Package ais :: Module BitVector
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Source Code for Module ais.BitVector

   1  #!/usr/bin/env python 
   3  __version__ = '1.3' 
   4  __author__  = "Avinash Kak (" 
   5  __date__    = '2006-Dec-26' 
   6  __url__     = '' 
   7  __copyright__ = "(C) 2006 Avinash Kak. GNU GPL 2." 
   9  __doc__ = ''' 
  13      Version: ''' + __version__ + ''' 
  15      Author: Avinash Kak ( 
  17      Date: ''' + __date__ + ''' 
  20      CHANGE LOG: 
  22         Version 1.3: 
  24             (a) One more constructor mode included: When initializing a 
  25             new bit vector with an integer value, you can now also 
  26             specify a size for the bit vector.  The constructor zero-pads 
  27             the bit vector from the left with zeros. (b) The BitVector 
  28             class now supports 'if x in y' syntax to test if the bit 
  29             pattern 'x' is contained in the bit pattern 'y'. (c) Improved 
  30             syntax to conform to well-established Python idioms. (d) What 
  31             used to be a comment before the beginning of each method 
  32             definition is now a docstring. 
  34         Version 1.2: 
  36             (a) One more constructor mode included: You can now construct 
  37             a bit vector directly from a string of 1's and 0's.  (b) The 
  38             class now constructs a shortest possible bit vector from an 
  39             integer value.  So the bit vector for the integer value 0 is 
  40             just one bit of value 0, and so on. (c) All the rich 
  41             comparison operators are now overloaded. (d) The class now 
  42             includes a new method 'intValue()' that returns the unsigned 
  43             integer value of a bit vector.  This can also be done through 
  44             '__int__'. (e) The package now includes a unittest based 
  45             framework for testing out an installation.  This is in a 
  46             separate directory called "TestBitVector". 
  48         Version 1.1.1: 
  50             The function that does block reads from a disk file now peeks 
  51             ahead at the end of each block to see if there is anything 
  52             remaining to be read in the file.  If nothing remains, the 
  53             more_to_read attribute of the BitVector object is set to 
  54             False.  This simplifies reading loops. This version also 
  55             allows BitVectors of size 0 to be constructed 
  58         Version 1.1: 
  60             I have changed the API significantly to provide more ways for 
  61             constructing a bit vector.  As a result, it is now necessary 
  62             to supply a keyword argument to the constructor. 
  66      INTRODUCTION: 
  68         The BitVector class for a memory-efficient packed representation 
  69         of bit arrays and for logical operations on such arrays.  The 
  70         core idea used in this Python script for bin packing is based on 
  71         an internet posting by Josiah Carlson to the Pyrex mailing list. 
  73         Operations supported on bit vectors: 
  75                __getitem__ 
  76                __setitem__ 
  77                __len__ 
  78                __iter__ 
  79                __contains__ 
  80                __getslice__ 
  81                __str__ 
  82                __int__ 
  83                __add__ 
  84                __eq__, __ne__, __lt__, __le__, __gt__, __ge__ 
  85                |            for bitwise or 
  86                &            for bitwise and               
  87                ^            for bitwise xor 
  88                ~            for bitwise inversion 
  89                <<           for circular rotation to the left 
  90                >>           for circular rotation to the right 
  91                +            for concatenation 
  92                intValue()   for returning the integer value  
  93                divide_into_two 
  94                permute 
  95                unpermute 
  96                pad_from_left 
  97                pad_from_right 
  98                read_bits_from_file 
  99                write_to_file 
 100                read_bits_from_fileobject 
 101                write_bits_to_fileobject 
 109          You can construct a bit vector in six different ways. 
 111          (1) You can construct a bit vector directly from either a tuple 
 112              or a list of bits, as in 
 114                 bv =  BitVector( bitlist = [1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1] )    
 116          (2) You can construct a bit vector from an integer by 
 118                 bv =  BitVector( intVal = 56789 ) 
 120              The bits stored now will correspond to the binary 
 121              representation of the integer.  The resulting bit vector is 
 122              the shortest possible bit vector for the integer value 
 123              supplied.  For example, when intVal is 0, the bit vector 
 124              constructed will consist of just the bit 0. 
 127          (3) When initializing a bit vector with an intVal as shown 
 128              above, you can also specify a size for the bit vector: 
 130                 bv = BitVector( intVal = 0, size = 8 ) 
 132              will return the bit vector consisting of the bit pattern 
 133              00000000.  The zero padding needed for meeting the size 
 134              requirement is always on the left.  If the size supplied is 
 135              smaller than what it takes to create the shortest possible 
 136              bit vector for intVal, an exception is thrown. 
 139          (4) You can create a zero-initialized bit vector of a given size 
 140              by 
 142                 bv  = BitVector( size = 62 ) 
 144              This bit vector will hold exactly 62 bits, all initialized to 
 145              the 0 bit value. 
 147          (5) You can construct a bit vector from a disk file by a two-step 
 148              procedure. First you construct an instance of bit vector by 
 150                 bv  =  BitVector( filename = 'somefile' )    
 152              This bit vector itself is incapable of holding the bits.  To 
 153              now create bit vectors that actually hold the bits, you need 
 154              to make the following sort of a call on the above variable 
 155              bv: 
 157                 bv1 =  bv.read_bits_from_file( 64 )     
 159              bv1 will be a regular bit vector containing 64 bits from the 
 160              disk file. If you want to re-read a file from the beginning 
 161              for some reason, you must obviously first close the file 
 162              object that was acquired with a call to the BitVector 
 163              constructor with a filename argument.  This can be 
 164              accomplished by 
 166                bv.close_file_object() 
 168          (6) You can construct a bit vector from a string of 1's and 0's 
 169              by 
 171                 bv  =  BitVector( bitstring = '110011110000' )       
 173          (7) Yet another way to construct a bit vector is to read the bits 
 174              directly from a file-like object, as in 
 176                 x = "111100001111" 
 177                 fileobj = StringIO.StringIO( x ) 
 178                 bv = BitVector( fp = fileobj ) 
 187          1)  Since the BitVector class implements the __str__ method, a 
 188              bit vector can be displayed on a terminal by 
 190                    print bitvec 
 192              Basically, you can always obtain the string representation 
 193              of a bit vector by 
 195                    str( bitvec ) 
 197              and integer value by 
 199                    int( bitvec ) 
 206          2)  Any single bit of a bit vector bv can be set to 1 or 0 by 
 208                    bv[M] = 1_or_0 
 209                    print bv[M] 
 211              for accessing (and setting) the bit at the position that is 
 212              indexed M.  You can retrieve the bit at position M by bv[M]. 
 214          3)  A slice of a bit vector obtained by 
 216                    bv[i:j] 
 218              is a bit vector constructed from the bits at index positions 
 219              from i through j-1. 
 221          4)  You can iterate over a bit vector, as illustrated by 
 223                    for bit in bitvec: 
 224                        print bit,    
 226              This is made possible by the override definition for the 
 227              special __iter__() method. 
 229          5)  Negative subscripts for array-like indexing are supported. 
