VIZ @ MVACS - Quick reference

NASA Ames Research Center


Character font conventions:
This font is used to show what to type in the Unix at the shell prompt.
This font is used to indicate the title of a button to press.

How to run Viz

Procedure to run Viz on the SGI at MVACS: In the Unix shell, type:
> cd /projects/viz/src/Gui
> ./goViz

Viz was started successfully if you see the following:

If any of these windows are missing, then click here.

How to run the demos or load new models

To run the Viz demos, press the Demos button (top row of side bar GUI).
Then, just press on the desired demo. Usually the interface is set to freeze until all the models are loaded, so be patient.

To load a model, press the Load button (top row of side bar GUI).
Navigate through the directory structure, and select the files you want to load by clicking on them in the listbox, or using wildcards (use *.wrl) in the Load filter entry box and pressing Add to sel. When you're done selecting all the files you need to load, press the Load selected files to finish.

The latest models are in: /projects/viz/src/Models/stereo_zbinden/solxxx
Scroll all the way down in the Load files interface, and you'll see the stereo_zbinden/ directory.


These are the common Viz problems:

./goViz doesn't start up the 3 windows of Viz

You're environment variables are probably not set correctly. Try the following:
> unsetenv VIZHOME
> unsetenv PYTHONPATH
> source /projects/viz/src/vizsource
> /projects/viz/src/Gui/goViz

Viz has crashed: the 3D rendering window has disappeared

The main rendering server has crashed, there's not much you can do at this point. You lost the scene of 3D objects you have loaded, but not the data associated with the GUI, such as the Markers, so save everything you can and restart Viz by pressing the Quit button of what's left (the GUI) and type goViz again at the UNIX prompt.

To report any crash, please email me with the following information:

The Viz 3D rendering window doesn't die when I exit Viz

This bug has been observed after having used the Animation sequence feature (accessible by the button ).
It's not a big deal, since you wanted to quit anyway, but it will keep the port busy and prevent you to restart Viz. You can make it go away by typing:
> killall mainViz

Viz is not responding

You can still fly around the world, but can't perform any functions from the GUI, such as measurements, or Markers: pressing the buttons doesn't have any effect anymore. This means that somehow, the sidebar has lost connection with the 3D rendering window.

I am lost in the 3D world, and don't know where I am.

To reset the Viewpoints, click on Setting (top row in side bar GUI) -> Reset -> View 0.
Or press the the ViewAll button  from the viewer decoration (toolbar on the side of the viewer). To turn on the decoration, click on the right mouse button anywhere in the viewer and select Decoration from the pulldown menu.

How to replay SSI sequences in Viz

You can replay the sequences of Sol 1-9 by doing the following:     > cd /projects/viz/src/SimpleClients
    > ./ <sequence filename>.csv

Note that <sequence filename>.csv is a simplified parsed SASF file in /home/scooby/r/2/homes/kanef/ssi-cmds-for-viz

Laurent Nguyen
Autonomy And Robotics Area - Computational Science Division
NASA Ames Research Center
Mail Stop 269-3
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000

Office: (650) 604-6522
Lab: (650) 604-6081 or (650) 604-0912
Fax: (650) 604-4036

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