/* -*- C -*- emacs C mode */ // This document lists all the messages available to all viz clients. // Each message definition lives in a separate .x XDR definition file. // QUICKREFERENCE for Viz App builders. Dec 1999 struct AddStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the object */ string parent<>; /* Parent name */ string URL<>; /* URL path of a model to load */ float pos[3]; /* Position x,y,z (meters) */ float dir[3]; /* Roll, pitch, yaw (radians) */ int visible; /* 0=hide on creation, 1=show immediately */ }; struct AttachViewpointStruct { int viewer; /* Number of viewer whose camera is attached */ string targetName<>; /* Name of the object to be attached to */ float pos[3]; /* Relative position x,y,z (meters) */ float dir[3]; /* Relative orientation: Roll, pitch, yaw (radians) */ }; struct ChangeAlphaStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the object */ float alpha; /* change the alpha blending. */ }; // - There is a special name, "_background" that is used // to change the Viewer's background color. // - If any of the colors are out of range, attach a material // editor to the object instead of changing the color. struct ChangeColorStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the object */ float rgb[3]; /* change the color. Each value is [0..1] */ }; struct ChangeFontStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the object */ string font_string<>; /* change the font */ }; struct ChangeOrientStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the object */ float dir[3]; /* ??? radians */ }; struct ChangeParentStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the object */ string parent<>; /* New parent name */ }; struct ChangePosStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the object */ float pos[3]; /* Position x,y,z (meters) */ }; struct ChangeScaleStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the object */ float scale[3]; /* Scale the object by 'scale' */ }; struct ChangeTextStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the object */ string text_string<>; /* change the text */ }; struct ChangeTypeStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the object */ float type; /* Change type */ }; struct ChangeViewerModeStruct { int mode; /* Viewer mode */ }; struct ChangeViewerParamStruct { int viewer; /* Index of the viewer (which window) */ int decoration; /* 0: off, 1: on, -1: don't change, -2:toggle */ int camType; /* 0: perspective, 1: orthogonal, -1: don't change, -2:toggle */ int headlight; /* 0: off, 1: on, -1: don't change, -2:toggle */ int intDrawStyle; /* Interactive: as defined in SoXtViewer::DrawStyle, -1 don't change */ int stillDrawStyle; /* Still: as defined in SoXtViewer::DrawStyle, -1 don't change */ int bufferingType; /* As defined in SoXtViewer::BufferType, -1 don't change */ int isViewing; /* 0: off, 1: on, -1: don't change, -2:toggle */ int autoClipping; /* 0: off, 1: on, -1: don't change, -2:toggle */ int stereoViewing; /* 0: off, 1: on, -1: don't change, -2:toggle */ float stereoOffset; /* stereo offset, <0: don't change */ int detailSeek; /* 0: off, 1: on, -1: don't change, -2:toggle */ float seekTime; /* <0: don't change */ }; struct ChangeViewerTypeStruct { int viewer; /* Index of the viewer (which window) */ int type; /* As defined in viewerDisplay.h: MainDisplay::ViewerType */ }; struct ChangeWinGeomStruct { int width; /* window width, 0: don't change */ int height; /* window height, 0: don't change */ int xoffset; /* window horizontal pos, -1: don't change */ int yoffset; /* window vertical pos, -1: don't change */ }; struct EventStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the object */ string type<>; /* Event type */ }; struct FollowCursorStruct { int on; /* 1 == Turn on messages; 0 == don't send any msgs */ }; struct HideStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the object */ }; struct IpCmdStruct { int seqId; int ipId; string cmd<>; string data<>; }; struct OutputControlStruct { string msg<>; /* Message name to subscribe/unsubscribe */ int on; /* 1 == Turn on messages; 0 == don't send any msgs */ }; struct PrintToFileStruct { int viewer; /* Viewer number */ string type<>; /* "ps", "rgb" or "ppm" */ int imgWidth; /* -1 for the maximum */ int imgHeight; /* -1 for the maximum */ string fileName<>; float background[3]; /* RGB background color */ /* Set to 0 if rgb file. */ int dpiX; /* Printer dots per inch. */ int dpiY; /* Printer dots per inch. */ }; struct QueryAllTargetsStruct { int dummy; /* no arguments */ }; struct QueryPickRegionStruct { float samplingXY; /* Number of ray picks along X and Y */ float defElevation; /* Default elevation used if there's a hole */ }; struct QueryPolylineStruct { int dummy; /* No args */ }; struct QueryPoseStruct { string name<>; /* object name */ }; struct QueryRayPickStruct { float origin[3]; /* Point to ray pick from */ float vector[3]; /* Ray pick from origin along vector */ }; struct QuerySceneStruct { string name<>; /* Object name to query scene */ }; struct QueryStateStruct { int dummy; /* no arguments */ }; struct QueryViewerParamStruct { int viewer; /* Viewer number */ }; struct QuitStruct { int value; /* Exit value (not used) */ }; struct RemoveStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the object */ }; struct SaveSceneGraphStruct { string fileName<>; /* Name of the file to save the SceneGrahp to */ string rootName<>; /* root node to save from*/ string asciiObin<>; /* "ascii" or "bin" */ }; struct SeqCmdStruct { int seqId; string cmd<>; string data<>; }; struct SetBasicStruct { int dummy; }; struct SetPolylineStruct { int points; /* Number of tie points. -1: unlimited */ int open; /* 0 polyline is closed. 1: polyline open */ }; struct SetSeekModeStruct { int viewer; /* viewer number */ int onOrOff; /* 1 == Turn on seek; 0 == turn off seek mode */ }; struct SetSelectStruct { int dummy; }; struct SetSwitchStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the switch */ int whichChild; /* Child to be rendered */ }; struct ShowStruct { string name<>; /* Name of the object */ }; struct TimerCmdStruct { int timerId; string cmd<>; string data<>; };