Slog Member List

This is the complete list of members for Slog, including all inherited members.

complete() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
curStrSlog [private]
dec() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
dec()Slog [inline]
decMsg() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
decMsg()Slog [inline]
disableTime() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
disableTime()Slog [inline]
disableXml() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
disableXml()Slog [inline]
enableTime() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
enableTime()Slog [inline]
enableXml() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
enableXml()Slog [inline]
entry(UNUSED const int lvl, UNUSED const std::string str) (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
entry(const int lvl, const std::string str)Slog
getCurScope() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
getCurScope() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
getLevel() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
getLevel()Slog [inline]
getMsgLevel() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
getMsgLevel()Slog [inline]
getStateDepth() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
getStateDepth() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
getStateIndent() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
getStateIndent()Slog [inline]
getStateNumberStr() (defined in Slog)Slog
getTimeStatus() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
getTimeStatus()Slog [inline]
getXmlStatus() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
getXmlStatus()Slog [inline]
inc() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
inc()Slog [inline]
incMsg() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
incMsg()Slog [inline]
indent() (defined in Slog)Slog
logFileSlog [private]
logLevelSlog [private]
msgLevelSlog [private]
msgLvlStack (defined in Slog)Slog [private]
msgLvlStackSlog [private]
operator=(UNUSED const Slog &rhs) (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
operator=(UNUSED const Slog &rhs)Slog [inline]
partial(UNUSED const int lvl, UNUSED const std::string str) (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
partial(const int lvl, const std::string str)Slog
popState() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
pushState(std::string scope, int msgLvl=-1) (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
pushState(std::string scope, int msgLvl=-1)Slog
setLevel(const int lvl) (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
setLevel(const int lvl)Slog [inline]
setMsgLevel(const int lvl) (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
setMsgLevel(const int lvl)Slog [inline]
setStateIndent(const std::string &str) (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
setStateIndent(const std::string &str)Slog [inline]
Slog(UNUSED const std::string &filename="", const std::string &indentStr=" ", UNUSED const bool append=true, const bool enableXml=true, const bool enableTime=true) (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
Slog(const std::string &filename="", const std::string &indentStr=" ", const bool append=true, const bool enableXml=true, const bool enableTime=true)Slog
stateIndentSlog [private]
stateStack (defined in Slog)Slog [private]
stateStackSlog [private]
timeEnabledSlog [private]
where(UNUSED const std::string &file, UNUSED const int lineno, UNUSED const std::string &function) (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
where(const std::string &file, const int lineno, const std::string &function)Slog
writeState(UNUSED bool flat=true) (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]
writeState(bool flat=true)Slog
xmlEnabledSlog [private]
~Slog() (defined in Slog)Slog [inline]

Generated on Tue Aug 15 10:09:38 2006 by  doxygen 1.4.6