Package ais :: Module aisxmlbinmsg2py
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Module aisxmlbinmsg2py

source code

Tools to generate python code to serialize/deserialize messages between python and ais binary. Trying to be as inline as possible, so no XML on the fly like in ais-py.

serialize: python to ais binary deserialize: ais binary to python

The generated code uses,, and which should be packaged with the resulting files.


Author: Kurt Schwehr

Version: 4791

Copyright: 2006

Since: 2006-Sep-24

Status: under development

Organization: CCOM

License: GPL v2

To Do:

Bug: NOT complete

Note: This compiler assumes that all locations are in WGS 84 (EPSG 4326)

Date: 2006-09-24

Functions [hide private]
suggestType(name, curType, printout=True)
Try to suggest a type name if one did not work.
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hasSubTag(et, subtag)
Returns: true if the tag a sub tag with name subtag
source code
Write the doc string header for the message file
source code
generatePython(infile, outfile, prefixName=False, verbose=False) source code
buildHelpers(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)
emit the fieldList and other things???
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Get the maximum string length of any field name
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padStrRight(aStr, strlen)
Pad a string out to the length requested with spaces out to the right
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Make sure this message has both long/x and lat/y fields.
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Dig up the first field name that include longitude and return it
source code
Dig up the first field name that include longitude and return it
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buildPrint(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)
Write a simple in order print for the resulting dictionary.
source code
buildTextDef(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)
Write functions for text definition output
source code
buildLaTeX(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)
Write functions for LaTeX output
source code
buildSQL(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)
Write SQL code
source code
buildLUT(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)
Write lookup tables for enumerated types (uint or int, maybe bool too).
source code
encodeBool(o, name, type, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False)
Build the encoder for boolean variables
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encodeUInt(o, name, type, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False)
Build the encoder for unsigned integer variables
source code
encodeFloat(o, name, fieldType, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False)
Build the encoder for IEEE float variables
source code
encodeAisstr6(o, name, fieldType, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False)
Build the encoder for aisstr6 variables.
source code
encodeInt(o, name, type, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False)
Build the encoder for signed integer variables
source code
encodeDecimal(o, name, type, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False, scale=None, offset=None)
Build the encoder for signed decimal variables
source code
encodeUDecimal(o, name, type, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False, scale=None, offset=None)
Build the encoder for signed decimal variables
source code
encodeBinary(o, name, type, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False, scale=None)
Build the encoder for binary variables.
source code
decodeBool(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, decodeOnly=False)
Build the decoder for boolean variables
source code
decodeUInt(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, decodeOnly=False)
Build the decoder for unsigned integer variables
source code
decodeInt(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, decodeOnly=False)
Build the decoder for unsigned integer variables
source code
decodeFloat(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, decodeOnly=False)
Build the decoder for IEEE float variables
source code
decodeAisstr6(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, decodeOnly=False)
Build the decoder for aisstr6 variables.
source code
decodeDecimal(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, scale=None, decodeOnly=False, offset=None)
Build the decoder for signed decimal variables
source code
decodeUDecimal(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, scale=None, decodeOnly=False, offset=None)
Build the decoder for unsigned decimal variables
source code
decodeBinary(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, scale=None, decodeOnly=False)
Build the decoder for unsigned decimal variables
source code
buildTestParamFunc(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)
Scrape the testvalues to make a basic param
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buildUnitTest(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)
Write the unittests for a message
source code
buildEncode(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)
Write the encoder/decoder for a message
source code
buildDecodeParts(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)
Write the decoder for a message
source code
buildDecode(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)
Write the decoder for a message
source code
buildOptParse(o, msgET, prefixName=False)
Create a function that adds the options to a parse object
source code
buildMain(o, msgET, prefixName=False) source code
Variables [hide private]
  aisType2pythonType = {'aisstr6': 'str', 'binary': 'str', 'bool...
  aisType2optParseType = {'aisstr6': 'string', 'binary': 'string...
Function Details [hide private]

suggestType(name, curType, printout=True)

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Try to suggest a type name if one did not work.
  • printout - if true, write a suggestion to stdout.
    >>> suggestType('myFieldName','unsigned int')
    Recommend switching "unsigned int" to "uint" for field "myFieldName"
    >>> suggestType('JohnWarfon','yoyodyne')
    Sorry!  No recommendation available for bad type "yoyodyne" for field "JohnWarfon"

hasSubTag(et, subtag)

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true if the tag a sub tag with name subtag


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Write the doc string header for the message file
  • o - Open output file to write code to. Must be pre-expanded with the command.

generatePython(infile, outfile, prefixName=False, verbose=False)

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  • infile - xml ais binary message definition file
  • outfile - where to dump the python code

buildHelpers(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)

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emit the fieldList and other things???
  • o - open file where resulting code will be written
  • msgET - Element Tree starting at a message node
To Do:
  • for lookuptable/entry values, make it also print the decoded value.
  • use a different name for message and field
  • put in comments with the python and sql data type for each field


source code 
Dig up the first field name that include longitude and return it

To Do: might want to allow a search for a special tag to mark this


source code 
Dig up the first field name that include longitude and return it

To Do: might want to allow a search for a special tag to mark this

buildPrint(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)

source code 
Write a simple in order print for the resulting dictionary.
  • o - open file where resulting code will be written
  • msgET - Element Tree starting at a message node
To Do:
  • for lookuptable/entry values, make it also print the decoded value.
  • use a different name for message and field

buildTextDef(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)

source code 
Write functions for text definition output
  • o - open file where resulting code will be written
  • msgET - Element Tree starting at a message node
  • verbose - talk lots in the process
  • prefixName - set to a string to have the commands prefixed by that character.

