Package ais :: Module ais_msg_21
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Module ais_msg_21

source code

Autogenerated python functions to serialize/deserialize binary messages.

Generated by: ./

Need to then wrap these functions with the outer AIS packet and then convert the whole binary blob to a NMEA string. Those functions are not currently provided in this file.

serialize: python to ais binary deserialize: ais binary to python

The generated code uses,, and which should be packaged with the resulting files.


Author: xmlbinmsg

Version: 4791

Status: under development

License: Generated code has no license

To Do: FIX: put in a description of the message here with fields and types.

Date: 2008-01-09

Classes [hide private]
Use testvalue tag text from each type to build test case the AidsToNavReport message
Functions [hide private]
encode(params, validate=False)
Create a AidsToNavReport binary message payload to pack into an AIS Msg AidsToNavReport.
source code
decode(bv, validate=False)
Unpack a AidsToNavReport message
source code
decodeMessageID(bv, validate=False) source code
decodeRepeatIndicator(bv, validate=False) source code
decodeUserID(bv, validate=False) source code
decodetype(bv, validate=False) source code
decodename(bv, validate=False) source code
decodePositionAccuracy(bv, validate=False) source code
decodelongitude(bv, validate=False) source code
decodelatitude(bv, validate=False) source code
decodedim(bv, validate=False) source code
decodeFixType(bv, validate=False) source code
decodetimestamp(bv, validate=False) source code
decodeOffPosition(bv, validate=False) source code
decodeRegionalApp(bv, validate=False) source code
decodeRAIM(bv, validate=False) source code
decodeSpare(bv, validate=False) source code
printHtml(params, out=sys.stdout) source code
printKml(params, out=sys.stdout)
KML (Keyhole Markup Language) for Google Earth, but without the header/footer
source code
printFields(params, out=sys.stdout, format='std', fieldList=None, dbType='postgres')
Print a AidsToNavReport message to stdout.
source code
sqlCreateStr(outfile=sys.stdout, fields=None, extraFields=None, addCoastGuardFields=True, dbType='postgres')
Return the SQL CREATE command for this message type
source code
sqlCreate(fields=None, extraFields=None, addCoastGuardFields=True, dbType='postgres')
Return the sqlhelp object to create the table.
source code
sqlInsertStr(params, outfile=sys.stdout, extraParams=None, dbType='postgres')
Return the SQL INSERT command for this message type
source code
sqlInsert(params, extraParams=None, dbType='postgres')
Give the SQL INSERT statement
source code
Return the LaTeX definition table for this message type
source code
textDefinitionTable(outfile=sys.stdout, delim='\t')
Return the text definition table for this message type
source code
Return a params file base on the testvalue tags.
source code
addMsgOptions(parser) source code
Variables [hide private]
  TrueBV = BitVector(bitstring= "1")
Why always rebuild the True bit? This should speed things up a bunch
  FalseBV = BitVector(bitstring= "0")
Why always rebuild the False bit? This should speed things up a bunch
  fieldList = ('MessageID', 'RepeatIndicator', 'UserID', 'type',...
  fieldListPostgres = ('MessageID', 'RepeatIndicator', 'UserID',...
  toPgFields = {'latitude': 'Position', 'longitude': 'Position'}
Go to the Postgis field names from the straight field name
  fromPgFields = {'Position': ('longitude', 'latitude')}
Go from the Postgis field names to the straight field name
  pgTypes = {'Position': 'POINT'}
Lookup table for each postgis field name to get its type.
  RepeatIndicatorEncodeLut = {'default': '0', 'do not repeat any...
  RepeatIndicatorDecodeLut = {'0': 'default', '3': 'do not repea...
  typeEncodeLut = {'Beacon, Cardinal E': '10', 'Beacon, Cardinal...
  typeDecodeLut = {'0': 'Default, Type of A to N not specified',...
  PositionAccuracyEncodeLut = {'high (less than 10 m)': '1', 'lo...
  PositionAccuracyDecodeLut = {'0': 'low (greater than 10 m)', '...
  FixTypeEncodeLut = {'Chayka': '5', 'Combined GPS/GLONASS': '3'...
  FixTypeDecodeLut = {'0': 'Undefined (default)', '1': 'GPS', '1...
  timestampEncodeLut = {'Electronic position fixing system opera...
  timestampDecodeLut = {'61': 'Positioning system is in manual m...
  OffPositionEncodeLut = {'Off position': 'True', 'On position':...
  OffPositionDecodeLut = {'False': 'On position', 'True': 'Off p...
  RAIMEncodeLut = {'in use': 'True', 'not in use': 'False'}
  RAIMDecodeLut = {'False': 'not in use', 'True': 'in use'}
  dbTableName = 'AidsToNavReport'
Database table name
Function Details [hide private]

