Package noaadata :: Module dumpallwl
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Source Code for Module noaadata.dumpallwl

  1  #!/usr/bin/env python2.4 
  4  __version__ = '$Revision: 6041 $'.split()[1] 
  5  __date__ = '$Date: 2007-04-23 11:22:18 -0400 (Mon, 23 Apr 2007) $'.split()[1] 
  6  __author__ = '' 
  8  __doc__='''  
  9  Create AIS NMEA strings for NOAA CO-OPS tide data. Try to pull all the 
 10  water level messages for a station over a long time period 
 12  fugly code 
 14  @requires: U{Python<>} >= 2.4 
 15  @requires: U{epydoc<>} >= 3.0beta1 
 16  @requires: U{lxml} 
 17  @requires: U{soappy} 
 19  @author: U{'''+__author__+'''<>} 
 20  @version: ''' + __version__ +''' 
 21  @copyright: 2007 
 22  @var __date__: Date of last svn commit 
 23  @undocumented: __version__ __author__ __doc__ parser success 
 24  @since: 2007-Apr-23 
 25  @status: Intial working version.  Still needs development 
 26  @organization: U{CCOM<>} 
 28  @license: GPL v2 
 30  ''' 
 32  import sys 
 33  from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy 
 34  #import pysqlite2.dbapi2 as sqlite 
 35  #import pysqlite2.dbapi2 
 37  #import make_waterlevel_ais as wl_ais 
 38  import ais.waterlevel as wl_ais 
 39  import ais.ais_msg_8 as msg8_ais 
 40  from ais.nmea import buildNmea 
 41  import noaadata.stations as Stations 
 42  from decimal import Decimal 
 43  import calendar 
 45  stations = Stations.ActiveStations(forceCache=True) 
 47  url ='' 
 48  namespace='urn:WaterLevelRawSixMin' # This really can be anything.  It is ignored 
 50  daysPerMon=[-1,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31] 
 51  monthLUT = { 
 52      'Jan':1, 
 53      'Feb':2, 
 54      'Mar':3, 
 55      'Apr':4, 
 56      'May':5, 
 57      'Jun':6, 
 58      'Jul':7, 
 59      'Aug':8, 
 60      'Sep':9, 
 61      'Oct':10, 
 62      'Nov':11, 
 63      'Dec':12 
 64  } 
65 -def splitNoaaDateTimeSoap(datetimeStr):
66 ''' 67 Splits a noaa utc time into fields that are more usable. 68 69 #>>> splitNoaaDateTime('Jan 4 2007 4:36PM') 70 #(2007,1,4,16,36) 71 72 >>> splitNoaaDateTime('2007-01-31 00:06:00.0') 73 (2007,1,13,00,06) 74 75 ''' 76 fields = datetimeStr.split() 77 yr,mo,da=fields[0].split('-') 78 79 hr,mi,sec, = fields[1].split(':') 80 81 return yr,mo,da,hr,mi
83 -def noaawaterlevel2aisMsg8Nmea(stationID,mmsi,datum,wl,verbose=False,debug=False):
84 ''' 85 Return one long NMEA string. This will be oversized for the nmea spec. 86 ''' 87 #print 'noaawaterlevel2aisMsg8Nmea\n ',wl 88 payloadBits = noaawaterlevel2aisBits(stationID,mmsi=mmsi,datum=datum,wl=wl,verbose=verbose,debug=debug) 89 90 nmeaStr = buildNmea(payloadBits) 91 92 ts=wl.timeStamp 93 fields = ts.split() 94 yr,mo,da=fields[0].split('-') 95 hr,mi,sec = fields[1].split(':') 96 sec=sec.split('.')[0] 97 if sec[0]=='0': sec=sec[1:] 98 timestamp = calendar.timegm((int(yr),int(mo),int(da),int(hr),int(mi),int(sec))) 99 nmeaStr += ',r'+str(mmsi)+','+str(timestamp) 100 101 return nmeaStr
103 -def noaawaterlevel2aisBits(stationID,mmsi,datum,wl,verbose=False,debug=False):
104 ''' 105 Return an AIS string of the latest waterlevel. 106 @param stationID: which station to query (e.g. '8639348') 107 @type stationID: str 108 @param wl: one entry from a soap query 109 @param verbose: Set to true for print messages 110 @param debug: Do not actually fetch any real data (fast for debugging) 111 @param datum: MSL,MLLW 112 113 @return: bits for the message payload 114 @rtype: BitVector 115 ''' 116 #wl = None 117 #wl = wl_dap.getWaterLevelNow(stationID,verbose,datum) 118 if verbose: print 'water level dict:',wl 119 120 # FIX: check for link down state and return a link down packet 121 122 params = {} 123 124 # Beginning of AIS message 8 BBM 125 # MessageID 126 params['RepeatIndicator'] = 1 127 params['UserID'] = int(mmsi) 128 # Spare 129 130 # Commented params are those that are required by the spec and do not need to be set. 131 # params['dac'] = 366 # params['fid'] = 1 # params['efid'] = 1 132 yearDummy, monthDummy, dayDummy, hourDummy, minDummy = splitNoaaDateTimeSoap(wl.timeStamp) 133 params['month'] = int(monthDummy) 134 params['day'] = int(dayDummy) 135 params['hour'] = int(hourDummy) 136 params['min'] = int(minDummy) 137 params['sec'] = 0 # No seconds in timestamp 138 params['stationid'] = str(stationID) 139 station = stations.getStation(str(stationID)) 140 params['longitude'] = Decimal(str(station.getLon())) 141 params['latitude'] = Decimal(str(station.getLat())) 