To Do: should this be a style sheet thing instead?

buildLaTeX(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)

source code 
Write functions for LaTeX output
  • o - open file where resulting code will be written
  • msgET - Element Tree starting at a message node
  • verbose - talk lots in the process
  • prefixName - set to a string to have the commands prefixed by that character.

To Do: should this be a style sheet thing instead?

buildSQL(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)

source code 
Write SQL code
  • o - open file where resulting code will be written
  • msgET - Element Tree starting at a message node
  • verbose - talk lots in the process
  • prefixName - set to a string to have the commands prefixed by that character.

buildLUT(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)

source code 
Write lookup tables for enumerated types (uint or int, maybe bool too).
  • o - open file where resulting code will be written
  • msgET - Element Tree starting at a message node
To Do:
  • FIX: what to do about multiple entries with the same text? Need to ban that kind of thing
  • Make doc strings for each LUT.

encodeBool(o, name, type, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False)

source code 
Build the encoder for boolean variables
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • type (str) - bool, etc.
  • numbits (int = 1) - How many bits per unit datum (must be 1 for bools)
  • required (bool or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many bools will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (bool or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)

encodeUInt(o, name, type, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False)

source code 
Build the encoder for unsigned integer variables
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • type (str) - uint, bool, etc.
  • numbits (int >= 1) - How many bits per unit datum (must be 1..32)
  • required (bool or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many unsigned ints will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (bool or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)

encodeFloat(o, name, fieldType, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False)

source code 
Build the encoder for IEEE float variables
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • fieldType (str) - uint, bool, etc.
  • numbits (int >= 1) - How many bits per unit datum (must be 1..32)
  • required (bool or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many unsigned ints will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (bool or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)

encodeAisstr6(o, name, fieldType, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False)

source code 
Build the encoder for aisstr6 variables. Generally are arrays.
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • fieldType (str) - uint, bool, etc.
  • numbits (int >= 1) - How many bits per unit datum (must be 1..32)
  • required (bool or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many unsigned ints will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (bool or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)

Bug: do we need to optionally check for a valid string?

encodeInt(o, name, type, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False)

source code 
Build the encoder for signed integer variables
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • type (str) - uint, bool, etc.
  • numbits (int >= 1) - How many bits per unit datum (must be 1..32)
  • required (bool or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many signed ints will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (number or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)

encodeDecimal(o, name, type, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False, scale=None, offset=None)

source code 
Build the encoder for signed decimal variables
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • type (str) - decimal
  • numbits (int >= 1) - How many bits per unit datum (must be 1..32)
  • required (bool or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many decimals will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (Decimal or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)

encodeUDecimal(o, name, type, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False, scale=None, offset=None)

source code 
Build the encoder for signed decimal variables
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • type (str) - decimal
  • numbits (int >= 1) - How many bits per unit datum (must be 1..32)
  • required (bool or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many decimals will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (Decimal or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)

encodeBinary(o, name, type, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, verbose=False, scale=None)

source code 
Build the encoder for binary variables. This is just a pass through. This is used for the ais binary message wrapper (e.g. msg 8). Do not use it within binary messages.
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • type (str) - binary
  • numbits (int >= 1) - How many bits per unit datum (must be 1..1024 or so)
  • required (bool or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many decimals will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (Decimal or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)

decodeBool(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, decodeOnly=False)

source code 
Build the decoder for boolean variables
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • type (str) - uint, bool, etc.
  • startindex (int) - bit that begins the bool(s)
  • numbits (int = 1) - How many bits per unit datum (must be 1 for bools)
  • required (bool or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many bools will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (bool or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)
  • bv (str) - BitVector containing the incoming data
  • dataDict (str) - dictionary in which to place the results
  • decodeOnly (bool) - Set to true to only get the code for decoding
Returns: int
index one past the end of where this read

decodeUInt(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, decodeOnly=False)

source code 
Build the decoder for unsigned integer variables
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • type (str) - uint, etc.
  • startindex (int) - bit that begins the uint(s)
  • numbits (int >= 1) - How many bits per unit datum
  • required (int or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many ints will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (int or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)
  • bv (str) - BitVector containing the incoming data
  • dataDict (str) - dictionary in which to place the results
  • decodeOnly (bool) - Set to true to only get the code for decoding
Returns: int
index one past the end of where this read

decodeInt(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, decodeOnly=False)