encode(params, validate=False)

source code 

Create a AidsToNavReport binary message payload to pack into an AIS Msg AidsToNavReport.

Fields in params:
  • MessageID(uint): AIS message number. Must be 21 aka 'F' (field automatically set to "21")
  • RepeatIndicator(uint): Indicated how many times a message has been repeated
  • UserID(uint): Unique ship identification number (MMSI)
  • type(uint): IALA type of aid-to-navigation
  • name(aisstr6): Name of the aid-to-navigation
  • PositionAccuracy(uint): Accuracy of positioning fixes
  • longitude(decimal): Location of the AtoN East West location
  • latitude(decimal): Location of the AtoN North South location
  • dim(uint): FIX: break this out.
  • FixType(uint): Type of electronic position fixing device
  • timestamp(uint): UTC second when report was generated
  • OffPosition(bool): True when the AtoN is off station
  • RegionalApp(uint): Should be set to zero (field automatically set to "0")
  • RAIM(bool): Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring flag
  • Spare(uint): Not Used (field automatically set to "0")
  • params - Dictionary of field names/values. Throws a ValueError exception if required is missing
  • validate - Set to true to cause checking to occur. Runs slower. FIX: not implemented.
Returns: BitVector
encoded binary message (for binary messages, this needs to be wrapped in a msg 8

Note: The returned bits may not be 6 bit aligned. It is up to you to pad out the bits.

decode(bv, validate=False)

source code 

Unpack a AidsToNavReport message

Fields in params:
  • MessageID(uint): AIS message number. Must be 21 aka 'F' (field automatically set to "21")
  • RepeatIndicator(uint): Indicated how many times a message has been repeated
  • UserID(uint): Unique ship identification number (MMSI)
  • type(uint): IALA type of aid-to-navigation
  • name(aisstr6): Name of the aid-to-navigation
  • PositionAccuracy(uint): Accuracy of positioning fixes
  • longitude(decimal): Location of the AtoN East West location
  • latitude(decimal): Location of the AtoN North South location
  • dim(uint): FIX: break this out.
  • FixType(uint): Type of electronic position fixing device
  • timestamp(uint): UTC second when report was generated
  • OffPosition(bool): True when the AtoN is off station
  • RegionalApp(uint): Should be set to zero (field automatically set to "0")
  • RAIM(bool): Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring flag
  • Spare(uint): Not Used (field automatically set to "0")
  • bv (BitVector) - Bits defining a message
  • validate - Set to true to cause checking to occur. Runs slower. FIX: not implemented.
Returns: dict

printFields(params, out=sys.stdout, format='std', fieldList=None, dbType='postgres')

source code 

Print a AidsToNavReport message to stdout.

Fields in params:
  • MessageID(uint): AIS message number. Must be 21 aka 'F' (field automatically set to "21")
  • RepeatIndicator(uint): Indicated how many times a message has been repeated
  • UserID(uint): Unique ship identification number (MMSI)
  • type(uint): IALA type of aid-to-navigation
  • name(aisstr6): Name of the aid-to-navigation
  • PositionAccuracy(uint): Accuracy of positioning fixes
  • longitude(decimal): Location of the AtoN East West location
  • latitude(decimal): Location of the AtoN North South location
  • dim(uint): FIX: break this out.
  • FixType(uint): Type of electronic position fixing device
  • timestamp(uint): UTC second when report was generated
  • OffPosition(bool): True when the AtoN is off station
  • RegionalApp(uint): Should be set to zero (field automatically set to "0")
  • RAIM(bool): Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring flag
  • Spare(uint): Not Used (field automatically set to "0")
  • params - Dictionary of field names/values.
  • out - File like object to write to
Returns: stdout
text to out

sqlCreateStr(outfile=sys.stdout, fields=None, extraFields=None, addCoastGuardFields=True, dbType='postgres')

source code 
Return the SQL CREATE command for this message type
  • outfile - file like object to print to.
  • fields - which fields to put in the create. Defaults to all.
  • extraFields - A sequence of tuples containing (name,sql type) for additional fields
  • addCoastGuardFields (bool) - Add the extra fields that come after the NMEA check some from the USCG N-AIS format
  • dbType - Which flavor of database we are using so that the create is tailored ('sqlite' or 'postgres')
Returns: str
sql create string

