usage: [options] hyst1.raw hyst2.raw hyst3.raw ...
show program's version number and exit
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
print out all the header fields for a file
print out all the data values for a file
--show Show a matplotlib graph of the loop
Show a matplotlib graph of the loop after flattening
Save plot to a file. Filename extension determines the file-
type. e.g. .svg, .png, .ps [NOTE: .svg good for Illustrator and
.ps broken(?)]
Save plot to a file. Filename extension determines the file-
type. e.g. .svg, .png
-t TABLE, --sql-table=TABLE
Name of the database table. [default: hyst]
Save the cgs unflattened to a file
-s, --save-flattened
Save the flattened loop to a file with .flat appended to the
Save the flattened loop to a file with appended to the
filename. mT on the xaxis and Am^2 on the yaxis
Save the UNflattened loop to a file with .si appended to the
filename. mT on the xaxis and Am^2 on the yaxis
-a, --agfm-format
Change the flattened file format to be the AGFM Model 2900 out-
put format, otherwise, it writes gnuplot compatable output
force plot range
force plot range
Rescale M by dividing my Ms to get a +/- 1 plot
Mass in grams of the AGFM sample. You did measure mass,
Assumed density to calculate volume from mass. In g/cm^3
-S, --do-db
Actually do database processing. Requires pysqlite.
Database filename [default: pmag.db]
delete previous db if it exists [default: False]
Where in the comment field is the mass (2 is standard for kurt)
[default: none]
Generate a SQL CREATE statement that can be used to make a new
tableUse this the first time you add an agfm point to the
-k, --kds-style-name
use first 15 characters of the comment as the sample name
--skip-std, --skip-standard
skip the measurements of the standard
Low field susceptibility value in SI volume normalized (e.g.
from kappabridge)
Use the database to get bulksusc field for Low field suscepti-
bility value in SI volume normalized (e.g. from kappabridge)
--todo Print todo list
-v, --verbose
how much information to give. Specify multiple times to
Man(1) output converted with