 230              Therefore, 
 232                    bitvec[ -i ] 
 234              is legal assuming that the index range is not violated. 
 241          6) Given two bit vectors bv1 and bv2, you can perform bitwise 
 242             logical operations on them by 
 244                    result_bv  =  bv1 ^ bv2 
 245                    result_bv  =  bv1 & bv2 
 246                    result_bv  =  bv1 | bv2 
 247                    result_bv  =  ~bv1 
 253          7) Given two bit vectors bv1 and bv2, you can carry out the 
 254             following comparisons that return Boolean values: 
 256                    bv1 ==  bv2 
 257                    bv1 !=  bv2 
 258                    bv1 <   bv2 
 259                    bv1 <=  bv2 
 260                    bv1 >   bv2 
 261                    bv1 >=  bv2 
 263             The equalities and inequalities are determined by the integer 
 264             values associated with the bit vectors. 
 272          8)  You can permute and un-permute bit vectors: 
 274                    bv_permuted   =  bv.permute( permutation_list ) 
 276                    bv_unpermuted =  bv.unpermute( permutation_list ) 
 279          9)  Left and right circular rotations can be carried out by 
 281                    bitvec  << N  
 283                    bitvec  >> N 
 285              for circular rotations to the left and right by N bit 
 286              positions. 
 289         10)  A bit vector containing an even number of bits can be 
 290              divided into two equal parts by 
 292                    [left_half, right_half] = bitvec.divide_into_two() 
 294               where left_half and right_half hold references to the two 
 295               returned bit vectors. 
 298         11)  You can find the integer value of a bit array by 
 300                    bitvec.invValue() 
 302              or by 
 304                    int( bitvec ) 
 307         12)  You can convert a bit vector into its string representation 
 308              by 
 310                    str( bitvec ) 
 313         13)  Because __add__ is supplied, you can always join two 
 314              bit vectors by 
 316                    bitvec3  =  bitvec1  +  bitvec2 
 318              bitvec3 is a new bit vector that contains all the 
 319              bits of bitvec1 followed by all the bits of bitvec2. 
 322         14)  You can write a bit vector directly to a file, as 
 323              illustrated by the following example that reads one bit 
 324              vector from a file and then writes it to another 
 325              file 
 327                    bv = BitVector( filename = 'input.txt' ) 
 328                    bv1 = bv.read_bits_from_file(64)         
 329                    print bv1            
 330                    FILEOUT = open( 'output.txt', 'w' ) 
 331                    bv1.write_to_file( FILEOUT ) 
 332                    FILEOUT.close() 
 334               IMPORTANT:  The size of bit vector must be a multiple of 
 335                           of 8 for this write function to work.  If this 
 336                           condition is not met, the function throws an 
 337                           exception. 
 339         15)  You can also write a bit vector directly to a stream 
 340              object, as illustrated by 
 342                    fp_write = StringIO.StringIO() 
 343                    bitvec.write_bits_to_fileobject( fp_write ) 
 344                    print fp_write.getvalue()         # 111100001111  
 347         16)  You can pad a bit vector from the left or from the 
 348              right with a designated number of zeros 
 350                    bitvec.pad_from_left( n ) 
 352                    bitvec.pad_from_right( n ) 
 354              In the first case, the new bit vector will be the same 
 355              as the old bit vector except for the additional n zeros 
 356              on the left.  The same thing happens in the second 
 357              case except that now the additional n zeros will be on 
 358              the right. 
 360         17)  You can test if a bit vector x is contained in another bit 
 361              vector y by using the syntax 'if x in y'.  This is made 
 362              possible by the override definition for the special 
 363              __contains__() method. 
 370          The bits of a bit array are stored in 16-bit unsigned ints. 
 371          After resolving the argument with which the constructor is 
 372          called (which happens in lines (A2) through (A68) of the file 
 373, the very first thing that the constructor does is 
 374          to figure out in line (A69) as to how many of those 2-byte ints 
 375          it needs for the bits.  For example, if you wanted to store a 
 376          64-bit array, the variable 'two_byte_ints_needed' in line (A69) 
 377          would be set to 4. (This does not mean that the size of a bit 
 378          vector must be a multiple of 16.  Any sized bit vectors can 
 379          constructed using the required number of two-byte ints.) Line 
 380          (A70) then creates an array of 2-byte ints and initializes it 
 381          with the required number of zeros.  Lines (A71) then shifts the 
 382          bits into the array of two-byte ints. 
 384          As mentioned above, note that it is not necessary for the size 
 385          of the vector to be a multiple of 16 even though we are using 
 386          C's unsigned short as as a basic unit for storing the bit 
 387          arrays.  The class BitVector keeps track of the actual number of 
 388          bits in the bit vector through the "size" instance attribute. 
 390          With regard to the code in lines (A2) through (A68) of the file 
 391, note that, except for one case, the constructor 
 392          must be called with a single keyword argument, which determines 
 393          how the bit vector will be constructed.  The single exception to 
 394          this rule is for the keyword argument 'intVal' which can be used 
 395          along with the 'size' keyword argument.  When 'intVal' is used 
 396          with the 'size' option, the bit vector constructed for the 
 397          integer is the shortest possible bit vector.  On the other hand, 
 398          when 'size' is also specified, the bit vector is padded with 
 399          zeroes from the left so that it has the specified size. 
 401          Lines (A14) through (A20) are for the following sort of a call 
 403                 bv = BitVector( filename = 'myfilename' ) 
 405          This call returns a bit vector on which you must subsequently 
 406          invoke the 'read_bits_from_file()' method to actually obtain a 
 407          bit vector consisting of the bits that constitute the 
 408          information stored in the file. 
 410          Lines (A21) through (A26) are for the case when you want to 
 411          construct a bit vector by reading the bits off a file-like 
 412          object, as in 
 414                x = "111100001111" 
 415                fileobj = StringIO.StringIO( x ) 
 416                bv = BitVector( fp = fileobj ) 
 418          Lines (A27) through (A52) are for the case when you want to 
 419          construct a bit vector from an integer, as in 
 421                bv = BitVector( intVal = 123456 ) 
 423          The bits stored in the bit vector will correspond to the binary 
 424          representation of the integer argument provided.  The bit vector 
 425          constructed with the above call will be the shortest possible 
 426          bit vector for the integer supplied.  As a case in point, when 
 427          the intVal is 0, the bit vector will consist of a single bit 
 428          which will be 0 also.  The code in lines (A27) through (A52) can 
 429          also handle the following sort of a call 
 431                bv = BitVector( intVal = 46, size = 16 )         
 433          which returns a bit vector of a specfic size by padding the 
 434          shortest possible bit vector the the intVal with zeros from the 
 435          left. 
 437          Lines (A53) through (A57) are for constructing a bit vector with 
 438          just the size information, as in 
 440                bv = BitVector( size = 61 ) 
 442          This returns a bit vector that will hold exactly 61 bits, all 
 443          initialized to the zero value. 
