usage: [options]

              show program's version number and exit

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       -d DBFILENAME, --database=DBFILENAME
              Database containing imported segy file  and  trace  header  info
              [default: segy.db]

       -f FILEKEY, --file-key=FILEKEY
              Which file from the database to use for the plot [default: 1]

       -m MINSHOT, --min-shot=MINSHOT
              Starting  shot  to  plot.  Finds the first shot if not specified
              [default: none]

       -M MAXSHOT, --max-shot=MAXSHOT
              Starting shot to plot.  Finds the first shot  if  not  specified
              [default: none]

       -s SHOTKEY, --shot-key=SHOTKEY
              Database  key  to  use  for shots.  E.g. Shotpoint or EnsembleNo
              [default: FieldRecNo]Use 'sqlite segy.db ".schema segyTrace"' to
              see options

       -S SIOSEIS, --sioseis=SIOSEIS
              Sioseis binary to use [default: sioseis]

              Program  to  use  to  view  the  results.   e.g.  xv  or display
              [default: none]

       -o OUTFILE, --outfile=OUTFILE
              File to write the script to [default: plot.bash]

       -b BASENAME, --basename=BASENAME
              Plotting  files  base  name  images.   Creates  one   if   None.
              [default: none]

       -v, --verbose
              how  much  information  to  give.   Specify  multiple  times  to
              increase verbosity

              Specify verbosity.  Should be in the range of 0...4 (None...Bom-

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