usage: [options] hyst1.raw hyst2.raw hyst3.raw ...

              show program's version number and exit

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       -d DBNAME, --database=DBNAME
              Database filename [default: pmag.db]

       -D, --delete
              delete previous db if it exists  [default: False]

       -t TABLE, --sql-table=TABLE
              Name of the database table. [default: hyst]

       -c, --no-hyst-crunch
              Do not run hystcrunch to process

              Generate  a  SQL CREATE statement that can be used to make a new

       -b, --bpsio-style-name
              use first 15 characters of the comment as the sample name

       -s, --skip-std, --skip-standard
              skip the measurements of the standard

       -v, --verbose
              how  much  information  to  give.   Specify  multiple  times  to
              increase verbosity

              Specify verbosity.  Should be in the range of 0...4 (None...Bom-

              Go for the max verbosity [8]

Schwehr                          November 2005                   AGFMSQL.PY(1)

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