usage: [options] segyfile1 segyfile2 ... segyfileN

              show program's version number and exit

       -h, --help
              show this help message and exit

       -d DRV, --driver=DRV
              specify   which   driver   to   parse   data   file.   [default:

              Database to put the results in.  [default: none]

              What key to insert on as the unique key for the waterbottom pick

       -f FILE, --file=FILE
              specify segy file to examine.  Specify one or more of these

       -t THRESHOLD, --threshold=THRESHOLD
              Trigger when a threshold level is reached.  Okay to specify mul-
              tiple thresholds

       -s SKIP, --skip=SKIP
              How many traces to skip between those that we check

       -T, --time
              Return matches as time in seconds rather than trace data offset

       -D, --depth
              Return matches as depth in meters assuming 1500 m/s

       -O OFFSET, --offset=OFFSET
              Fish depth offset.  Positive number  of  the  meters  below  sea
              level. [default: 0]

       -o OUTFILE, --outfile=OUTFILE
              File to write out results to. [default: wbt.dat]

       -n, --negative
              Makes depths negaive so that < 0 is below sea level

       -p, --position
              Add the long lat to the output [ THIS IS A HACK ]

       -k KEY, --key=KEY
              Reference key to put in the 2nd column

              Specify verbosity.  Should be in the range of 0...4 (None...Bom-

              Go for the max verbosity [8]

Schwehr                          October 2005            SEGYWATERBOTTOM.PY(1)

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