 445          Lines (A58) through (A62) are for constructing a bit vector from 
 446          a bitstring, as in 
 448                bv = BitVector( bitstring = '00110011111' ) 
 450          Finally, lines (A63) through (A66) are for constructing a bit 
 451          vector from a list or a tuple of the individual bits: 
 453                bv = BitVector( bitlist = (1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1) ) 
 455          The bit vector constructed is initialized with the supplied 
 456          bits. 
 462          The author is grateful to Oleg Broytmann for suggesting many 
 463          improvements that were incorporated in Version 1.1 of this 
 464          package.  The author would like to thank Kurt Schwehr whose 
 465          email resulted in the creation of Version 1.2.  Kurt also caught 
 466          an error in my earlier version of '' and suggested a 
 467          unittest based approach to the testing of the package.  Kurt 
 468          also supplied the Makefile that is included in this 
 469          distribution.  The author would also like to thank all (Scott 
 470          Daniels, Blair Houghton, and Steven D'Aprano) for their 
 471          responses to my comp.lang.python query concerning how to make a 
 472          Python input stream peekable.  This feature was included in 
 473          Version 1.1.1. 
 475          With regard to the changes incorporated in Version 1.3, thanks 
 476          are owed to Kurt Schwehr and Gabriel Ricardo for bringing to my 
 477          attention the bug related to the intVal method of initializing a 
 478          bit vector when the value of intVal exceeded sys.maxint. This 
 479          problem is fixed in Version 1.3.  Version 1.3 also includes many 
 480          other improvements that make the syntax better conform to the 
 481          standard idioms of Python.  These changes and the addition of 
 482          the new constructor mode (that allows a bit vector of a given 
 483          size to be constructed from an integer value) are also owing to 
 484          Kurt's suggestions. 
 488      ABOUT THE AUTHOR: 
 490          Avi Kak is the author of "Programming with Objects: A 
 491          Comparative Presentation of Object-Oriented Programming 
 492          with C++ and Java", published by John-Wiley in 2003. This 
 493          book presents a new approach to the combined learning of 
 494          two large object-oriented languages, C++ and Java.  It is 
 495          being used as a text in a number of educational programs 
 496          around the world.  This book has also been translated into 
 497          Chinese.  For further information, please visit 
 504          #!/usr/bin/env python 
 505          import BitVector 
 507          # Construct a bit vector from a list or tuple of bits: 
 508          bv = BitVector.BitVector( bitlist = (1, 0, 0, 1) ) 
 509          print bv                                # 1001 
 511          # Construct a bit vector from an integer: 
 512          bv = BitVector.BitVector( intVal = 5678 ) 
 513          print bv                                # 0001011000101110 
 515          # Construct a bit vector of a given size from a given 
 516          # integer: 
 517          bv = BitVector( intVal = 45, size = 16 ) 
 518          print bv                                # 0000000000101101 
 520          # Construct a zero-initialized bit vector of a given size: 
 521          bv = BitVector.BitVector( size = 5 ) 
 522          print bv                                # 00000 
 524          # Construct a bit vector from a bit string: 
 525          bv = BitVector.BitVector( bitstring = '110001' )      
 526          print bv[0], bv[1], bv[2], bv[3], bv[4], bv[5]       # 1 1 0 0 0 1 
 527          print bv[-1], bv[-2], bv[-3], bv[-4], bv[-5], bv[-6] # 1 0 0 0 1 1 
 529          # Construct a bit vector from a file like object: 
 530          import StringIO 
 531          x = "111100001111" 
 532          fp_read = StringIO.StringIO( x ) 
 533          bv = BitVector.BitVector( fp = fp_read ) 
 534          print bv                                    # 111100001111  
 536          # Experiments with bit-wise logical operations: 
 537          bv3 = bv1 | bv2                               
 538          bv3 = bv1 & bv2 
 539          bv3 = bv1 ^ bv2 
 540          bv6 = ~bv5 
 542          # Find the length of a bit vector 
 543          print len( bitvec ) 
 545          # Find the integer value of a bit vector 
 546          print int( bitvec ) 
 548          # Open a file for reading bit vectors from 
 549          bv = BitVector.BitVector( filename = 'TestBitVector/testinput1.txt' ) 
 550          print bv                                    # nothing yet 
 551          bv1 = bv.read_bits_from_file(64)     
 552          print bv1                            # first 64 bits from the file 
 554          # Divide a bit vector into two equal sub-vectors: 
 555          [bv1, bv2] = bitvec.divide_into_two() 
 557          # Permute and Un-Permute a bit vector: 
 558          bv2 = bitvec.permute( permutation_list ) 
 559          bv2 = bitvec.unpermute( permutation_list ) 
 561          # Try circular shifts to the left and to the right 
 562          bitvec << 7 
 563          bitvec >> 7 
 565          # Try 'if x in y' syntax for bit vectors: 
 566          bv1 = BitVector( bitstring = '0011001100' ) 
 567          bv2 = BitVector( bitstring = '110011' ) 
 568          if bv2 in bv1: 
 569              print "%s is in %s" % (bv2, bv1) 
 570          else: 
 571              print "%s is not in %s" % (bv2, bv1) 
 573          ..... 
 574          ..... 
 576          (For a more complete working example, see the example code in 
 577           the file in the Examples sub-directory.) 
