Density provides command line tools to help in the creation and testing of volumetric (voxel) data sets. Starting from xyz points, density lets you resample data into a volume, produce a color map, and create OpenInventor wrapper files. simpleview uses SIMVoleon to produce an ivview like viewer but with additional features such as flight path editing and rendering flight paths to disk.

The Programs:
  • render - Offscreen rendering of waypoint paths to movie frames
  • s_bootstrap - Sigma based resampling of data points
  • simpleview - Coin/Voleon OpenInventor viewer (like ivview)
  • xyzdensity - Produce a vol file from xyz dotcloud
  • xyz_iv - Generate geometry for points and lines
  • xyzvol_cmp - Compare xyz points to a volume.
  • vol2vol - Covert between 8, 16, and 32 bit volumes
  • volhdr_edit - Tweak the vol header settings
  • volinfo - Tell all about a vol file
  • vol_iv - Make an OpenInventor file wrapper for a vol file
  • volmakecmap - Generate color maps from color pallets
Doxygen based programming interface documentation is still in progress, but is available in draft form.

This software is available under the the GNU General Public License.

Developed using
  • Mac OSX (+fink)
  • C++ w/ STL, GNU Make, python, bash
  • Coin version of Open Inventor, SIM Voleon, SoQt
  • emacs, cvs, g++, gdb, gengetops, doxygen, help2man, man2html
© 2004 Kurt Schwehr