarily in float. Rare exposure of this elusive unit can be found near the spring on the east side of Johns Wash where it intersects Murphy Wash. At this location, it is underlain conformably by the Devonian Guilmette Formation and overlain, but in fault contact, with the Mississippian Joana Limestone. Further south on the western side of Johns Wash, the Mississippian Devonian Pilot Shale can be seen in depositional contact with the Mississippian Joana Limestone and the transition is marked by a noticeable change in slope.

The Mississippian Devonian Pilot Shale is a pink weathering grey to yellow calcareous shale with thin limestone interbeds and occasional chert stringers. It is usually evidenced by shaley float.

The thickness of the Mississippian Devonian Pilot Shale appears to be variable in the map area although this is probably related to faulting of the sequence. Whitebread (1969) has estimated its thickness to be between 122-244 m. We have estimated an apparent thickness of only 91 m in the Minerva Canyon quadrangle.


The Mississippian Joana Limestone is exposed in several locations in the Minerva Quadrangle between Murphy Wash and Johns Wash as well as northward along Johns Wash. The best section is found in Murphy Wash adjacent to the Murphy Wash Fault in the southern section of the Minerva Canyon Quadrangle. Here, the Joana Limestone has a partial thickness of 100 m. The Mississippian Joana Limestone is a resistant, cliff-forming, medium grey to medium light grey limestone that unconformable overlies the Pilot Shale. A quartzite bed 1-3 m thick is present near the base of the Joana unit. The Joana Limestone is mostly a massive, light grey limestone with thin, sometimes lenticular, bedding (5-30 cm thick) present in the lowermost and uppermost sections. The limestone is medium to coarse grained and consists primarily of organic detrital material including crinoid stems, coral, and brachiopod debris. Rounded nodules and stringers of chert, developed subparallel to bedding, are locally abundant. The Joana Limestone-Chainman Shale contact is poorly exposed in the area but can be inferred from the break in slope from the more resistant, cliff-forming Joana unit to the overlying, less resistant, slope-forming Chainman Shale.


The Mississippian Chainman Shale (map unit Mc) is best exposed between Murphy Wash and Johns Wash in the Minerva quadrangle, about half a mile from where Johns Wash and Murphy Wash intersect. The Mississippian Chainman Shale is a slope former and generally only the more quartzose beds within the unit actually crop out. Otherwise, the Mississippian Chainman Shale is found primarily as small float of brownish- red weathering shaley and silty rocks with occasional larger blocks and pieces of thin quartz sand beds, black, siliceous argillite, and calcareous sand and shale. The more shaly float of the Mississippian Chainman Shale consists of a dark grey to pale yellow-brown shale and siltstone. The basal contact of the Mississippian Chainman Shale with the Mississippian Joana Limestone, as well as its upper contact with the Pennsylvanian Ely Limestone, is evidenced by an abrupt change in slope and is not well exposed or easily studied in the Minerva Canyon quadrangle.

Although there is no complete section of Mississippian Chainman Shale in the Minerva Canyon quadrangle, it is at least 366 m where it is best exposed. Whitebread (1969) has estimated the thickness of the Mississippian Chainman in the old Wheeler Peak and Garrison 15" quadrangle to be 305 - 610 m.


The Pennsylvanian Ely Limestone is exposed in the southern section of the Minerva Canyon Quadrangle between Murphy Wash and Johns Wash as well as farther north in Johns Wash. No complete section of the Pennsylvanian Ely Limestone is found in the map area, but a partial thickness of 260 m was measured in the northernmost exposed section of Ely Limestone in Johns Wash. Whitebread (1969) estimates a total unit thickness of 550-720 m. The Pennsylvanian Ely Limestone is a medium to coarse grained, slope-forming limestone characterized by alternating limestone ledges with gentle slopes. The ledge-forming sections of the Ely Limestone are thin-bedded (2-30 cm thick), light- to medium-light-grey, and consist of organic detrital limestone (containing brachiopod, crinoid, foram, and coral debris). The slope-forming sections of the Ely are a platy, medium grey to tannish-grey silty limestone. Rounded chert nodules 2-10 cm in diameter (not parallel to bedding) are common throughout the section. The Ely Limestone is very fossiliferous, with Chaeletes (string coral), crinoid stems, silicified brachiopods, and forams common throughout the section. Although there is little variation in the Pennsylvanian Ely Limestone, there is a section of tan to red, noncalcareous, silicified brachiopod-rich sandstone (5-10 m thick) present near the top of the Ely Limestone. The contact with the underlying Mississippian Chainman Shale is poorly exposed, and no contact with the overlying Permian Arcturus Formation is present in the Wheeler Peak or Minerva Canyon Quadrangles.


The Older Tertiary Conglomerate unit is a sequence of flat lying conglomerate that is conformably overlain by the Tertiary Needles Range Formation. Although generally poorly exposed, it is locally well exposed in several areas immediately beneath the more resistant overlying Needles Range Formation. There is especially good exposure of the conglomerate in the hillside just east of the upper Johns Wash road spring, between the road going down Johns Wash and the road going down Murphy Wash. Measured here, its thickness ranges from 30 to 60 m. Within the unit two somewhat different conglomerates were distinguished and are referred to here as the upper division and the lower division. Their description is from the excellently exposed area mentioned above.

The upper division of the conglomerate is pebbly with occasional cobbles. It is a clast supported conglomerate and is poorly sorted. The clasts are subangular to subrounded and occur within a sand and silt matrix. A few beds of sandstone up to 5 cm thick are interbedded with the conglomerate. The lower division of the conglomerate is very similar to the upper division but it is not as well bedded. A few granite clasts were found in the outcrop; these were several inches in diameter. No imbrication was discernable from the clasts.

Two clast counts were done on the conglomerate at this outcrop. One hundred clasts were counted in each location. The results are presented in Table 1.


The Tertiary Needles Range Formation underlies a plateau-like area in the southern part of Johns Wash. It is best exposed at the north end of this plateau where it conformably overlies older Tertiary conglomerate. A second exposure of the Needles Range Formation occurs in the southeast corner of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle along the road in West Fork Canyon. Here it is more poorly exposed, and rests depositionally on the Devonian Guilmette Formation. There is also another small patch of exposure by the spring where Murphy Wash originates.