source code 
Build the decoder for unsigned integer variables
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • type (str) - int
  • startindex (int) - bit that begins the int(s)
  • numbits (int >= 1) - How many bits per unit datum
  • required (int or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many ints will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (int or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)
  • bv (str) - BitVector containing the incoming data
  • dataDict (str) - dictionary in which to place the results
  • decodeOnly (bool) - Set to true to only get the code for decoding
Returns: int
index one past the end of where this read

decodeFloat(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, decodeOnly=False)

source code 
Build the decoder for IEEE float variables
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • type (str) - int
  • startindex (int) - bit that begins the int(s)
  • numbits (int >= 1) - How many bits per unit datum
  • required (float or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many ints will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (float or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)
  • bv (str) - BitVector containing the incoming data
  • dataDict (str) - dictionary in which to place the results
  • decodeOnly (bool) - Set to true to only get the code for decoding
Returns: int
index one past the end of where this read

decodeAisstr6(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, decodeOnly=False)

source code 
Build the decoder for aisstr6 variables. Generally arrays.
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • type (str) - 'aisstr6'
  • startindex (int) - bit that begins the int(s)
  • numbits (int >= 1) - How many bits per unit datum
  • required (restricted str or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many ints will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (restricted str or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)
  • bv (str) - BitVector containing the incoming data
  • dataDict (str) - dictionary in which to place the results
  • decodeOnly (bool) - Set to true to only get the code for decoding
Returns: int
index one past the end of where this read

Bug: FIX: validate strings??

decodeDecimal(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, scale=None, decodeOnly=False, offset=None)

source code 
Build the decoder for signed decimal variables
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • type (str) - 'decimal'
  • startindex (int) - bit that begins the int(s)
  • numbits (int >= 1) - How many bits per unit datum
  • required (Decimal or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many ints will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (Decimal or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)
  • bv (str) - BitVector containing the incoming data
  • dataDict (str) - dictionary in which to place the results
  • decodeOnly (bool) - Set to true to only get the code for decoding
Returns: int
index one past the end of where this read

decodeUDecimal(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, scale=None, decodeOnly=False, offset=None)

source code 
Build the decoder for unsigned decimal variables
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • type (str) - 'udecimal'
  • startindex (int) - bit that begins the int(s)
  • numbits (int >= 1) - How many bits per unit datum
  • required (Decimal or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many ints will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (Decimal or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)
  • bv (str) - BitVector containing the incoming data
  • dataDict (str) - dictionary in which to place the results
  • decodeOnly (bool) - Set to true to only get the code for decoding
Returns: int
index one past the end of where this read

decodeBinary(o, name, type, startindex, numbits, required=None, arraylen=1, unavailable=None, bv='bv', dataDict='r', verbose=False, scale=None, decodeOnly=False)

source code 
Build the decoder for unsigned decimal variables
  • o (file like obj) - where write the code
  • name (str) - field name
  • type (str) - 'udecimal'
  • startindex (int) - bit that begins the int(s)
  • numbits (int >= 1) - How many bits per unit datum. If -1, then read to the end of the message
  • required (Decimal or None) - If not None, then the value must be set to this.
  • arraylen (int >= 1) - many ints will there be? FIX: handle variable
  • unavailable (Decimal or None) - the default value to use if none given (if not None)
  • bv (str) - BitVector containing the incoming data
  • dataDict (str) - dictionary in which to place the results
  • decodeOnly (bool) - Set to true to only get the code for decoding
Returns: int
index one past the end of where this read

buildTestParamFunc(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)

source code 
Scrape the testvalues to make a basic param

Bug: FIX: make this create a dictionary that sits in the overall namespace and spit out deep copies?

buildUnitTest(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)

source code 
Write the unittests for a message
  • o - open file where resulting code will be written
  • msgET - Element Tree starting at a message node

buildEncode(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)

source code 

Write the encoder/decoder for a message
  • o - open file where resulting code will be written
  • msgET - Element Tree starting at a message node

To Do: handle ais message 20 optional. very troublesome

buildDecodeParts(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)

source code 
Write the decoder for a message
  • o - open file where resulting code will be written
  • prefixName - if True, put the name of the message on the functions.
  • msgET (elementtree) - Element Tree starting at a message node
To Do:
  • FIX: doc strings for each decode!
  • FIX: check for a dac,fid, or efid. If exists, then this is an AIS Msg 8 payload
  • May want to take a dictionary of already decoded fields to speed things that need prior info for things like variable length arrays

buildDecode(o, msgET, verbose=False, prefixName=False)

source code 
Write the decoder for a message
  • o - open file where resulting code will be written
  • msgET (elementtree) - Element Tree starting at a message node

To Do: FIX: check for a dac,fid, or efid. If exists, then this is an AIS Msg 8 payload

Variables Details [hide private]


{'aisstr6': 'str',
 'binary': 'str',
 'bool': 'Bool',
 'decimal': 'Decimal',
 'float': 'Float',
 'int': 'int',
 'udecimal': 'Decimal',
 'uint': 'int'}


{'aisstr6': 'string',
 'binary': 'string',
 'bool': 'int',
 'decimal': 'string',
 'float': 'float',
 'int': 'int',
 'udecimal': 'string',
 'uint': 'int'}