Package ais :: Module sqlhelp :: Class create
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Class create

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Helper for building create SQL commands.

FIX: add type checking - what did I mean by this???

To Do: FIX - add a remove command to nuke a field

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, table, dbType='postgres')
Kick it off with no fields
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add(self, field, typeStr)
Unchecked field.
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addPrimaryKey(self, keyName='key')
Add a primary key based on the field name.
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addInt(self, field)
SQL integer field
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addReal(self, field)
SQL floating point field
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addVarChar(self, field, length)
SQL VARCHAR field...
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addBool(self, field)
SQL Boolean field
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addBitVarying(self, field, length)
SQL Boolean field
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addDecimal(self, field, precision=5, scale=0) source code
addTimestamp(self, field)
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addPostGIS(self, field, typeName, dimension, SRID='-1')
Add a spatial column to the table using the OpenGIS AddGeometryColumn function using current schema:
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Return the SQL string for the table creation
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, table, dbType='postgres')

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Kick it off with no fields

table - which table are we going to insert into

add(self, field, typeStr)

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Unchecked field. Provide the field and type all in one. Use this if nothing matches what you need.

e.g.: create.add('corenumber','INTEGER') create.add('username','VARCHAR(40)') create.add('id','INTEGER PRIMARY KEY')
  • field - name of the field
  • typeStr - the type of field

To Do: Allow setting of primary key in a simple way

addPrimaryKey(self, keyName='key')

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Add a primary key based on the field name.

To Do: FIX: complain if trying to add a second primary key

addInt(self, field)

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SQL integer field
  • field - name of the field

addReal(self, field)

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SQL floating point field
  • field - name of the field

addVarChar(self, field, length)

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SQL VARCHAR field... variable length up to a max size
  • field - name of the field
  • length - max length of the field

addBool(self, field)

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SQL Boolean field
  • field - name of the field

addBitVarying(self, field, length)

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SQL Boolean field
  • field - name of the field
  • length - largest possible size

addDecimal(self, field, precision=5, scale=0)

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  • precision - overall digits including to right of decimal
  • scale - number of digits to the right of decimal

addTimestamp(self, field)

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  • field - name of the field

addPostGIS(self, field, typeName, dimension, SRID='-1')

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Add a spatial column to the table using the OpenGIS AddGeometryColumn function using current schema:

AddGeometryColumn(<table_name>,<column_name>, <srid>, <type>, <dimension>)
  • field (str) - Name of the field in the db table
  • typeName (str) - OpenGIS geometry type (e.g. POINT)
  • dimension (int) - x,y would be 2
  • SRID (int) - spatial referencing system identifier (FIX: give some more info!)