Several divisions are visible in the Needles Range Formation beginning with a grey basal surge layer about 60 to 90 cm thick, followed by a pink ash flow that is about 1.5 to 3 m thick. Overlying these two is ~60 cm of conglomerate with a volcanic matrix. Imbricated pebbles in both conglomerate intervals indicate south-directed paleocurrents. Above the second conglomerate is another laminated, grey, ~1 m thick basal surge layer of crystal-rich tuffaceous sediments, overlain by pink to red ashflow tuff that forms the conspicuous red to red-brown vertically jointed cliffs which make up most of the mapped the Needles Range Formation. Portions of the area mapped as Needles Range by Whitebread (1969) in the lower portions of Murphy Wash area we have reinterpreted as landslide deposits based on the hummocky topography and random orientation of compaction foliation.

The Needles Range tuff is rhyolitic to rhyodacitic in composition and is generally moderately welded. The basal surge layer is rich in hornblende and biotite phenocrysts and the main overlying pink-colored ashflow tuff is exclusively biotite bearing. The tuff also contains plagioclase feldspar, quartz and lesser sanidine phenocrysts. The biotite books are up to half a centimeter in diameter. Generally, the phenocryst to matrix ratio is constant throughout the tuff and is estimated to be about 35% phenocryst and 65% matrix.

The source of the various cooling units that comprises the Needles Range Formation is the Indian Peak caldera complex, which lies south of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle. The Needles Range Formation has been dated at 33-27 Ma (Best and others, 1989). Its maximum exposed thickness is approximately 110 m but its top is erosional.


The Quaternary or Tertiary conglomerate is a generally flat lying conglomerate, whose age is uncertain. The unit is best exposed in the hilly region leading into Decathon Canyon and crops out in several drainages in and around the road to Decathon Canyon, to the east of the area of detailed study. In the Minerva Canyon quadrangle there are few outcrops or it is unexposed, and the unit is seen only in float. Whitebread (1969) mapped the western contact of this unit with bedrock as a depositional contact. However, close examination of these contacts by us suggest that the poorly exposed conglomerate adjacent to bedrock exposures may actually be in fault contact with bedrock units. In several locations we were able to observe and measure fault planes where the conglomerate is in contact with the Ordovician - Silurian undifferentiated Dolomites to the west, and with the Devonian Sevy Dolomite to the southwest. The conglomerate is also in fault contact with the Devonian Guilmette Formation to the north.

The conglomerate appears to contain clasts of all Paleozoic units down to at least the Pogonip group. Positively identified clast types include those derived from the Ordovician Eureka Quartzite, the Ordovician Fillmore Limestone, the Ordovician Kanosh Limestone, and few Ordovician - Silurian undifferentiated Dolomites. Most noticeable are the car size Eureka Quartzite boulders that litter the landscape at the northern exposures of the conglomerate. The conglomerate also contains abundant clasts of the Needles Range Formation in its more southerly exposures which indicates that exposure of the Needles Range Formation was once much more widespread than its current extent. Because these clasts were not seen in float further to the north, however, it is presumed that exposures of the Needles Range Formation did not extend much further up the present valley than their present day location. Based on these relationships we conclude that the conglomerate on the eastern side of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle is younger than the Needles Range Formation. The conglomerate predates Quaternary older alluvium, but it is unclear how much older it is relative to this alluvium.

The thickness of the Quaternary or Tertiary conglomerate is estimated to be about 153 -183 m from the relief of the unit.


Flat lying or gently dipping consolidated to unconsolidated alluvial-fan and gravel deposits that form pediment surfaces, rest in sharp angular discordance above older rocks and are incised by present day drainage systems. Clast types and morphology of these deposits indicate they are derived from the major present-day drainage systems developed in flanking mountain ranges.


Chaotic mass of blocks of various sizes deposited on modern slopes.


Chiefly ground moraine deposited during two glacial stages. Younger morainal surfaces are hummocky, whereas older morainal surfaces have a more subdued topography.


Generally unconsolidated sands and gravels deposited within modern drainage systems.

Intrusive Rocks


Several large Jurassic plutons of diverse composition occur in the northern and southern Snake Range (Fig.2). This group of plutons is represented in the Wheeler Peak Quadrangle by the Snake Creek/Williams Canyon pluton. A variety of isotopic geochronologic techniques, including U-Pb analyses of monazite and Sr whole rock analyses, yield an intrusive age of approximately 160 Ma for this body (Lee et al., 1986). The elongate, undeformed Snake Creek/Williams Canyon pluton is oriented roughly E-W with a larger eastern lobe in Snake Creek and has a total exposed area of 35 km2 (Lee et al., 1984; 1986). It is a compositionally zoned calc-alkaline pluton from a biotite-tonalite (63% SiO2) to the east grading into a biotite-granite (76% SiO2) to the west (Lee et al., 1986). The most mafic compositions are represented by rounded, cognate biotite-rich granodiorite xenoliths ranging in diameter from 3-15 cm, found throughout the pluton.

Accessory minerals in the eastern portion of the pluton include biotite, epidote, titanite, magnetite, and allanite, whereas the central and western portions locally include garnet, ilmenite, and monazite primarily in aplite/pegmatite dikes and in felsic border phase rocks; apatite and zircon are ubiquitous throughout (Lee and Van Loenen, 1971). Within 10-20 m of the country rock contact, muscovite is often present together with or in place of biotite. West of Pyramid Peak in the Wheeler Peak quadrangle, extensive areas of the intrusion have been altered to a pyrite-muscovite quartz griesen, labeled Jgra on Plate 1A, associated with abundant quartz veins. These 0.05-5-meter-thick quartz veins strike approximately N60E, are steeply dipping, and have steeply plunging slickensides (Fig.9). They often contain the mineral assemblage muscovite-galena-wolframite (Smith, 1976). A hornblende-bearing, fine-grained granodiorite dike was mapped east of Pyramid Peak, and garnet-bearing aplite dikes are often found cutting the pluton near its contact with the country rock. Occasionally, somewhat more porphyritic equivalents of the pluton are found as dikes and in some parts of the pluton itself. In these, quartz, biotite, and plagioclase occur as phenocryst phases.

