AIS Message Definitions

AIS Message: b_pos_and_shipdata (::)


Extended Class B equipment position report - NOT WORKING IN NOAADATA

Note:I tried this on one message and got garbage in the name field and nonsense for the dimensions

Note:Page 116, Table 68 in ITU-R.M.1371-3

Name NumberOfBits ArrayLength Type Units Description
MessageID 6 uint AIS message number. Must be 19
RepeatIndicator 2 uint Indicated how many times a message has been repeated
0: default
3: do not repeat any more
UserID 30 uint Unique ship identification number (MMSI)
Spare 8 uint Reseverd for definition by a compentent regional or local authority. Should be set to zero.
SOG 10 udecimal knots Speed over ground
102.2: 102.2 knots or higher
PositionAccuracy 1 uint Accuracy of positioning fixes
0: low (greater than 10 m)
1: high (less than 10 m)
longitude 28 decimal degrees Location of the vessel East West location
latitude 27 decimal degrees Location of the vessel North South location
COG 12 udecimal degrees Course over ground
TrueHeading 9 uint degrees True heading (relative to true North)
TimeStamp 6 uint seconds UTC second when the report was generated
60: not available/default
61: manual input
62: dead reckoning
63: inoperative
Spare2 4 uint Not used. Should be set to zero. Researched for future use.
name 6 20 aisstr6 Vessel name
shipandcargo 8 uint Type of ship and cargo type
20: Wing in ground (WIG), all ships of this type
21: Wing in ground (WIG), Hazardous catagory A
22: Wing in ground (WIG), Hazardous catagory B
23: Wing in ground (WIG), Hazardous catagory C
24: Wing in ground (WIG), Hazardous catagory D
25: Wing in ground (WIG), Reserved for future use
26: Wing in ground (WIG), Reserved for future use
27: Wing in ground (WIG), Reserved for future use
28: Wing in ground (WIG), Reserved for future use
29: Wing in ground (WIG), No additional information
30: fishing
31: towing
32: towing length exceeds 200m or breadth exceeds 25m
33: dredging or underwater ops
34: diving ops
35: military ops
36: sailing
37: pleasure craft
38: reserved
39: reserved
40: High speed craft (HSC), all ships of this type
41: High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous catagory A
42: High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous catagory B
43: High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous catagory C
44: High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous catagory D
45: High speed craft (HSC), Reserved for future use
46: High speed craft (HSC), Reserved for future use
47: High speed craft (HSC), Reserved for future use
48: High speed craft (HSC), Reserved for future use
49: High speed craft (HSC), No additional information
50: pilot vessel
51: search and rescue vessel
52: tug
53: port tender
54: anti-polution equipment
55: law enforcement
56: spare - local vessel
57: spare - local vessel
58: medical transport
59: ship according to RR Resolution No. 18
60: passenger, all ships of this type
61: passenger, Hazardous catagory A
62: passenger, Hazardous catagory B
63: passenger, Hazardous catagory C
64: passenger, Hazardous catagory D
65: passenger, Reserved for future use
66: passenger, Reserved for future use
67: passenger, Reserved for future use
68: passenger, Reserved for future use
69: passenger, No additional information
70: cargo, all ships of this type
71: cargo, Hazardous catagory A
72: cargo, Hazardous catagory B
73: cargo, Hazardous catagory C
74: cargo, Hazardous catagory D
75: cargo, Reserved for future use
76: cargo, Reserved for future use
77: cargo, Reserved for future use
78: cargo, Reserved for future use
79: cargo, No additional information
80: tanker, all ships of this type
81: tanker, Hazardous catagory A
82: tanker, Hazardous catagory B
83: tanker, Hazardous catagory C
84: tanker, Hazardous catagory D
85: tanker, Reserved for future use
86: tanker, Reserved for future use
87: tanker, Reserved for future use
88: tanker, Reserved for future use
89: tanker, No additional information
90: other type, all ships of this type
91: other type, Hazardous catagory A
92: other type, Hazardous catagory B
93: other type, Hazardous catagory C
94: other type, Hazardous catagory D
95: other type, Reserved for future use
96: other type, Reserved for future use
97: other type, Reserved for future use
98: other type, Reserved for future use
99: other type, No additional information
dimA 9 uint m Distance from bow to reference position
dimB 9 uint m Distance from reference position to stern
dimC 6 uint m Distance from port side to reference position
63: 63 m or greater
dimD 6 uint m Distance from reference position to starboard side
63: 63 m or greater
fixtype 4 uint Method used for positioning
0: undefined
1: GPS
3: combined GPS/GLONASS
4: Loran-C
5: Chayka
6: integrated navigation system
7: surveyed
RAIM 1 bool Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring flag
False: not in use
True: in use
DTE 1 uint Data terminal ready
0: available
1: not available
Spare3 5 uint Not used. Should be set to zero