usage: [options]

              show program's version number and exit

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

              Specify  a  machine  offset if required.  SIO ESD is off by -0.2
              deg in Oct 2005 [default: 0.0]

              Read a counts per second formated file

              Do not graph counts per second

       --esd  Graph the esd values from a cps file

       --show Show a matplotlib graph of the data

              Save plot to a file.  Filename extension  determines  the  file-
              type.  e.g. .svg, .png, .ps [NOTE: .svg good for Illustrator and
              .ps broken(?)]

              force plot range

              force plot range

              force plot range

              force plot range

       --todo Print todo list

       -v, --verbose
              how  much  information  to  give.   Specify  multiple  times  to
              increase verbosity

              Specify verbosity.  Should be in the range of 0...4 (None...Bom-


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