The Snake Creek/Williams Canyon pluton has a sharp intrusive contact with the several units that surround it, including the Precambrian McCoy Creek Group Quartzite1 and the Osceola Argillite, and the Cambrian Prospect Mountain Quartzite, Pioche Shale, and Pole Canyon Limestone. Contact effects include the growth of muscovite, chlorite, biotite, and aluminum silicate minerals within argillaceous layers and calc-silicate minerals within calcareous layers. Pervasive retrogression of shists and slates prevents conclusive identification of the aluminum silicate porhyroblasts that grew in the aureole of the pluton, but euhedral outlines allow identification of the pseudomorphs as staurolite. Staurolite porphyroblasts increase in size and quality towards the pluton. Grey, elongate, prismatic grains with square cross-sections were tentatively identified in the field as andalusite, and other retrograded aluminum silicate porphyroblasts may include chloritoid and/or cordierite. Skarn assemblages in calc-silicate rocks include epidote, garnet, diopside, and actinolite. Metamorphic grade in the contact aureole rises from greenschist to amphibolite facies over horizontal distances of less than 1.5 km (McGrew and Miller, 1993). In addition to the observed growth of certain minerals in the aureole of the granite, a penetrative cleavage is developed in pelitic units adjacent to the pluton. Systematic observation of the relationship of cleavage development to growth of contact metamorphic minerals indicate the two are coeval and that deformation was synchonous with granite emplacement (Miller, et al., 1988). This cleavage is discussed in more detail elsewhere in the text.

Kgr Cretaceous Granite

The very westward edge of the Pole Canyon pluton of Cretacious age occurs along the eastern boundary of the Wheeler Peak quadrangle, and is mainly exposed in the Kious Spring quadrangle to the east, where it has been described by Mcgrew and Miller (1992). The Pole Canyon pluton belongs to a family of Cretaceous two mica granites that occur in a north-trending band through eastern Nevada (Miller and Bradfish, 1980; Lee and others, 1981; Lee and others, 1986; Miller and Gans, 1989). The main phase of this granite is characterized by large, euhedral muscovite phenocrysts up to 2 cm in diameter that contain tiny euhedral biotite inclusions. Biotite and muscovite are also intimately intergrown in the equigranular matrix. A Rb-Sr whole rock isochron of 79.1 ア 0.5 Ma (Lee, Kistler, Robinson, 1986) agrees well with a minimum age of 79.7 Ma from K-Ar analysis of muscovite (Lee and others, 1970). A dense swarm of approximately E-W trending aplite and pegmatite dikes forms a second major intrusive phase within the outcrop area of this pluton, but may well be derived from the Tertiary Young Canyon-Kious Basin pluton neighboring it to the east.


The muscovite- bearing quartz rhyolite porphyry is white in color and weathers to an orangish color. It is composed of 80% matrix and 20% phenocrysts. The phenocrysts are primarily quartz and muscovite with minor clay-altered feldspar. Quartz phenocrysts are subhedral to rounded and embayed, often occurring in polycrystalline clusters. The matrix is fine-grained, porcellaineous to granular. The rhyolite porphyry dikes are found in several areas in both the Minerva Canyon and Wheeler Peak quadrangles. The most conspicuous exposures of these dikes occur on the northern end of Highland Ridge, between Decathon Canyon and Murphy Wash and along the western edge of the range from Everett Mine to Swallow Canyon. Several of these dikes intrude faults, although this is not a universal relationship. Age is unknown.


The hornblende microdiorite is a dark olive green rock that weathers orange to brown. It is composed of fine-grained subhedral plagioclase, hornblende, and pyroxene, with very little groundmass. It crops out in two places in the northeast corner of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle: in the southern end of Johns Wash above the outcrop of Corset Springs and on the southern end of Highland Ridge. Age is unknown.

Structural Geology


The study area contains a wide variety of structural features that were produced during several tectonic events in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The timing and duration of these events are not precisely known and may be polyphase. The timing of Cenozoic events in the region is most critical as these events are ultimately responsible for the overiding north-south trend of the Snake Range and geometry of fault blocks in the Basin and Range Province. Rock units in the southern Snake Range in general define a north trending anticlinorium bounded to the west by the Butte synclinorium and to the east by the Mesozoic-aged Confusion Range structural trough (Fig. 1) [McGrew, 1993].

The most important structural feature of the study area is an extensive low angle fault or fault system first termed the Snake Range decollement by Misch (1957) which places younger rocks on older. Work by Misch and Easton (1954), Misch (1957), and Hazzard and Turner (1957) indicated that large areas of Nevada were underlain by this feature which they believed to represent a shearing off zone for Mesozoic thrust faults of the Sevier belt (Fig. 1). Subsequent work suggested a Tertiary age for this and similar features in Nevada (Armstrong, 1972). In the southern Snake Range, involvment of Tertiary strata in faulting and the fact that the decollement cuts an Oligocene pluton provides solid data supporting a Cenozoic age for this fault (McGrew, 1993). The decollement is a shallowly southeast dipping (10。13。) fault which separates the dichotomous structural history of upper and lower plate rocks. The lower plate of the decollement exposes a thick, stratified sequence of late Proterozoic to Early Cambrian quartzites and schists overlain by a thick succession of Middle Cambrian carbonates. This succession is generally structurally intact, however penetrative deformation and metamorphism adjacent to plutons and along the eastern margin of the range are cut by a mylonitic fabric inferred to be related to the deeper structural levels of the decollement (McGrew, 1993).The upper plate rocks above the decollment are cut by normal faults that attenuate or thin a section of a dominantly carbonate miogeoclinal strata overlain unconformably by Tertiary conglomerates and volcanic rocks.

Metamorphism and penetrative deformation in the study area is spatially and temporally associated with plutonic intrusion of the lower plate rocks. There are two intrusive bodies in the study area, the Jurassic Snake Creek-Williams Canyon pluton and the Cretaceous Pole Canyon-Can Young pluton. These have both been dated by a variety of isotopic geochronologic techniques including Rb-Sr, 87Sr/86Sr, and Uranium-Thorium-Lead meathods which give excellent agreement suggest a date of 155 +/- 4 Ma for the Snake Creek-Williams Canyon, and 79.1 +/- .5 Ma for the Pole Canyon-Can Young pluton (Lee et al., 1986).

