AIS Message Definitions

AIS Message: whalenotice (366:63:1)


Endangered whale notification binary message

Note:LNG terminal project. This is a draft. Please comment on the content of this message

See Also:http://

Name NumberOfBits ArrayLength Type Units Description
MessageID 6 uint AIS message number. Must be 8
RepeatIndicator 2 uint Indicated how many times a message has been repeated
0: default
3: do not repeat any more
UserID 30 uint Unique ship identification number (MMSI)
Spare 2 uint Reserved for definition by a regional authority.
dac 10 uint Designated Area Code - 366 for the United States
fid 6 uint Functional IDentifier - 63 for the Whale Notice
day 5 uint Time of most recent whale detection. UTC day of the month 1..31
hour 5 uint Time of most recent whale detection. UTC hours 0..23
min 6 uint Time of most recent whale detection. UTC minutes
stationid 8 uint Identifier of the station that recorded the whale. Usually a number.
longitude 28 decimal degrees Center of the detection zone. East West location
latitude 27 decimal degrees Center of the detection zone. North South location
timetoexpire 16 uint minutes Minutes from the detection time until the notice expires
radius 16 uint m Distance from center of detection zone (lat/lon above)