Schwehr, K., N. Driscoll, Tauxe, L. (2005). "Slumps and sediment deformation: AMS of the Gaviota and Goleta Slides." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. During the last year, we have collected six gravity cores from the northern side of the Santa Barbara Basin for paleomagnetic deformation tests. The first two cores were collected on the smaller Gaviota Slide on the western side of the basin. These cores provide the slump end member, since one core comes from the evacuated zone while the other comes from the toe or accumulation zone. Two additional cores were collected on the toes of the much older Goleta Slides and were designed to provide an undeformed reference fabric; it was our hope that they would be mostly pelagic drape but also penetrate into the top of the deformed material. One core appears to be an excellent reference core with clear laminations, while the other has distorted laminations that show the sediment has undergone some type of deformation. In between the two slides, we collected two cores on either side of the crack that runs between the two slides to investigate creep and slope stability. All cores have been sampled at a 3 cm interval with 8cc cubes to measure anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and AF demagnetiziation. The Gaviota slide sediments show a dominantly triaxial fabric with some alignment of the maximum eigen values, while the drape materials from the Goleta Slide show a typical oblate undeformed fabric. There are hints of deformation at major clay layers, which we continue to investigate. Several of these cores appear to show a biogentic component to the AMS signal that fades with depth. This component has a tendency to mask the deformation signal in the top sections of the cores. The NRM inclinations of the deformed core regions tend to be shallow and erratic showing what look at first glance to be excursional features. Conclusion Through the use of AMS and percent weight water techniques, past slides and unconformities can be identified that were not necessarily visible in the core materials. It appears that sediment morphology is controlling the ability of sediments to dewater as they accumulate overburden. The laminated zones hinder fluid flow and create zones of overpressure. We believe these zones are weak and present likely failure points for future deformation. Our model predicts that in the area between the Gaviota and Goleta slides, the failure will likely occur at a depth of 85-100cm and fail in a manner much like the smaller Gaviota slide. Acknowledgments We would like to thank NSF and BP for funding this research. The multibeam data comes from the MBARI EM300 survey. Seismic processing was done by D. Brothers and J. Dingler. Core processing was done at the SIO Geologic Collections and the SIO Paleomagnetic Laboratory.