The lower plate Precambrian and early Cambrian quartzites have locally been intesely deformed and recrystalized adjacent to the plutons. However, a majority of the quartzites retain relict sedimenatry features including a banded and little deformed cross-bedding. Two deformational fabrics may be observed in this succession. The first (S1) is an eastward dipping, penetrative cleavage, gently inclined with respect to bedding. The second (S2) is a westward dipping crenulation fabric with variable bedding to cleavage angle (Figure 8). The S1 cleavage seems to have slightly pre-dated or broadly coincided with the Jurassic pluton emplacement. Miller et al. (1988) suggests on the basis of regional relationships that the S2 cleavage is Cretaceous in the southern Snake Range, constrained between 160 Ma and 36 Ma (McGrew, 1993).

Aside from the decollement, the study area contains five faults or fault systems of major importance: The Johns Wash fault system; a series of westward dipping faults in the extreme southwest portion of the study area, possibly related to the Johns Wash fault system; the Murphy Wash fault; the Decathon fault; and a small system of east dipping faults in the west central area of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle. Only the latter two cut rocks of the lower plate of the decollement. The actual relation of these lower plate faults to the decollement is ambiguous.

The Johns Wash Fault system, as named on Whitebreads' map (1969), derives its name from the valley in which it occurs. It extends from the southern portion of the study area to the mid central portion of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle where it is cut by the Murphy Wash fault. It is a north-south trending, steeply west dipping fault system which offsets the Guilmette Formation or the Pilot Shale against the Ordovician Silurian undifferentiated dolomites.

A similar stratigraphic relationship and fault geometry may be seen among the west dipping faults in the southwestern portion of the study area. To the south of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle border, these faults trend toward the Murphy Wash Fault and may be bent into it and/or cut by it. Thus, if this is the case,it is possible that the Johns Wash fault system and the westward dipping faults on the southwestern border of the study area are intimately related and part of the same system.

The Murphy Wash fault is best exposed along the eastern side of Johns Wash, trends north-south, and dips approximately 40 degrees to the east. Dip slip motion generally drops Ordovician Cambrian Notch Peak on Cambrian Johns Wash or Cambrian Lincoln Peak to the north, though Pennsylvanian units are displaced against Cambrian ones to the south in conjunction with the Johns Wash fault. Also to the south, the Murphy Wash fault was projected by Whitebread (1969) in close proximity to the Needles Range Tuft. This area has been remapped as landslide deposits and thus the Murphy Wash fault may not be constrained by the tuft. The fault is assumed to be cut by the decollement not far below the surface based on cross cutting relations to the north.

The Decathon Fault is north-south trending and east dipping. It trends along the east side of Decathon Valley and generally places the Ordovician Pogonip on the Cambrian Notch Peak. Its age relation to the other faults discused here is unclear. The Decathon fault, like the other upper plate faults is cut by the decollement.

Other than the above faults, there is only one other fault system of apparent importance. These faults occur in the lower plate near the Tungsten Queen Mine on the west side of the range. These faults strike slightly east of north, and dip to the east at low angles (10。-15。). A cross cutting relationship with the decollment seems unlikely, though not impossible, and what these faults do at depth is unclear.

Deformation and Intrusion of Lower Plate

Key data bearing on the metamorphic, intrusive, and deformational history of the Minerva Canyon and Wheeler Peak quadrangles was collected as part of this study. These data include field-mapping of mineral-in isograds, identification of contact and regional metamorphic mineral assemblages, and measurement of deformational fabrics such as cleavage in the rocks. Mineral-in isograds and key metamorphic mineral assemblages are displayed on the main geologic map. Other structural data is displayed in a series of stereonet diagrams (Fig.8). Below we briefly discuss this data in context of the events affecting the region in the Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary.


Structural fabrics and intrusive rocks of Jurassic age are restricted to the deeper parts of the section exposed in the Wheeler Peak quadrangle; the Minerva Canyon quadrangle exposes only higher structural levels and evidence for Jurassic deformation is absent. Previous work in the southern Snake Range has determined that the oldest deformational fabric present is a penetrative cleavage(S1) that is gently inclined eastward with respect to bedding and forms NNW-trending intersection lineations with bedding (Fig.8b). Miller and others (1988) suggest that this deformation broadly coincided with Jurassic pluton emplacement, because the fabrics are selectively developed, with the largest strains occurring adjacent to large Jurassic plutons.

Evidence obtained from this study in the Wheeler Peak quadrangle neither bolsters or negates the proposal that the first cleavage is synchronous with the emplacement of the Jurassic pluton. East-dipping cleavages were found with as much regularity in the vicinity of the pluton as they were a significant distance from it. Additionally, at some points near the pluton, the east-dipping cleavage was obscured and only the later west-dipping cleavage was observed. Figure 8a is a stereonet diagram of the cleavages; bedding attitudes were utilized in order to display the attitudes of cleavage before beds rotated. Each cleavage reading was rotated back to horizontal using a bedding reading taken at the same outcrop, thereby increasing the accuracy of the restoration. Figures 8b and 8c are diagrams of the calculated and measured intersection lineations between cleavages and bedding (both unrotated). The earlier cleavage produces a NNW trending, subhorizontal intersection lineation, while the younger produces a more scattered range of intersection lineations varying in trend from N80W to N50W. The large scatter could be due to a variety of causes, among them heterogeneous strain, disruption of bedding by the intrusion of the pluton, and post cleavage development folding.

Unfortunately, the small amount of data collated makes it impossible to draw any firm conclusions about the timing of the cleavage in this quadrangle. Future thin section work will reveal more firmly the nature of the cleavage in this area and their cross-cutting relations. Until that study, we can postulate that results in adjacent quadrangles are applicable. Thin section studies of the Jurassic Willard Creek pluton in the Hogum and Windy Peak quadrangles indicate that contact metamorphic porphyroblasts described in more detail below grew synchronously with and overprint the S1 cleavage. Adjacent to the pluton itself, hornfels textures locally obliterate the cleavage (Miller et al., 1988). In the same report, intersection lineations between bedding and east-dipping cleavages were relatively well clustered in a NNW trend, indicating a regionally uniform strain.

