Package ais :: Module expandais
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Module expandais

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Expand structs in ais xml to include-struct elements while applying name mangling


Author: Kurt Schwehr

Version: 4820

Copyright: 2006

Since: 2006-Sep-26

Status: under development

Organization: CCOM

Bug: WHY IS THE IMO message screwing up the day field?

License: GPL v2

Date: 2006-09-28

Functions [hide private]
getPos(parent, child)
Return the position number of the child node.
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expandAis(inET, verbose=False)
Replace each include-struct with the structure.
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nukeStructs(inET, verbose=False)
Replace each include-struct with the structure.
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Function Details [hide private]

getPos(parent, child)

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Return the position number of the child node. It seems like this really should be a part of the element tree interface. Perhaps I overlooked it.

expandAis(inET, verbose=False)

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Replace each include-struct with the structure. This code is not pretty, but it seems to work. The include-struct name is prepended to each field name within the struct. The include-struct description is also added to before the fields description.
  • inET - lxml element tree to expand
lxml element tree with expanded structures

nukeStructs(inET, verbose=False)

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Replace each include-struct with the structure. This code is not pretty, but it seems to work. The include-struct name is prepended to each field name within the struct. The include-struct description is also added to before the fields description.
  • inET - lxml element tree to expand
lxml element tree with expanded structures