AIS Message Definitions

AIS Message: AidsToNavReport (::)


Used by a station mounted on an aid-to-navigation

Note:aka AtoN

See Also:

Name NumberOfBits ArrayLength Type Units Description
MessageID 6 uint AIS message number. Must be 21 aka 'F'
RepeatIndicator 2 uint Indicated how many times a message has been repeated
0: default
3: do not repeat any more
UserID 30 uint Unique ship identification number (MMSI)
type 5 uint IALA type of aid-to-navigation
0: Default, Type of A to N not specified
1: Reference point
3: Off Shore Structure
4: Spare
5: Light, without sectors
6: Light, with sectors
7: Leading Light Front
8: Leading Light Rear
9: Beacon, Cardinal N
10: Beacon, Cardinal E
11: Beacon, Cardinal S
12: Beacon, Cardinal W
13: Beacon, Port hand
14: Beacon, Starbord hand
15: Beacon, Preferred channel port hand
16: Beacon, Preferred channel starboard hand
17: Beacon, Isolated danger
18: Beacon, Safe water
19: Beacon, Special mark
20: Cardinal Mark N
21: Cardinal Mark E
22: Cardinal Mark S
23: Cardinal Mark W
24: Port hand Mark
25: Starbord hand Mark
26: Preferred Channel Port hand
27: Preferred Channel Starboard hand
28: Isolated danger
29: Safe water
30: Special Mark
31: Light Vessel/LANBY
name 6 20 aisstr6 Name of the aid-to-navigation
PositionAccuracy 1 uint Accuracy of positioning fixes
0: low (greater than 10 m)
1: high (less than 10 m)
Position_longitude 28 decimal degrees Location of the vessel East West location
Position_latitude 27 decimal degrees Location of the vessel North South location
dim 30 uint FIX: break this out.
FixType 4 uint Type of electronic position fixing device
0: Undefined (default)
1: GPS
3: Combined GPS/GLONASS
4: Loran-C
5: Chayka
6: Integrated Navigation System
7: surveyed
8: not used - 8
9: not used - 9
10: not used - 10
11: not used - 11
12: not used - 12
13: not used - 13
14: not used - 14
15: not used - 15
timestamp 6 uint UTC second when report was generated
61: Positioning system is in manual mode
62: Electronic position fixing system operates in estimated mode
63: Positioning system is inoperative
OffPosition 1 bool True when the AtoN is off station
False: On position
True: Off position
RegionalApp 8 uint Should be set to zero
RAIM 1 bool Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring flag
False: not in use
True: in use
Spare 3 uint Not Used