 579  ''' 
 582  import sys 
 583  import array 
 584  import exceptions 
 585  import operator 
 587  _hexdict = { '0' : '0000', '1' : '0001', '2' : '0010', '3' : '0011', 
 588               '4' : '0100', '5' : '0101', '6' : '0110', '7' : '0111', 
 589               '8' : '1000', '9' : '1001', 'a' : '1010', 'b' : '1011', 
 590               'c' : '1100', 'd' : '1101', 'e' : '1110', 'f' : '1111' } 
592 -def _readblock( blocksize, bitvector ): #(R1)
593 '''If this function can read all blocksize bits, it peeks ahead to 594 see if there is anything more to be read in the file. It uses 595 tell-read-seek mechanism for this in lines (R18) through (R21). If 596 there is nothing further to be read, it sets the more_to_read 597 attribute of the bitvector object to False. Obviously, this can 598 only be done for seekable streams such as those connected with disk 599 files. According to Blair Houghton, a similar feature could 600 presumably be implemented for socket streams by using recv() or 601 recvfrom() if you set the flags argument to MSG_PEEK. 602 ''' 603 global hexdict #(R2) 604 bitstring = '' #(R3) 605 i = 0 #(R4) 606 while ( i < blocksize / 8 ): #(R5) 607 i += 1 #(R6) 608 byte = #(R7) 609 if byte == '': #(R8) 610 if len(bitstring) < blocksize: #(R9) 611 bitvector.more_to_read = False #(R10) 612 return bitstring #(R11) 613 hexvalue = hex( ord( byte ) ) #(R12) 614 hexvalue = hexvalue[2:] #(R13) 615 if len( hexvalue ) == 1: #(R14) 616 hexvalue = '0' + hexvalue #(R15) 617 bitstring += _hexdict[ hexvalue[0] ] #(R16) 618 bitstring += _hexdict[ hexvalue[1] ] #(R17) 619 file_pos = bitvector.FILEIN.tell() #(R18) 620 # peek at the next byte; moves file position only if a 621 # byte is read 622 next_byte = #(R19) 623 if next_byte: #(R20) 624 # pretend we never read the byte 625 file_pos ) #(R21) 626 else: #(R22) 627 bitvector.more_to_read = False #(R23) 628 return bitstring #(R24) 629 630 631 #-------------------- BitVector Class Definition ---------------------- 632
633 -class BitVector( object ): #(A1)
635 - def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): #(A2)
636 if args: #(A3) 637 raise ValueError( #(A4) 638 '''BitVector constructor can only be called 639 with keyword arguments for the following 640 keywords: filename, fp (for fileobject), 641 size, intValue, bitlist (for a list or 642 tuple of bits, or bitstring)''') 643 filename = fp = intVal = size = bitlist = bitstring = None #(A5) 644 if kwargs.has_key('filename'):filename=kwargs.pop('filename')#(A6) 645 if kwargs.has_key('fp'): fp = kwargs.pop('fp') #(A7) 646 if kwargs.has_key('size'): size = kwargs.pop('size') #(A8) 647 if kwargs.has_key('intVal'): intVal = kwargs.pop('intVal') #(A9) 648 if kwargs.has_key('bitlist'): 649 bitlist = kwargs.pop('bitlist') #(A10) 650 if kwargs.has_key('bitstring') : 651 bitstring = kwargs.pop('bitstring') #(A11) 652 self.filename = None #(A12) 653 self.size = 0 #(A13) 654 655 if filename: #(A14) 656 if fp or size or intVal or bitlist or bitstring: #(A15) 657 raise ValueError( #(A16) 658 '''When filename is specified, you cannot 659 give values to any other constructor args''') 660 self.filename = filename #(A17) 661 self.FILEIN = open( filename, 'rb' ) #(A18) 662 self.more_to_read = True #(A19) 663 return #(A20) 664 elif fp: #(A21) 665 if filename or size or intVal or bitlist or bitstring: #(A22) 666 raise ValueError( #(A23) 667 '''When fileobject is specified, you cannot 668 give values to any other constructor args''') 669 bits = self.read_bits_from_fileobject( fp ) #(A24) 670 bitlist = map( int, bits ) #(A25) 671 self.size = len( bitlist ) #(A26) 672 elif intVal or intVal == 0: #(A27) 673 if filename or fp or bitlist or bitstring: #(A28) 674 raise ValueError( #(A29) 675 '''When intVal is specified, you can only give 676 a value to the 'size' constructor arg''') 677 if intVal == 0: #(A30) 678 bitlist = [0] #(A31) 679 self.size = 1 #(A32) 680 else: #(A33) 681 hexVal = hex( intVal ).lower().rstrip('l') #(A34) 682 hexVal = hexVal[2:] #(A35) 683 if len( hexVal ) == 1: #(A36) 684 hexVal = '0' + hexVal #(A37) 685 bitlist = ''.join(map(lambda x: _hexdict[x],hexVal))#(A38) 686 bitlist = map( int, bitlist ) #(A39) 687 i = 0 #(A40) 688 while ( i < len( bitlist ) ): #(A41) 689 if bitlist[i] == 1: break #(A42) 690 i += 1 #(A43) 691 del bitlist[0:i] #(A44) 692 if not size: #(A45) 693 self.size = len( bitlist ) #(A46) 694 else: #(A47) 695 if size < len(bitlist): #(A48) 696 raise ValueError( #(A49) 697 '''The value specified for size must be 698 at least as large as for the smallest 699 bit vector possible for intVal''') 700 n = size - len(bitlist) #(A50) 701 bitlist = [0]*n + bitlist #(A51) 702 self.size = len( bitlist ) #(A52) 703 elif size >= 0: #(A53) 704 if filename or fp or intVal or bitlist or bitstring: #(A54) 705 raise ValueError( #(A55) 706 '''When size is specified (without an intVal), 707 you cannot give values to any other 708 constructor args''') 709 self.size = size #(A56) 710 bitlist = tuple( [0] * size ) #(A57) 711 elif bitstring or bitstring == '': #(A58) 712 if filename or fp or size or intVal or bitlist: #(A59) 713 raise ValueError( #(A60) 714 '''When a bitstring is specified, you cannot 715 give values to any other constructor args''') 716 bitlist = map( int, list(bitstring) ) #(A61) 717 self.size = len( bitlist ) #(A62) 718 elif bitlist: #(A63) 719 if filename or fp or size or intVal or bitstring: #(A64) 720 raise ValueError( #(A65) 721 '''When bits are specified, you cannot 722 give values to any other constructor args''') 723 self.size = len( bitlist ) #(A66) 724 else: #(A67) 725 raise ValueError("wrong arg(s) for constructor") #(A68) 726 two_byte_ints_needed = (len(bitlist) + 15) // 16 #(A69) 727 self.vector = array.array( 'H', [0]*two_byte_ints_needed ) #(A70) 728 map( self._setbit, enumerate(bitlist), bitlist) #(A71) 729 730
731 - def _setbit( self, posn, val ): #(B1)