In the Wheeler Peak quadrangle, silty and shaley units such as the Precambrian Osceolla Argillite of the McCoy Creek group, the Cambrian Pioche Shale, and shaley/silty interbeds in the Cambrian Prospect Mountain Quartzite exhibit spotted hornfels textures as one approaches the Snake Creek-Williams Creek pluton. Muscovite, andalusite, and altered pseudomorphs of staurolite occur in the contact aureole of the pluton. These metamorphic porphyroblasts increase in size and abundance with structural depth and proximity to pluton. They are ubiquitously retrograded to white mica, chlorite, and chlorite and white mica. Some retrograded porphyroblasts preserve dark euhedral habit and have been identified as staurolite. Other, more indistinct, spots and blobs have not been identified with confidence, but may represent retrograded cordierite, chloritoid, or staurolite. Immediately adjacent to the pluton margins, we have tentatively identified 3 new andalusite localities (Plate 1). If this field identification is correct, it could support intrusion of the pluton at depths shallower than the AlSiO3 triple point (3.8Kb--Holdaway, 1971). Estimated stratigraphic depth using unit thicknesses calculated in this study is approximately 8,000m, which is compatible with this estimate


Faulting History

Upper Plate Faults

Fault System on West Side of Range

Faulting within the upper plate of the southern Snake Range decollement along the southwesternmost side of the southern Snake Range is well-exposed in the southern section of the Minerva Canyon Quadrangle (Plate IB). Here, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian age rock units are cut by a system of normal faults that are predominantly north-northeast trending, westward-dipping, but vary in trend from northwest to northeast. The proximity of the fault system to the mapped trace of the southern Snake Range decollement (SSRD) might account for some of the observed variability in fault orientations. The structural continuity of the decollement across the Wheeler Peak and Minerva Canyon Quadrangles and beneath this particular area as inferred by map relations (Plate IB) suggests that motion on the upper plate faults was either synchronous or older than motion on the more gently-dipping SSRD, into which these faults truncate.

The faults in question are subparallel, but appear to be continuous in map pattern with much more gently dipping faults. The steeply-dipping faults are westward-dipping, with bedding in adjacent fault blocks dipping steeply into the fault planes (Plate IB). More competent units, such as the Ordovician-Silurian Fish Haven and Laketown Dolomites (OS), retain the best record of the total faultblock rotation (e.g. Miller and Gans, 1983) associated with these faults. Assuming original horizontality of bedding prior to faulting, these faults must have been eastward dipping at the time of formation and during early motion on the fault planes. The subhorizontal fault associated with a klippe of Devonian Guilmette Limestone that overlies the Ordovician Fillmore Limestone differs in orientation but, based on bedding to fault angles, is also east-dipping. This gently-dipping fault plane is believed to be continuous with the steeply westward-dipping faults to the west (Fig. 6). The faults discussed above continue southward into the Red Ledges Quadrangle, a portion of which was mapped as part of this study. Here, these faults also appear to rotate to more gentle angles and may curve to become a klippe of Ordovician Eureka Quartzite and OS which overlies the Ordovician Fillmore Limestone, much like the klippe of Devonian Guilmette in the north. These relations suggest the possibility that these faults may be folded in an anticlinal fashion.

This antiform can also be inferred or defined by bedding orientations in the Ordovician-Cambrian Notch Peak Limestone (Fig.6 and Plate IB). The axial trace of the antiform is poorly defined but appears to trend north-south and plunge 5。-10。 south. The mechanism of its formation, assuming no compressional events, may be related to normal drag along younger north-south-trending normal faults. The two major faults that may be responsible for its formation and the bending of older faults are the east-dipping Murphy Wash fault on the east and possibly a range-bounding fault on the west (Fig. 10). Although field study revealed no conclusive evidence for the existence of the range-bounding fault, the north-south trending linearity of the range front on the west (Plates 1A and 1B) suggests a major westward-dipping fault.

John's Wash Fault System

The John's Wash Fault system in the southeast corner of the Minerva quadrangle consists of several north-south trending west-dipping faults that trend parallel to John's Wash(Plate 1B). The system consists of a single fault to the north where it is truncated by the Murphy Wash fault which splays into five faults moving south towards the southern edge of the quadrangle. The faults are anastamosing and dip 50 to 65 degrees to the west.

The John's Wash faults generaly place upper Paleozoic rock units (eg. Guillmette Formation, Pilot Shale, Joanna Limestone, Chainman Shaleand Ely Limestone) agains Ordovician-Silurian and Devonian dolomites. The dipslip component of displacements calculated for the John's Wash and related faults one kilometer south of the spring in John's Wash give an estimated total displacement of about 2575 meters. The individual displacements for each fault going from west to east are 790, 1220, 400, 165 meters. This gives the John's Wash Fault system a minimum of about 2225 meters stratigraphic displacement.

The John's Wash fault system probably represents the oldest system of upper plate faults. To the north, the fault system is cut by the Murphy Wash fault. Therefore, the John's Wash fault system either predates or alternatively could be antithetic and thus synchronous with the Murphy Wash fault. It is more likely that it former is true. The youngest unit that the John's Wash fault system cuts is the Ely Limestone, which give the fault system an upper age limit of Pennsylvanian. The Tertiary conglomerate (Tco) which occurs on both the east and west side of the canyon appears not to be disturbed by any faults in the system. These conglomerates predate the overlying Needles Range Formation to the west. Therefore, the John's Wash Fault system must predate the Needles Range Formation ashflow tuff which has been dated at 27-33 Ma by Best and others (1989b).

Murphy Wash Fault

The Murphy Wash Fault extends from the Minerva Canyon to the Wheeler Peak quadrangle where it merges with or is cut by the southern Snake Range d残ollement and is presumably truncated by it. The Murphy Wash fault is a high-angle, east dipping normal faults with an average dip of 45o, although fault plane measurements range in dip from 35o to 55o.