See Also: sqlCreate

sqlCreate(fields=None, extraFields=None, addCoastGuardFields=True, dbType='postgres')

source code 
Return the sqlhelp object to create the table.
  • fields - which fields to put in the create. Defaults to all.
  • extraFields - A sequence of tuples containing (name,sql type) for additional fields
  • addCoastGuardFields (bool) - Add the extra fields that come after the NMEA check some from the USCG N-AIS format
  • dbType - Which flavor of database we are using so that the create is tailored ('sqlite' or 'postgres')
Returns: sqlhelp.create
An object that can be used to generate a return

sqlInsertStr(params, outfile=sys.stdout, extraParams=None, dbType='postgres')

source code 
Return the SQL INSERT command for this message type
  • params - dictionary of values keyed by field name
  • outfile - file like object to print to.
  • extraParams - A sequence of tuples containing (name,sql type) for additional fields
Returns: str
sql create string

See Also: sqlCreate

sqlInsert(params, extraParams=None, dbType='postgres')

source code 
Give the SQL INSERT statement
  • params - dict keyed by field name of values
  • extraParams - any extra fields that you have created beyond the normal ais message fields
Returns: sqlhelp.insert
insert class instance

To Do: allow optional type checking of params?

Warning: this will take invalid keys happily and do what???


source code 
Return the LaTeX definition table for this message type
  • outfile (file obj) - file like object to print to.
Returns: str
LaTeX table string via the outfile

textDefinitionTable(outfile=sys.stdout, delim='\t')

source code 
Return the text definition table for this message type
  • outfile (file obj) - file like object to print to.
Returns: str
text table string via the outfile


source code 
Return a params file base on the testvalue tags.
Returns: dict
params based on testvalue tags

Variables Details [hide private]






{'default': '0', 'do not repeat any more': '3'}


{'0': 'default', '3': 'do not repeat any more'}


{'Beacon, Cardinal E': '10',
 'Beacon, Cardinal N': '9',
 'Beacon, Cardinal S': '11',
 'Beacon, Cardinal W': '12',
 'Beacon, Isolated danger': '17',
 'Beacon, Port hand': '13',
 'Beacon, Preferred channel port hand': '15',
 'Beacon, Preferred channel starboard hand': '16',


{'0': 'Default, Type of A to N not specified',
 '1': 'Reference point',
 '10': 'Beacon, Cardinal E',
 '11': 'Beacon, Cardinal S',
 '12': 'Beacon, Cardinal W',
 '13': 'Beacon, Port hand',
 '14': 'Beacon, Starbord hand',
 '15': 'Beacon, Preferred channel port hand',


{'high (less than 10 m)': '1', 'low (greater than 10 m)': '0'}


{'0': 'low (greater than 10 m)', '1': 'high (less than 10 m)'}


{'Chayka': '5',
 'Combined GPS/GLONASS': '3',
 'GLONASS': '2',
 'GPS': '1',
 'Integrated Navigation System': '6',
 'Loran-C': '4',
 'Undefined (default)': '0',
 'not used - 10': '10',


{'0': 'Undefined (default)',
 '1': 'GPS',
 '10': 'not used - 10',
 '11': 'not used - 11',
 '12': 'not used - 12',
 '13': 'not used - 13',
 '14': 'not used - 14',
 '15': 'not used - 15',


{'Electronic position fixing system operates in estimated mode': '62',
 'Positioning system is in manual mode': '61',
 'Positioning system is inoperative': '63'}


{'61': 'Positioning system is in manual mode',
 '62': 'Electronic position fixing system operates in estimated mode',
 '63': 'Positioning system is inoperative'}


{'Off position': 'True', 'On position': 'False'}


{'False': 'On position', 'True': 'Off position'}