732 'Set the bit at the designated position to the value shown' 733 if val not in (0, 1): #(B2) 734 raise ValueError( "incorrect value for a bit" ) #(B3) 735 if isinstance( posn, (tuple) ): #(B4) 736 posn = posn[0] #(B5) 737 if posn >= self.size or posn < -self.size: #(B6) 738 raise ValueError( "index range error" ) #(B7) 739 if posn < 0: posn = self.size + posn #(B8) 740 block_index = posn // 16 #(B9) 741 shift = posn & 15 #(B10) 742 cv = self.vector[block_index] #(B11) 743 if ( cv >> shift ) & 1 != val: #(B12) 744 self.vector[block_index] = cv ^ (1 << shift) #(B13) 745 746
747 - def _getbit( self, posn ): #(C1)
748 'Get the bit from the designated position' 749 if posn >= self.size or posn < -self.size: #(C2) 750 raise ValueError( "index range error" ) #(C3) 751 if posn < 0: posn = self.size + posn #(C4) 752 return ( self.vector[posn//16] >> (posn&15) ) & 1 #(C5) 753 754
755 - def __xor__(self, other): #(E1)
756 ''' 757 Take a bitwise 'xor' of the bit vector on which 758 the method is invoked with the argument bit vector. 759 Return the result as a new bit vector. If the two 760 bit vectors are not of the same size, pad the shorter 761 one with zero's from the left. 762 ''' 763 if self.size < other.size: #(E2) 764 bv1 = self._resize_pad_from_left(other.size - self.size) #(E3) 765 bv2 = other #(E4) 766 else: #(E5) 767 bv1 = self #(E6) 768 bv2 = other._resize_pad_from_left(self.size - other.size)#(E7) 769 res = BitVector( size = bv1.size ) #(E8) 770 res.vector = map(operator.__xor__, bv1.vector, bv2.vector) #(E9) 771 return res #(E10) 772 773
774 - def __and__(self, other): #(F1)
775 ''' 776 Take a bitwise 'and' of the bit vector on which the method is 777 invoked with the argument bit vector. Return the result as a 778 new bit vector. If the two bit vectors are not of the same 779 size, pad the shorter one with zero's from the left. 780 ''' 781 if self.size < other.size: #(F2) 782 bv1 = self._resize_pad_from_left(other.size - self.size) #(F3) 783 bv2 = other #(F4) 784 else: #(F5) 785 bv1 = self #(F6) 786 bv2 = other._resize_pad_from_left(self.size - other.size)#(F7) 787 res = BitVector( size = bv1.size ) #(F8) 788 res.vector = map(operator.__and__, bv1.vector, bv2.vector) #(F9) 789 return res #(F10) 790 791
792 - def __or__(self, other): #(G1)
793 ''' 794 Take a bitwise 'or' of the bit vector on which the 795 method is invoked with the argument bit vector. Return 796 the result as a new bit vector. If the two bit vectors 797 are not of the same size, pad the shorter one with 798 zero's from the left. 799 ''' 800 if self.size < other.size: #(G2) 801 bv1 = self._resize_pad_from_left(other.size - self.size) #(G3) 802 bv2 = other #(G4) 803 else: #(G5) 804 bv1 = self #(G6) 805 bv2 = other._resize_pad_from_left(self.size - other.size)#(G7) 806 res = BitVector( size = bv1.size ) #(G8) 807 res.vector = map( operator.__or__, bv1.vector, bv2.vector) #(G9) 808 return res #(G10) 809 810
811 - def __invert__(self): #(H1)
812 ''' 813 Invert the bits in the bit vector on which the 814 method is invoked and return the result as a new 815 bit vector. 816 ''' 817 res = BitVector( size = self.size ) #(H2) 818 res.vector = map( operator.__inv__, self.vector ) #(H3) 819 return res #(H4) 820 821
822 - def __add__(self, other): #(J1)
823 ''' 824 Concatenate the argument bit vector with the bit 825 vector on which the method is invoked. Return the 826 concatenated bit vector as a new BitVector object. 827 ''' 828 i = 0 #(J2) 829 outlist = [] #(J3) 830 while ( i < self.size ): #(J4) 831 outlist.append( self[i] ) #(J5) 832 i += 1 #(J6) 833 i = 0 #(J7) 834 while ( i < other.size ): #(J8) 835 outlist.append( other[i] ) #(J9) 836 i += 1 #(J10) 837 return BitVector( bitlist = outlist ) #(J11) 838 839
840 - def _getsize(self): #(K1)
841 'Return the number of bits in a bit vector.' 842 return self.size #(K2) 843 844
845 - def read_bits_from_file(self, blocksize): #(L1)
846 ''' 847 Read blocksize bits from a disk file and return a 848 BitVector object containing the bits. If the file 849 contains fewer bits than blocksize, construct the 850 BitVector object from however many bits there are 851 in the file. If the file contains zero bits, return 852 a BitVector object of size attribute set to 0. 853 ''' 854 error_str = '''You need to first construct a BitVector 855 object with a filename as argument''' #(L2) 856 if not self.filename: #(L3) 857 raise SyntaxError( error_str ) #(L4) 858 if blocksize % 8 != 0: #(L5) 859 raise ValueError( "block size must be a multiple of 8" ) #(L6) 860 bitstr = _readblock( blocksize, self ) #(L7) 861 if len( bitstr ) == 0: #(L8) 862 return BitVector( size = 0 ) #(L9) 863 else: #(L10) 864 return BitVector( bitstring = bitstr ) #(L11) 865 866 867
868 - def read_bits_from_fileobject( self, fp ): #(M1)
869 ''' 870 This function is meant to read a bit string from a 871 file like object. 872 ''' 873 bitlist = [] #(M2) 874 while 1: #(M3) 875 bit = #(M4) 876 if bit == '': return bitlist #(M5) 877 bitlist += bit #(M6) 878 879
880 - def write_bits_to_fileobject( self, fp ): #(N1)
881 ''' 882 This function is meant to write a bit vector directly to 883 a file like object. Note that whereas 'write_to_file' 884 method creates a memory footprint that corresponds exactly 885 to the bit vector, the 'write_bits_to_fileobject' actually 886 writes out the 1's and 0's as individual items to the 887 file object. That makes this method convenient for 888 creating a string representation of a bit vector, 889 especially if you use the StringIO class, as shown in 890 the test code. 891 ''' 892 for bit_index in range(self.size): #(N2) 893 if self[bit_index] == 0: #(N3) 894 fp.write( '0' ) #(N4) 895 else: #(N5) 896 fp.write( '1' ) #(N6) 897 898
899 - def divide_into_two(self): #(P1)
900 ''' 901 Divides an even-sized bit vector into two and returns 902 the two halves as a list of two bit vectors. 903 ''' 904 if self.size % 2 != 0: #(P2) 905 raise ValueError( "must have even num bits" ) #(P3) 906 i = 0 #(P4) 907 outlist1 = [] #(P5) 908 while ( i < self.size /2 ): #(P6) 909 outlist1.append( self[i] ) #(P7) 910 i += 1 #(P8) 911 outlist2 = [] #(P9) 912 while ( i < self.size ): #(P10) 913 outlist2.append( self[i] ) #(P11) 914 i += 1 #(P12) 915 return [ BitVector( bitlist = outlist1 ), 916 BitVector( bitlist = outlist2 ) ] #(P13) 917 918