In the southern portion of the Wheeler Peak quadrangle and the northeast corner of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle and the the Murphy Wash Fault displaces Ordovician-Cambrian Notch Peak Limestone to the east down against the Cambrian Lincoln Peak Limestone. Here, it has a minimum stratigraphic displacement of 850 m (Fig. 5). In the southern portion of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle the Murphy Wash Fault down drops Devonian through Pennsylvanian rocks to the east against the Ordovician Cambrian Notch Peak Limestone, appearing to have a stratigraphic displacement of about 3600m (from reported unit thicknesses). This apparently large stratigraphic displacement along the Murphy Wash Fault compared to its displacement to the north can be explained by the fact that earlier faulting and offset along the parallel Johns Wash Fault system predated motion on the Murphy Wash Fault (Fig. 6). There is at least 1960m of stratigraphic displacement along the Johns Wash Fault which when taken into consideration results in 1640m, at most, displacement on the Murphy Wash Fault which is significantly less than appears from map relations (Fig. 6 and Plate II).

The age of the Murphy Wash Fault and its relation to other fault systems in the Minerva Canyon and Wheeler Peak quadrangles has been one of our main concerns in the study of these two regions. Previously, Whitebread (1969) had mapped the Murphy Wash Fault system in such a way that it cut the Tertiary Needles Range Formation, not only implying that the Murphy Wash Fault was Tertiary and postr Needles Range in age but also that the southern Snake Range d残ollement must ahve moved in post Needles Range time, since the SSRD truncates the Murphy Wash Fault (Armstrong, 1972). Further study by us in this area, however, does not conclusively demonstrate that the Murphy Wash Fault system cuts the Tertiary Needles Range Formation. Remapping of the region of Whitebread's (1969) map shows a more restricted area of exposure of the Needles Range Formation, as we have remapped the western portion of this unit as Quaternary landside deposits composed entirely of the Needles Range Formation (Plate IB).

As mapped, the trend of the Murphy Wash Fault no longer coincides with western edge of exposure of the Needles Range Formation as mapped by Whitebread, opening the posibility that the Murphy Wash Fault does not cut the Needle Range Formation. This new interpretation no longer permits for the unequivocal conclusion that the southern part of the Snake Range d残ollement, which cuts the Murphy Wash Fault, moved in post Needles Range time.

Decathon Fault System and Related Faults

The Decathon fault is an extensive low-angle, east-dipping normal fault that extends along the eastern side of the Minerva Canyon quadrangle from the northern wall of Decathon Canyon to the eastern slope of Decathon Canyon southeast of Decathon Spring. It dips approximately 20。 to the east and displaces the Ordovician Juab Limestone eastward above Ordovician Cambrian Notch Peak Limestone in the northern half of Decathon Canyon, Ordovician Kanosh Shale on Ordovician Fillmore Limestone to the south, and Ordovician Eureka Quartzite on Ordovician Juab Limestone at its southern end. Its trace, as seen in Plate 1, is almost identical to that mapped by Whitebread (1969).

A Quaternary landslide southwest of Granite Peak, first mapped by Whitebread(1969), consists of debris from the overhanging Eureka cliffs and has obscured the trace of the fault locally. However, it is likely that the fault continues south of this area of cover and is represented along strike by the fault that juxtaposes the Eureka Quartzite above the Juab Limestone. Stratigraphic displacement on the fault is approximately 950 m as measured in Figure 5.

Disagreement with mapping by Whitebread (1969) occurs concerning the high angle, east and west dipping faults that are found east of, and which generally parallel the Decathon Fault. Based on the occurrence of two isolated fault blocks of Eureka Quartzite found southwest and northwest of Granite Peak, Whitebread mapped two faults with short traces. Utilizing a more detailed stratigraphic subdivision of the Pogonip Group, however, it is apparent that these faults extend further south and are interconnected, contemporaneous faults which anastamose, but generally downdrop the section to the west. These faults also serve to increase the apparent thickness of the Lehman Formation to the southwest of Granite Peak by successively offsetting the units down to the west.

The curved fault that cross cuts the Decathon Fault in the south, hereby referred to as the QTc boundary fault, is a high angle, east-dipping normal fault that displaces Quaternary or Tertiary Conglomerate on Ordovician Silurian Fishhaven and Laketown Dolomites, undifferentiated, and Devonian Sevy Dolomite. Whitebread (1969) had mapped this contact as depositional, but field work this summer provided significant evidence that it is a fault contact. First, the contact cuts across topography in a manner that suggests that is a fault rather than a depositional contact. Additionally, slickenslided surfaces on the adjacent bedrock were observed and several such fault planes were measured. Dips ranged from 47。 to 84。. With the exception of observations at these particular sites, the contact is generally not well exposed, and exposures of the conglomerate immediately adjacent to the fault are nonexistent. Similarly, offset on the QTc fault is difficult to determine. By examining the displacements of the related fault strands, we roughly calculated that the stratigraphic offset on the system of faults was approximately 900 m

The timing of the QTc boundary fault is somewhat misleading. The cross-cutting relationship of the fault to the Quaternary or Tertiary conglomerate would suggest that motion on the fault postdates the deposition of the conglomerate. However, with more thought, it appears likely that deposition of the conglomerate may be the result of motion on the fault and consequent uplift of bedrock. Faulting could result in a buttress unconformity between bedrock and conglomerate derived from that uplifted bedrock. The presence of slickenslided surfaces also indicates that some degree of motion along the fault could have occurred after deposition of the conglomerate. The complete picture thus appears to be more likely that motion along the fault initiated before the conglomerate was deposited, provided the relief necessary for the deposition, and may have continued after deposition of the conglomerate. The lack of any apparent tilting of the conglomerate in its exposures further along the valley suggest that this later motion was probably not great.

It is possible that the QTc fault is an extension of the Decathon Fault. The only evidence for this is the approximate parallelism of the two faults. However, more convincingly, the disparity between the steepness of the two faults and the possible angle or cross-cutting relationship suggest that the QTc fault is a younger fault which cuts the Decathon Fault.


