usage: [options] segyfile1 segyfile2 ... segyfileN

              show program's version number and exit

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

              file for the sqlite database  [default: segy.db]

       -X X, --longitude=X
              x coordinate (decimal degrees longitude)

       -Y Y, --latitude=Y
              y coordinate (decimal degrees latitude)

              load the x y lon lat from a file instead of from -X and -Y

       -n N, --num-shots=N
              number of shots to find [default: 1000].  More is slower

       -p POINTFILE, --point-file=POINTFILE
              file to write out target x,y [default: point.dat].

       -d DATAFILE, --data-file=DATAFILE
              file to write out a subset of data searched [default: none].

       -s SAMPLEINTERVAL, --sample-interval=SAMPLEINTERVAL
              how  many samples to skip when writing out --data-file [default:

       -o RESULTSFILE, --output-file=RESULTSFILE
              file to write out the closest points to  [default:  results-lon-

       -S, --do-not-skip
              give this flag to keep samples in the list with the same xy val-
              ues.  Some systems give the same GPS position over a  number  of

              Force  a  SEGY coordinate system, e.g. 2 == seconds of arc.  Use
              this for short format databases. [default: follow file]

       -x, --flip-x
              Multiply the x coordinate by -1

       -y, --flip-y

       -m MINFILEKEY, --min-file-key=MINFILEKEY
              Set  this  to start processing at a certain file index [default:

       -M MAXFILEKEY, --max-file-key=MAXFILEKEY
              Set this to end processing at a  certain  file  index  [default:

       -k KEY, --key=KEY
              An  additional  key  that  you  would like to see for each close
              match [default: FieldRecNo]

              Ignore the database X and Y fields.  Read from a  shotpoint  lon
              lat file.  e.g. -i --dump-key Shotpoint

       -v, --verbose
              how  much  information  to  give.   Specify  multiple  times  to
              increase verbosity

              Specify verbosity.  Should be in the range of 0...4 (None...Bom-

              Go for the max verbosity [8]

Schwehr                          October 2005                SEGYSQLDIST.PY(1)

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