919 - def permute(self, permute_list): #(Q1)
920 ''' 921 Permute a bit vector according to the indices 922 shown in the second argument list. Return the 923 permuted bit vector as a new bit vector. 924 ''' 925 if max(permute_list) > self.size -1: #(Q2) 926 raise ValueError( "Bad permutation index" ) #(Q3) 927 outlist = [] #(Q4) 928 i = 0 #(Q5) 929 while ( i < len( permute_list ) ): #(Q6) 930 outlist.append( self[ permute_list[i] ] ) #(Q7) 931 i += 1 #(Q8) 932 return BitVector( bitlist = outlist ) #(Q9) 933 934
935 - def unpermute(self, permute_list): #(S1)
936 ''' 937 Unpermute the bit vector according to the 938 permutation list supplied as the second argument. 939 If you first permute a bit vector by using permute() 940 and then unpermute() it using the same permutation 941 list, you will get back the original bit vector. 942 ''' 943 if max(permute_list) > self.size -1: #(S2) 944 raise exceptions.ValueError, "Bad permutation index" #(S3) 945 if self.size != len( permute_list ): #(S4) 946 raise exceptions.ValueError,"Bad size for permute list" #(S5) 947 out_bv = BitVector( size = self.size ) #(S6) 948 i = 0 #(S7) 949 while ( i < len(permute_list) ): #(S8) 950 out_bv[ permute_list[i] ] = self[i] #(S9) 951 i += 1 #(S10) 952 return out_bv #(S11) 953 954
955 - def write_to_file(self, file_out): #(T1)
956 ''' 957 (Contributed by Joe Davidson) Write the bitvector 958 to the file object file_out. (A file object is 959 returned by a call to open()). Since all file I/O 960 is byte oriented, the bitvector must be multiple 961 of 8 bits. Each byte treated as MSB first (0th index). 962 ''' 963 err_str = '''Only a bit vector whose length is a multiple of 8 964 can be written to a file. Use the padding functions 965 to satisfy this constraint.''' #(T2) 966 if self.size % 8: #(T3) 967 raise exceptions.ValueError, err_str #(T4) 968 for byte in range(self.size/8 ): #(T5) 969 value = 0 #(T6) 970 for bit in range(8): #(T7) 971 value += (self._getbit( byte*8 + (7 - bit) ) << bit )#(T8) 972 file_out.write( chr(value) ) #(T9) 973 974
975 - def close_file_object(self): #(U1)
976 ''' 977 For closing a file object that was used for reading 978 the bits into one or more BitVector objects. 979 ''' 980 if not self.filename: #(U2) 981 raise exceptions.SyntaxError, "No associated open file" #(U3) 982 self.FILEIN.close() #(U4) 983 984
985 - def intValue(self): #(V1)
986 'Return the integer value of a bitvector' 987 intVal = 0 #(V2) 988 for i in range(self.size): #(V3) 989 intVal += self[i] * (2 ** (self.size - i - 1)) #(V4) 990 return intVal #(V5) 991 992
993 - def __lshift__( self, n ): #(W1)
994 'For an in-place left circular shift by n bit positions' 995 for i in range(n): #(W2) 996 self.circular_rotate_left_by_one() #(W3) 997 998
999 - def __rshift__( self, n ): #(W4)
1000 'For an in-place right circular shift by n bit positions.' 1001 for i in range(n): #(W5) 1002 self.circular_rotate_right_by_one() #(W6) 1003 1004
1005 - def circular_rotate_left_by_one(self): #(X1)
1006 'For a one-bit in-place left circular shift' 1007 size = len(self.vector) #(X2) 1008 bitstring_leftmost_bit = self.vector[0] & 1 #(X3) 1009 left_most_bits = map(operator.__and__, self.vector, [1]*size)#(X4) 1010 left_most_bits.append(left_most_bits[0]) #(X5) 1011 del(left_most_bits[0]) #(X6) 1012 self.vector = map(operator.__rshift__, self.vector, [1]*size)#(X7) 1013 self.vector = map( operator.__or__, self.vector, \ 1014 map(operator.__lshift__, left_most_bits, [15]*size) ) #(X8) 1015 self._setbit(self.size -1, bitstring_leftmost_bit) #(X9) 1016 1017
1018 - def circular_rotate_right_by_one(self): #(Y1)
1019 'For a one-bit in-place right circular shift' 1020 size = len(self.vector) #(Y2) 1021 bitstring_rightmost_bit = self[self.size - 1] #(Y3) 1022 right_most_bits = map( operator.__and__, 1023 self.vector, [0x8000]*size ) #(Y4) 1024 map( operator.__and__, self.vector, [~0x8000]*size ) #(Y5) 1025 right_most_bits.insert(0, bitstring_rightmost_bit) #(Y6) 1026 right_most_bits.pop() #(Y7) 1027 self.vector = map(operator.__lshift__, self.vector, [1]*size)#(Y8) 1028 self.vector = map( operator.__or__, self.vector, \ 1029 map(operator.__rshift__, right_most_bits, [15]*size) ) #(Y9) 1030 self._setbit(0, bitstring_rightmost_bit) #(Y10) 1031 1032
1033 - def circular_rot_left(self): #(Z1)
1034 ''' 1035 This is merely another implementation of the method 1036 circular_rotate_left_by_one() shown above. This one 1037 does NOT use map functions. This method carries out a 1038 one-bit left circular shift of a bit vector. 1039 ''' 1040 max_index = (self.size -1) // 16 #(Z2) 1041 left_most_bit = self.vector[0] & 1 #(Z3) 1042 self.vector[0] = self.vector[0] >> 1 #(Z4) 1043 for i in range(1, max_index + 1): #(Z5) 1044 left_bit = self.vector[i] & 1 #(Z6) 1045 self.vector[i] = self.vector[i] >> 1 #(Z7) 1046 self.vector[i-1] |= left_bit << 15 #(Z8) 1047 self._setbit(self.size -1, left_most_bit) #(Z9) 1048 1049
1050 - def circular_rot_right(self): #(a1)
1051 ''' 1052 This is merely another implementation of the method 1053 circular_rotate_right_by_one() shown above. This one 1054 does NOT use map functions. This method does a one-bit 1055 right circular shift of a bit vector. 1056 ''' 1057 max_index = (self.size -1) // 16 #(a2) 1058 right_most_bit = self[self.size - 1] #(a3) 1059 self.vector[max_index] &= ~0x8000 #(a4) 1060 self.vector[max_index] = self.vector[max_index] << 1 #(a5) 1061 for i in range(max_index-1, -1, -1): #(a6) 1062 right_bit = self.vector[i] & 0x8000 #(a7) 1063 self.vector[i] &= ~0x8000 #(a8) 1064 self.vector[i] = self.vector[i] << 1 #(a9) 1065 self.vector[i+1] |= right_bit >> 15 #(a10) 1066 self._setbit(0, right_most_bit) #(a11) 1067 1068 1069 # Allow array like subscripting for getting and setting: 1070 __getitem__ = _getbit #(b1) 1071 __setitem__ = _setbit #(b2) 1072 1073
1074 - def __getslice__(self, i, j): #(c1)