The Snake Range decollement is by far the most prominent structural element of the southern Snake Range. It was first described in the northern Snake Range by Hazzard and others (1956) and has since been described and analyzed at length by many workers (e.g., Misch, 1960, Lee et al. 1970; Armstrong, 1972; Coney, 1974; Miller et al, 1983; Lee et al., 1987; Bartley and Wernicke, 1984; Gans et al, 1985). Many questions remain regarding its age, amount of displacement, initial dip, regional extent, and overall tectonic significance but the geometric relations are clear. Throughout its extent, it separates an upper plate of complexly faulted and tilted Palaozoic and Tertiary strata from a relatively unfaulted lower plate that in various places includes Late Precambrian to middle Cambrian Paleozoic strata and Mesozoic and Cenozoic plutonic rocks. Essentially all of the upper plate faults are normal faults - at least two generations are commonly present- which commonly striking north -south and are both down-to-the-west and down-to-the-east in terms of their displacement. The magnitude of extensional faulting in the upper plate is so great in some places as to thin the entire Paloezoic section from ~ 7 km of stratigraphic thickness to a present structural thickness of < 1 km (Miller et al, 1983). In contrast, lower plate rocks are essentially unbroken by faults, exposing instead a near layer cake stratigraphy that ranges from relatively unmetamorphosed and undeformed in the southern Snake Range to amphibolite facies and mylonitically deformed in the northern Snake Range. In the northern Snake Range, the lower plate strain is characterized by a subhorizontal foliation and well developed ~N70W stretching lineation that increases in intensity from west to east. These fabrics have been interpreted by Lee et al. (1987) as the result of Tertiary-age extension and are believed to represent a component of both pure shear and top to the east simple shear. Geometrically similar fabrics are also present in the southern Snake Range but are restricted to the easternmost flank of the range (McGrew, 1993).

The significance of the southern Snake Range decollement and its relation to the more conspicuous decollement in the northern Sanke Range remains controversial. In the southern part of the the southern Sanke Range, the decollement occurs well up in the Middle Cambrian part of the section, following either the top of the Pole Canyon Limestone or even the basal part the Lincoln Peak Formation along the southwestern flank of the range. In an east to west transect south of Mount Washington, it appears that the decollemnt cuts down section very gently to the east, from the basal part of the Lincoln Peak Formation on the west to down into Unit D or C of the Pole Canyon Limestone on the east. Bedding to fault cutoff angles in the westernmost exposures may be as much as 10-15。 with respect to both lower plate (Middle Cambrian) and upper plate Notch Peak Limestone, but in general, it appears to closely parallel the lower plate bedding. In the southern part of the southern Snake Range, the lower plate is entirely unmetamorphosed except in the vicinity of Jurassic and Cretaceous granites and lacks any significant strain. Oolites, declicate sedimentary structures, and fossils are well preserved in the Middle Cambrian rocks of the lower plate. To the north and east near the mouth of Snake Creek in the Kious Springs quadrangle the SSRD appears to cut down section to near the top of the Pioche Shale. In this area, there appear to be an increase in both the Mesozoic metamorphic grade (well developed Mesozoic cleavages) as well as in the development of the inferred Tertiary fabrics. From here northward, only lower plate rocks are exposed until Sacrament Pass, where apparently younger (~east-west trending) normal faults have downdropped the SRD such that only upper plate(?) Tertiary rocks are exposed. In addition, lower plate Precambrian and Cambrian units on the northwest flank of the southern Snake Range (Windy Peak quadrangle) are involved in a series of east-dipping normal faults whose displacement diminishes southward in the southern Snake Range. Thus, the continuity and correlation of the SSRD to the NSRD is obscured and complicated in the Sacramento Pass area, and we cannot be certain that they are in fact the same fault (see Miller et al., 1983). Nevertheless, our current prejudice is that these once were the same fault or same fault system and that the differences in lower plate stratigraphy, metamorphic grade, and degree of Tertiary deformation between the northern and southern Snake Rgae were once gradational. The gradual decrease in the lower plate ductile deformation as well as the overall lessening in the apparent metamorphic break between upper and lower plate can perhaps best be explained as the consequence of a single fault whose displacement decreases gradually to the south. However, there remain some important questions regarding the SSRD:

  1. What is the total amount of displacement on the decollement in the southern Snake Range? The total amount of stratigraphic omission across the SSRD is relatively minor as it icludes rocks as young as the lower part of the Lincoln Peak Fm in the lower plate and commonly has either upper LIncoln Peak Fm. or Notch Peak Formation immediately above the fault - an ommission of only a few 100s of meters, with no discernable break in metamorphic grade. Depending on what bedding to fault angle is assumed over its entire length, the allowable displacement might be as little as 1 km or many 10's of kilometers. We believe it likely that the SSRD as exposed in the southwestern part of the range is near its western limit and this area has only a few kilometers or less displacement, but that the displacemnet increases easward due to the combined slip on the upper plate faults, such that by the eastern flank of the range the displacement is as much as 8-22km (McGrew, 1993). To the north, the western terminus of the SRD must shift gradually westward and the cumulative slip in the SRD must gradually increase to perhaps 20-30 km.

  2. What is the age(s) of displacement on the SSRD? This remains one of the most intractable questions as there are relatively few places where dateable strata or intrusions permit tight brackets to be placed on the timing of slip of either upper plate faults or of the SRD itself. Existing constraints include:

    All of this data taken together imply a rather protracted history of extensional deformation in the vicinity of the Snake Range, beginning sometime in the Eocene or even older and continuing into the mid Miocene. It is likely that this history has been fundamentally episodic, with perhaps an older phase in the early Tertiary and another in the mid Miocene. The data also imply that the SSRD itself is a composite structure of different ages in different places and may never have all been active ast a single time despite its apparent geometric or map continuity.

  3. A final question concerns the initial dip of the SRD. Gans and Miller (1983) argued that it initially had to have been subhorizontal based on the fact that it followed the same stratigraphic inbterval over long distances combined with the fact that the nature of the Tertiary unconformity throughout east-central Nevada implied that prior to extensional faulting, the Paleozoic section was nearly flat lying and intact. However, the Tertiary unconformity is not well exposed in the vicinity of the northern and southern Snake Range, so it is appropriate to question whether the Paleozoic stratigraphy - in particular the lower plate stratigraphy- was flat lying at the time of the development of the SRD. If we undo the Tertiary slip on the SRD, the lower plate units probably restore to beneath Snake Valley or beneath the western part (i.e east-dipping limb) of the Confusion synclinorium. Depending on what intital dip is assumed for the lower plate strata, the SSRD may have dipped anywhere from 0 to 60。 to the east. Some amount of initial eastward dip seems probable and would help explain the fact the amount of Tertiary(?) ductile deformation asociated with the SRD increases towards the east as would be expected for progressively deeper levels of such a major normal fault.

