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tools to make the work more clear

IHO - TWCWG related tools

S-111 portray configuration tool

S-111 portrayal config tool

a tool for adjusting the flow

Created by Roland Arsenault of the VisLab, this tool has been the key in setting the standard for the S-111 surface current portrayal

TWCWG S111 test data visualizer

S-111 data visualizer

a tool to portray the product

This tool was modified from the portrayal configuration tool in order to allow HO's from the TWCWG group to test their S-111 data. Please contact to have your data included.

S-111 & S-126 data visualizer

joining the actual data with textual data

This tool is to help visualize possible value-added benefits to developing and maintaining common data with different data sources (surface current models with related texual data from the Coast Pilot)

S-111 Time Series Example

S-111 time series example

a series of streamline timestamps

A tool to demonstrate S-111 time series.
Use the scroll bar at the bottom to move through the dataset at your own pace.