1075 'Allow slicing with [i:j], [:], etc.' 1076 slicebits = [] #(c2) 1077 if j > self.size: j = self.size #(c3) 1078 for x in range(i,j): #(c4) 1079 slicebits.append( self[x] ) #(c5) 1080 return BitVector( bitlist = slicebits ) #(c6) 1081 1082 1083 # Allow len() to work: 1084 __len__ = _getsize #(d1) 1085 # Allow int() to work: 1086 __int__ = intValue #(d2) 1087
1088 - def __iter__( self ): #(d3)
1089 ''' 1090 To allow iterations over a bit vector by supporting the 1091 'for bit in bit_vector' syntax: 1092 ''' 1093 return BitVectorIterator( self ) #(d4) 1094 1095
1096 - def __str__( self ): #(e1)
1097 'To create a print representation' 1098 if self.size == 0: #(e2) 1099 return '' #(e3) 1100 return ''.join( map( str, self ) ) #(e4) 1101 1102 1103 # Compare two bit vectors: 1104
1105 - def __eq__(self, other): #(f1)
1106 if self.size != other.size: #(f2) 1107 return False #(f3) 1108 i = 0 #(f4) 1109 outlist = [] #(f5) 1110 while ( i < self.size ): #(f6) 1111 if (self[i] != other[i]): return False #(f7) 1112 i += 1 #(f8) 1113 return True #(f9)
1114 - def __ne__(self, other): #(f10)
1115 return not self == other #(f11)
1116 - def __lt__(self, other): #(f12)
1117 return self.intValue() < other.intValue() #(f13)
1118 - def __le__(self, other): #(f14)
1119 return self.intValue() <= other.intValue() #(f15)
1120 - def __gt__(self, other): #(f16)
1121 return self.intValue() > other.intValue() #(f17)
1122 - def __ge__(self, other): #(f18)
1123 return self.intValue() >= other.intValue() #(f19) 1124 1125 # Some additional utility functions: 1126
1127 - def _make_deep_copy( self ): #(g1)
1128 'Make a deep copy of a bit vector' 1129 copy = str( self ) #(g2) 1130 return BitVector( bitstring = copy ) #(g3) 1131 1132
1133 - def _resize_pad_from_left( self, n ): #(g4)
1134 ''' 1135 Resize a bit vector by padding with n 0's 1136 from the left. Return the result as a new bit 1137 vector. 1138 ''' 1139 new_str = '0'*n + str( self ) #(g5) 1140 return BitVector( bitstring = new_str ) #(g6) 1141 1142
1143 - def _resize_pad_from_right( self, n ): #(g7)
1144 ''' 1145 Resize a bit vector by padding with n 0's 1146 from the right. Return the result as a new bit 1147 vector. 1148 ''' 1149 new_str = str( self ) + '0'*n #(g8) 1150 return BitVector( bitstring = new_str ) #(g9) 1151 1152
1153 - def pad_from_left( self, n ): #(g10)
1154 'Pad a bit vector with n zeros from the left' 1155 new_str = '0'*n + str( self ) #(g11) 1156 bitlist = map( int, list(new_str) ) #(g12) 1157 self.size = len( bitlist ) #(g13) 1158 two_byte_ints_needed = (len(bitlist) + 15) // 16 #(g14) 1159 self.vector = array.array( 'H', [0]*two_byte_ints_needed ) #(g15) 1160 map( self._setbit, enumerate(bitlist), bitlist) #(g16) 1161 1162
1163 - def pad_from_right( self, n ): #(g17)
1164 'Pad a bit vector with n zeros from the right' 1165 new_str = str( self ) + '0'*n #(g18) 1166 bitlist = map( int, list(new_str) ) #(g19) 1167 self.size = len( bitlist ) #(g20) 1168 two_byte_ints_needed = (len(bitlist) + 15) // 16 #(g21) 1169 self.vector = array.array( 'H', [0]*two_byte_ints_needed ) #(g22) 1170 map( self._setbit, enumerate(bitlist), bitlist) #(g23) 1171 1172
1173 - def __contains__( self, otherBitVec ): #(h1)
1174 ''' 1175 This supports 'if x in y' and 'if x not in y' 1176 syntax for bit vectors. 1177 ''' 1178 if self.size == 0: #(h2) 1179 raise ValueError, "First arg bitvec has no bits" #(h3) 1180 elif self.size < otherBitVec.size: #(h4) 1181 raise ValueError, "First arg bitvec too short" #(h5) 1182 max_index = self.size - otherBitVec.size + 1 #(h6) 1183 for i in range(max_index): #(h7) 1184 testbv = self[i:i+otherBitVec.size] #(h8) 1185 if self[i:i+otherBitVec.size] == otherBitVec: #(h9) 1186 return True #(h10) 1187 return False #(h11) 1188 1189 1190 #----------------------- BitVectorIterator Class ----------------------- 1191
1192 -class BitVectorIterator: #(j1)
1193 - def __init__( self, bitvec ): #(j2)
1194 self.items = [] #(j3) 1195 for i in range( bitvec.size ): #(j4) 1196 self.items.append( bitvec._getbit(i) ) #(j5) 1197 self.index = -1 #(j6)
1198 - def __iter__( self ): #(j7)
1199 return self #(j8)
1200 - def next( self ): #(j9)
1201 self.index += 1 #(j10) 1202 if self.index < len( self.items ): #(j11) 1203 return self.items[ self.index ] #(j12) 1204 else: #(j13) 1205 raise StopIteration #(j14) 1206 1207 1208 #------------------------ End of Class Definition ----------------------- 1209 1210 1211 #------------------------ Test Code Follows ----------------------- 1212 1213 if __name__ == '__main__': 1214 1215 # Construct a bit vector of size 0 1216 bv1 = BitVector( size = 0 ) 1217 print bv1 # no output 1218 1219 # Construct a bit vector of size 1 1220 bv2 = BitVector( size = 2 ) 1221 print bv2 # 00 1222 1223 # Joining two bit vectors: 1224 print bv1 + bv2 # 0 1225 1226 # Construct a bit vector with a tuple of bits: 1227 bv = BitVector( bitlist = (1, 0, 0, 1) ) 1228 print bv # 1001 1229 1230 # Construct a bit vector with a list of bits: 1231 bv = BitVector( bitlist = [1, 1, 0, 1] ) 1232 print bv # 1101 1233 1234 # Construct a bit vector from an integer 1235 bv = BitVector( intVal = 5678 ) 1236 print bv # 1011000101110 1237 bv = BitVector( intVal = 0 ) 1238 print bv # 0 1239 bv = BitVector( intVal = 2 ) 1240 print bv # 10 1241 bv = BitVector( intVal = 3 ) 1242 print bv # 11 1243 bv = BitVector( intVal = 123456 ) 1244 print bv # 11110001001000000 1245 print bv.intValue() # 123456 1246 print int( bv ) # 123456 1247 1248 # Construct a bit vector directly from a file-like object: 1249 import StringIO 1250 x = "111100001111" 1251 fp_read = StringIO.StringIO( x ) 1252 bv = BitVector( fp = fp_read ) 1253 print bv # 111100001111 1254 1255 # Construct a bit vector directly from a bit string: 1256 bv = BitVector( bitstring = '00110011' ) 1257 print bv # 00110011 1258 1259 bv = BitVector( bitstring = '' ) 1260 print bv # nothing 1261 1262 # Get the integer value of a bit vector: 1263 print bv.intValue() # 0 1264 1265 # Test array-like indexing for a bit vector: 1266 bv = BitVector( bitstring = '110001' ) 1267 print bv[0], bv[1], bv[2], bv[3], bv[4], bv[5] # 1 1 0 0 0 1 1268 print