usage: [options]

              show program's version number and exit

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       -d DBFILENAME, --database=DBFILENAME
              Database  containing  imported  segy  file and trace header info
              [default: segy.db]

       -o OUTFILE, --output-file=OUTFILE
              Set this to start processing at a certain file  index  [default:

       -g GRDFILE, --gmt-grid=GRDFILE
              GMT grid file to get z from

       -i, --interpolate
              Interpolate gps points when the y range changes [ EXPERIMENTAL ]

       -x, --flip-x
              Multiply the x coordinate by -1

       -y, --flip-y
              Multiply the x coordinate by -1

              Force a SEGY coordinate system, e.g. 2 == seconds of  arc.   Use
              this for short format databases. [default: follow file]

              Force  hemisphere  for  shots  that  have bad navigation.  0-NW,
              1-NE,  2-SW,  3-SE

       -u, --from-utm
              Assume x and y are in UTM and convert to Long/Lat

       -z UTMZONE, --utm-zone=UTMZONE
              Specify the UTM zone if converting from UTM to Long/Lat

       -Z, --skip-zeros
              Skip points that have 0 0 stored in the x,y fields

              Which key to use for limiting trace  range.   Shotpoint,  Ensem-
              bleNo, LineSeqNo, etc

       -v, --verbose
              how  much  information  to  give.   Specify  multiple  times  to
              increase verbosity

              Specify verbosity.  Should be in the range of 0...4 (None...Bom-

              Go for the max verbosity [8]

Schwehr                          October 2005           SEGYSQLSHIPTRACK.PY(1)

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