Minerva Lower Plate Fault System

On the west side of the southern Snake Range, in the viscinity of the Tungsten Queen Mine, there are a series of generally parallel faults that are north-south striking and shallowly east dipping (10。-15。) . They cut the Pole Canyon Limestone and have very minor displacements of 75 meters or less (Fig. 6). This slight displacement combined with their parallel geometry creates a complex map pattern of alternating Pole Canyon D member and E member units (Plate 1b).

As these are minor faults of limited extent, it is unclear what their 3-D geometry is at depth and whether they cut or are cut by the SSRD. However, projection of these faults and the decollement suggest the possibility that they may cut the decollement at some point. This possibility is in no way born out by map relations though. To both the north and south structural relationships involving the lower plate faults are obscured by Quaternary deposits. In all, the role of these faults in the overall structure of the range is obscure and likely very minor, yet they appear to be spatially related to an unusual westward bending of units along the western range front.

Western Range Front Fault

The linearity of the range front and slopes of the western side of the southern Snake Range suggests the presence of a N-S trending, west-dipping range-bounding fault. If present, the fault is everywhere obscured by Quaternary alluvium and has not moved in recent geologic time. We have illustrated this possibility schematically on our cross-sections, but there is no direct information to constrain its existence or location. Although a gravity gradient exists on this side of the Snake Valley, indicating presence of valley fill deposits possibly related to faulting, it is not as steep or as negative as further north in Spring Valley, suggesting lesser depth to basement and lesser offset on this postulated fault (Miller at al., 1983).

Constraints on the timing of latest fault motion and uplift of the Southern Snake Range as a mountain range came from the eastern flanks of the southern Snake Range and the fission track dating of apatite.

The trace of the southern Snake Range Decollement exposed on the eastern flank of the range cuts Paleozoic strata and unconformably overlies a sequence of Tertiary conglomerate at least 2 km thick. Conglomerate beds are strongly tilted between 20 - 45。 to the west by this faulting. In the location of Big Wash, conglomerates contain scattered clasts of Needles Range Formation tuff. Thus their deposition is post-Needles Range, and the age of their tilting is also post Needles Range.

Apatite fission track dating, a technique providing information on the temperature-time history of the rocks in the 120。C-60。C temperature range, can be used to date formation of topography by faulting. A preliminary data set of apatite fission ages for the southern Snake Range suggests cooling and uplift between 20-15 Ma. In addition, fission track ages of apatite separated by granitic boulders derived from the Snake Creek-Williams creek pluton in tilted Tertiary conglomerate sequences along the eastern flank of the range are 15-18 Ma, supporting a Miocene age for significant erosion ( and inferred uplift) of the range.


The most important structural feature of the Wheeler Peak and Minerva Canyon quadrangles is the Southern Snake Range Decollement (SSRD). An extremely low angle detachment surface, it divides the region into an upper plate cut by a myriad of normal faults and a structurally intact lower plate characterized by little brittle faulting. The Southern Snake Range Decollement can be contrasted with a similar low-angle fault in the northern Snake Range, the Northern Snake Range Decollement, where the lower plate is highly deformed, and there is a distinct contrast between the ductile, mylonitic deformation in the lower plate and the brittle faulting of the upper plate. If, in fact, these two faults represent a single system, the portion we have mapped in the Minerva Canyon and Wheeler Peak quadrangles would represent a western portion of this fault system with possibly less total motion. In piecing together a history of motion on this fault in order to compare or correlate it to other faults mapped as part of the Snake Range Decollement, absolute timing relations are critical. We discuss these below.

The Johns Wash fault system is most likely the oldest upper plate fault system represented in the area. Cutting it is the Murphy Wash fault. The Johns Wash fault system clearly predates pre-Needles Range Conglomerate. It is likely, based on relative age relations, that Needles Range Formation also postdates motion along faults along the southwest flank of the range, which are inferred to have bottomed or merged with the SSRD while they moved. Thus there is substantial evidence in the Minerva Canyon quadrangle for faulting (involving rocks at least as old as Ordovician Cambrian Notch Peak Limestone) that pre-dates conglomerates that are earlier than the Needles Range Formation (pre- 27-33 Ma).

The Murphy Wash fault cuts both of the above systems of faults and merges with or is cut by the SSRD in a fashion that could be explained as either synchronous faulting or Murphy Wash Fault motion predating SSRD motion. It is unclear based on map relations, however, whether or not the Murphy Wash fault cuts the Needles Range tuffs. These map relations leave open the possibility that the Murphy Wash fault could predate Needles Range tuffs and underlying conglomerate accumulated in a N-S trending, pre-existing valley bound on one side by this fault.

To the east, cross-cutting relationships exist between the Decathon fault , the SSRD, the QTc boundary fault, and the Tertiary Needles Range Formation. The Decathon fault appears to resemble the Murphy Wash fault in that it merges with or is cut by the SSRD, thus its motion predates or is synchronous with motion along the SSRD. It is relatively certain that the Decathon fault predates the QTc boundary fault. The presence of Tertiary Needles Range Formation clasts, dated at 33-27 MA (Best and others, 1989) in the Quaternary or Terttiary conglomerate prove that at least some motion along the QTc boundary fault occurred after deposition of the Needles Range . This would suggest that the QTc boundary fault, and perhaps the SSRD were active also before 33-27 MA. This evidence, in consort with studies in the Kious Spring quadrangle, to the east of the Wheeler Peak quadrangle, which clearly demonstrate that motion along the SSRD postdated the Needles Range Formation, suggests that the SSRD may have been active at different times in different areas spanning a range of time prior to pre-Needles Range conglomerate to post-Needles Range. the available evidence also suggests that youngest motion is best documented further east along the trace of the fault, with youngest motion along easternmost trace in the Kious Spring quadrangle.

The youngest fault in the map area is the postulated Basin and Range range front fault on the western side of the southern Snake Range. Although the inferred fault is nowhere exposed, the extreme linear nature of the western range flank and the steep topography on this side of the range provide indirect evidence for the presence of a relatively recent fault that may be in part responsible for the present uplift of the area. Fission track dating suggests this uplift of the range is between 15 and 20 Ma (Miller et al, 1993). A set of small west-dipping lower plate faults on the west side of the range may be subsidiary faults related to this range front fault.

Kurt Schwehr / schwehr _at_ cs.stanford.edu