bv[-1], bv[-2], bv[-3], bv[-4], bv[-5], bv[-6] # 1 0 0 0 1 1 1269 1270 # Test setting bit values with positive and negative 1271 # accessors: 1272 bv = BitVector( bitstring = '1111' ) 1273 print bv # 1111 1274 bv[0]=0;bv[1]=0;bv[2]=0;bv[3]=0 1275 print bv # 0000 1276 bv[-1]=1;bv[-2]=1;bv[-4]=1 1277 print bv # 1011 1278 1279 # Check equality and inequality operators: 1280 bv1 = BitVector( bitstring = '00110011' ) 1281 bv2 = BitVector( bitlist = [0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1] ) 1282 print bv1 == bv2 # True 1283 print bv1 != bv2 # False 1284 print bv1 < bv2 # False 1285 print bv1 <= bv2 # True 1286 bv3 = BitVector( intVal = 5678 ) 1287 print bv3.intValue() # 5678 1288 print bv3 # 10110000101110 1289 print bv1 == bv3 # False 1290 print bv3 > bv1 # True 1291 print bv3 >= bv1 # True 1292 1293 1294 # Create a string representation of a bit vector: 1295 fp_write = StringIO.StringIO() 1296 bv.write_bits_to_fileobject( fp_write ) 1297 print fp_write.getvalue() # 1011 1298 1299 # Experiments with bit-wise logical operations: 1300 bv3 = bv1 | bv2 1301 print bv3 # 00110011 1302 bv3 = bv1 & bv2 1303 print bv3 # 00110011 1304 bv3 = bv1 + bv2 1305 print bv3 # 0011001100110011 1306 bv4 = BitVector( size = 3 ) 1307 print bv4 # 000 1308 bv5 = bv3 + bv4 1309 print bv5 # 0011001100110011000 1310 bv6 = ~bv5 1311 print bv6 # 1100110011001100111 1312 bv7 = bv5 & bv6 1313 print bv7 # 0000000000000000000 1314 bv7 = bv5 | bv6 1315 print bv7 # 1111111111111111111 1316 1317 # Try logical operations on bit vectors of different sizes: 1318 print BitVector( intVal = 6 ) ^ BitVector( intVal = 13 ) # 1011 1319 print BitVector( intVal = 6 ) & BitVector( intVal = 13 ) # 0100 1320 print BitVector( intVal = 6 ) | BitVector( intVal = 13 ) # 1111 1321 1322 print BitVector( intVal = 1 ) ^ BitVector( intVal = 13 ) # 1100 1323 print BitVector( intVal = 1 ) & BitVector( intVal = 13 ) # 0001 1324 print BitVector( intVal = 1 ) | BitVector( intVal = 13 ) # 1101 1325 1326 # Try setbit and getsize: 1327 bv7[7] = 0 1328 print bv7 # 1111111011111111111 1329 print len( bv7 ) # 19 1330 bv8 = (bv5 & bv6) ^ bv7 1331 print bv8 # 1111111011111111111 1332 1333 # Construct a bit vector from a LIST of bits: 1334 bv = BitVector( bitlist= [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1] ) 1335 print bv # 0010010100101001 1336 1337 # Construct a bit vector from a file: 1338 bv = BitVector( filename = 'TestBitVector/testinput1.txt' ) 1339 print bv # nothing to show 1340 bv1 = bv.read_bits_from_file(64) 1341 print bv1 1342 # 0100000100100000011010000111010101101110011001110111001001111001 1343 bv2 = bv.read_bits_from_file(64) 1344 print bv2 1345 # 0010000001100010011100100110111101110111011011100010000001100110 1346 bv3 = bv1 ^ (bv2) 1347 print bv3 1348 # 0110000101000010000110100001101000011001000010010101001000011111 1349 1350 # Divide into two bit vectors: 1351 [bv4, bv5] = bv3.divide_into_two() 1352 print bv4 # 01100001010000100001101000011010 1353 print bv5 # 00011001000010010101001000011111 1354 1355 # Permute a bit vector: 1356 bv1 = BitVector( bitlist = [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1] ) 1357 print bv1 # 1001101 1358 1359 bv2 = bv1.permute( [6, 2, 0, 1] ) 1360 print bv2 # 1010 1361 bv3 = BitVector( bitlist = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1] ) 1362 print bv3 # 1100011 1363 bv4 = bv1 & bv3 1364 print bv4 # 1000001 1365 print 1366 1367 # Read a file from the beginning to end: 1368 bv = BitVector( filename = 'TestBitVector/testinput4.txt' ) 1369 while (bv.more_to_read): 1370 bv_read = bv.read_bits_from_file( 64 ) 1371 print bv_read 1372 print 1373 1374 # Experiment with closing a file object and start 1375 # extracting bit vectors from the file from 1376 # the beginning again: 1377 bv.close_file_object() 1378 bv = BitVector( filename = 'TestBitVector/testinput4.txt' ) 1379 bv1 = bv.read_bits_from_file(64) 1380 print bv1 1381 FILEOUT = open( 'TestBitVector/testinput5.txt', 'w' ) 1382 bv1.write_to_file( FILEOUT ) 1383 FILEOUT.close() 1384 1385 # Experiment in 64-bit permutation and unpermutation: 1386 # The permutation array was generated separately by the 1387 # Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm: 1388 bv2 = bv1.permute( [22, 47, 33, 36, 18, 6, 32, 29, 54, 62, 4, 1389 9, 42, 39, 45, 59, 8, 50, 35, 20, 25, 49, 1390 15, 61, 55, 60, 0, 14, 38, 40, 23, 17, 41, 1391 10, 57, 12, 30, 3, 52, 11, 26, 43, 21, 13, 1392 58, 37, 48, 28, 1, 63, 2, 31, 53, 56, 44, 24, 1393 51, 19, 7, 5, 34, 27, 16, 46] ) 1394 print bv2 1395 1396 bv3 = bv2.unpermute( [22, 47, 33, 36, 18, 6, 32, 29, 54, 62, 4, 1397 9, 42, 39, 45, 59, 8, 50, 35, 20, 25, 49, 1398 15, 61, 55, 60, 0, 14, 38, 40, 23, 17, 41, 1399 10, 57, 12, 30, 3, 52, 11, 26, 43, 21, 13, 1400 58, 37, 48, 28, 1, 63, 2, 31, 53, 56, 44, 24, 1401 51, 19, 7, 5, 34, 27, 16, 46] ) 1402 print bv3 1403 1404 print 1405 print 1406 1407 # Try circular shifts to the left and to the right 1408 print bv3 1409 bv3 << 7 1410 print bv3 1411 bv3 >> 7 1412 print bv3 1413 1414 # Test len() 1415 print len( bv3 ) # 64 1416 1417 # Test slicing 1418 bv4 = bv3[5:22] 1419 print bv4 # 00100100000011010 1420 1421 # Test the iterator: 1422 for item in bv4: 1423 print item, # 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1424 print 1425 1426 # Demonstrate padding a bit vector from left 1427 bv = BitVector( bitstring = '101010' ) 1428 bv.pad_from_left( 4 ) 1429 print bv # 0000101010 1430 # Demonstrate padding a bit vector from right 1431 bv.pad_from_right( 4 ) 1432 print bv # 00001010100000 1433 1434 # Test the syntax 'if bit_vector_1 in bit_vector_2' syntax: 1435 try: 1436 bv1 = BitVector( bitstring = '0011001100' ) 1437 bv2 = BitVector( bitstring = '110011' ) 1438 if bv2 in bv1: 1439 print "%s is in %s" % (bv2, bv1) 1440 else: 1441 print "%s is not in %s" % (bv2, bv1) 1442 except ValueError, arg: 1443 print "Error Message: " + str(arg) 1444 1445 # Test the size modifer when a bit vector is initialized 1446 # with the intVal method: 1447 bv = BitVector( intVal = 45, size = 16 ) 1448 print bv # 0000000000101101 1449