AIS Message Definitions

AIS Message: imo_fairway_closed (001:13:)


IMO fairway closed. Specified in SN/Circ.236 Annex 2, page 4, Application 3. Also defined in IALA Guidelines on AIS, Vol 1, Part 1, Ed. 1.3. Guildeline No 1028. This message should be used to inform ships, in particular to give guidance to large vessels about temporary closed fairways or sections in ports. Attributes: broadcast, shore station transmitting, no acknowledgement.

Name NumberOfBits ArrayLength Type Units Description
MessageID 6 uint AIS message number. Must be 8
RepeatIndicator 2 uint Indicated how many times a message has been repeated
0: default
3: do not repeat any more
UserID 30 uint MMSI number of transmitter broadcasting the message
Spare 2 uint Reserved for definition by a regional authority.
dac 10 uint Designated Area Code - part 1 of the IAI
fid 6 uint Functional Identifier - part 2 of the IAI
reason 6 20 aisstr6 Reason for closing
from 6 20 aisstr6 Location of closing from
to 6 20 aisstr6 Location of closing To
radius 10 uint See unit field Extention of closed area
unit 2 uint Unit of extension value for range field
0: m
1: km
2: nm
3: cbl
closingday 5 uint Closing from day
closingmonth 4 uint Closing from month
fromhour 5 uint From LT hour (appr)
frommin 6 uint From LT minute (appr)
today 5 uint To day
tomonth 4 uint To month
tohour 5 uint To LT hour (appr)
tomin 6 uint To LT minute (appr)
spare2 4 uint Padding out the slot