142 params['waterlevel'] = int(float(wl.WL)*100) # Convert to CM 143 if verbose: 144 print params['waterlevel'], wl.WL 145 params['datum'] = int(wl_ais.datumEncodeLut[datum]) 146 params['sigma'] = float(wl.sigma) 147 params['o'] = int(wl.O) 148 149 if params['o']<0: 150 print 'wl.O',wl.O, params['o'],'FIX: what does this mean? Forcing O to be positive' 151 params['o'] = -params['o'] 152 153 154 if bool(wl.L): params['levelinferred'] = True 155 else: params['levelinferred'] = False 156 if bool(wl.F): params['flat_tolerance_exceeded'] = True 157 else: params['flat_tolerance_exceeded'] = False 158 if bool(wl.R): params['rate_tolerance_exceeded'] = True 159 else: params['rate_tolerance_exceeded'] = False 160 params['temp_tolerance_exceeded'] = False # FIX: Where is the code for this??? 161 params['expected_height_exceeded'] = False # FIX: Where is the code for this??? 162 params['link_down'] = False 163 164 if verbose: 165 wl_ais.printFields(params) 166 print 'params dump:' 167 for item in params.keys(): 168 print ' ',item,params[item] 169 170 return wl_ais.encode(params)
171 172 if __name__=='__main__': 173 174 from optparse import OptionParser 175 176 parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] [file1] [file2] ...", 177 version="%prog "+__version__+' ('+__date__+')') 178 179 parser.add_option('-y','--year',dest='year',default='2006' 180 ,help='Year of the water levels (Default is Money Point) [default: %default]') 181 182 parser.add_option('-m','--month-start',dest='monthStart',default='1',type='int' 183 ,help='Starting month (Default is Money Point) [default: %default]') 184 parser.add_option('-M','--month-end',dest='monthEnd',default='12',type='int' 185 ,help='Ending month (Default is Money Point) [default: %default]') 186 187 parser.add_option('-s','--station',dest='station',default='8639348' 188 ,help='Specify the station to print. (Default is Money Point) [default: %default]') 189 parser.add_option('--mmsi',dest='mmsi',default='338040883' 190 ,help='Specify the station to print. (Default MMSI belongs to Kurt) [default: %default]') 191 parser.add_option('-o','--output',dest='outputFileName',default=None, 192 help='Name of the python file to write [default: stdout]') 193 194 # FIX: make choice... 195 parser.add_option('-d','--datum',dest='datum',default='MSL', 196 help='What reference datum to use for the water levels [default: %default]') 197 198 199 parser.add_option('-v','--verbose',dest='verbose',default=False,action='store_true', 200 help='Make the test output verbose') 201 202 (options,args) = parser.parse_args() 203 204 verbose = options.verbose 205 stationId=options.station 206 mmsi = options.mmsi 207 #stationId=8638610 208 #mmsi=338040883 209 210 o=sys.stdout 211 if options.outputFileName!=None: 212 o = file(options.outputFileName,'w') 213 214 215 server = SOAPProxy(url,namespace) 216 217 # for mon in range(1,13): 218 # beginDate='2006'+('%02d' % mon )+'01' 219 # endDate='2006'+('%02d' % mon )+str(daysPerMon[mon]) 220 # print beginDate,'...',endDate 221 # response = server.getWaterLevelRawSixMin(stationId=str(stationId),beginDate=beginDate,endDate=endDate,datum='MSL',unit=0,timeZone=0) 222 # print len(response.item) 223 # #print response 224 225 226 for mon in range(options.monthStart,options.monthEnd+1): 227 #print mon 228 beginDate=str(options.year)+('%02d' % mon )+'01' 229 endDate=str(options.year)+('%02d' % mon )+str(daysPerMon[mon]) 230 #if verbose: 231 print beginDate,'...', endDate 232 response = server.getWaterLevelRawSixMin(stationId=str(stationId) 233 ,beginDate=beginDate,endDate=endDate, 234 datum=options.datum 235 ,unit=0 236 ,timeZone=0) 237 for wl in response.item: 238 #if verbose: 239 # print wl 240 try: 241 wlStr = noaawaterlevel2aisMsg8Nmea(stationId,mmsi,datum=options.datum,wl=wl) 242 except: 243 print 'ERROR: something with this line' 244 print wl 245 continue 246 #if verbose: print wlStr 247 o.write( wlStr + '\n' ) 248 249 if False: 250 beginDate='20070401' 251 endDate='20070401' 252 #datum='MSL' 253 #print beginDate,'...',endDate 254 response = server.getWaterLevelRawSixMin(stationId=str(stationId),beginDate=beginDate,endDate=endDate,datum=options.datum,unit=0,timeZone=0) 255 #print len(response.item) 256 #wl = response.item[1] 257 for wl in response.item: 258 #print wl 259 wlStr = noaawaterlevel2aisMsg8Nmea(stationId,mmsi,datum=options.datum,wl=wl) 260 if verbose: 261 print wlStr 262 o.write( wlStr + '\n' ) 263