papers |
syllabus-geo |
syllabus-cs |
text resume
- 06-xx: Research Scientist, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, UNH
- 00-06: PhD Student, Scripps Inst. of Oceanography
- 03-04: Software Engineer, SSV/MER Flight Team, JPL
- 98-99: Visiting Scientist, Field Robotics Center, Carnegie Mellon
- 96-00: Computer Scientist, Recom Technologies, NASA Ames
- 91-96: Consultant to USGS, SETI Institute, and NASA Ames
- 89-90: Associate Researcher, NASA Ames
- PhD Geology and Geophysics, SIO, 2006
- BS Geology (w/ robotics and computer graphics courses), Stanford, 1996
- 02-04 - Cal-IT2 fellowship
- 09/02 - 1st place - SIO Scientific Visualization Contest
- 08/00 - Nimitz Fellowship at Scripps Inst of Oceanography
- 11/98 - AT&T Student Research Day, Judge for the PhD poster competition
- 11/98 - AT&T Student Research Day, Advisee Derbes won BS/MS session
- 10/98 - NASA Ames, Contractor Certificate of Excellence
- 05/98 - NASA Ames, Group Achievement Award for "VR for Pathfinder"
- 05/98 - NASA Ames Group Achievement Award for Ames Open House
- 02/98 - Aviation Week, Laurels 1997 Honoree,"VR for Pathfinder"
- 10/97 - NASA Ames, Contractor Cert of Excellence, "VR for Pathfinder"
- 06/94 - NAGT-USGS, Nominated for Field Training Program
- 10/90 - ARRL Scholarship Honoring Barry Goldwater
- 04/90 - Technology Center of Silicon Valley, Martian Motion Grand prize
- 09/88 - Eagle Scout
Funded Proposals (selected sample):
- 2004 BP/SIO: Technologies to image and characterize the seafloor and subseafloor - Press Release
- 2004 NSF OCE 0425919: Tauxe and Driscoll, AMS Studies of the Humboldt Slide, at SIO
- 2001 NSF&ONR SGER: Driscoll, Anisotropy of magnetic suseptibility: An approach to detect post
depostional deformation, at SIO
- 1999 NASA Learners: Networked Robotic Learning Environment, at CMU
- 1996 NASA TRIWG: Positioning for Robotic Systems, at Stanford, CMU, and NASA Ames
- 2004: TA for Erth001 - The Planets
- 2003: TA for Erth001 - The Planets
- 2002: TA for Erth010 - The Earth
- 2004: Earth130 Geodynamics Terrestrial Planets: Mars Exploration Rovers
- 2004: Earth110 GIS: GIS for Mars Exploration Rovers
- 2004: Earth001 The Planets: Mars Exploration Rovers
- 2004: BP: Santa Barbara Basin, Magnetic Fabrics with Deformation
- 2004: NSF ERESE: Visualization for Scientific Discovery
- 2004: GeoWall Summit: Mars Data - Acquistion and Interpretation
- 2004: SIO IGPP Seminar: Mars Exploration Rovers
- 2004: AVID - Gompers High School: Mars Exploration Rovers
- 2003: SIO Viz Center: Scientific visualization short course (4 lectures)
- 2003: UCSD Extension: Geology and beach processes of Torrey Pines
- 2003: MBARI: Deciphering the Humboldt Slide
- 2003: ComiCon: Robotics for Mars Exploration
- 2003: Meet the Scripps Explorers: Why study mud from the ocean?
- 2003: ExxonMobile: XCore for visualizing geologic cores
- 2003: USGS Menlo Park: Deciphering the Origin of the Humboldt Slide
- 2002: Earth010 The Earth: Sedimentary Rocks of San Diego
- 2002: SIO Student Seminar: XCore - interpreting marine sediment cores
- 2001: SIO E&M Group: Sediment deformation effects on AMS and NRM
- 2000: CMU FRC: Mars Polar Lander Ground Data System
- 1999: KUSI TV: Review of the Mars Polar Lander mission
- 1999: MBARI: Autonomous Navigation for Mars Rovers
- 1999: CWRU Robotics and AI Society: Sensing & Vision for Planetary Expl
- 1998: NASA Ames Open House: The Marsokhod Rover
- 1997: Tech Museum of Silicon Valley: Robotic Exploration Program Mars
NASA Mission Teams
- 2004: Mars Exploration Rovers - 3D visualization and data processing
- 1999: Mars Polar Lander - integration of image processing & stereo vision
- 1997: Mars Pathfinder - Integrator for Ames Stereo Pipeline and MarsMap
- 1998: Deployed to Antarctica for Robotic Antarctic Meteorite Search
- 1998: Deployed to Haughton Crater, Devon Island, Candian Artic
- 1997: Nomad in Chilean Atacama - Science team, networking, realtime
- 1996: Marsokhod in AZ Desert - Realtime systems & Science team trainer
- 1995: TROV in Mono Lake - Science logger, ROV Pilot, etc
- 1993: Deployed to South Shore, Lake Tahoe with ROV
Ship time
- 2004 - R/V Sproul - BPSIO - 8 days in the Santa Barbara Basin
- 2003 - R/V Sproul - 4 days off of San Diego and Orange Counties
- 2002 - RVIB Palmer - NBP0209 - 1 month from New Zealand to McMurdo
- 2002 - R/V Sproul - 1 day off La Jolla, Ca
- 2001 - R/V Thompsen - TTN136B - Chief Scientist - 9 days Humboldt, Ca
- 2001 - R/V Sproul - 1 day San Diego, Ca
- 1995 - NASA/MBARI Converted house boat. 2 weeks on Mono Lake, Ca
Primary Software Background
These are things that I frequently. List from most to least for each
category. This is to give you a feel for my development style which
is very GNU centric with POSIX style system calls.
- Languages - C++ w/ STL, GNU Make, Bash, Python, PHP
- Computer Graphics - OpenInventor (Coin & SIM Voleon), Fledermaus
- OSes - Mac OSX, Linux, IRIX, SunOS 5.8, VxWorks (without tornado)
- Development Tools/Environment - g++, gdb, emacs, cvs, flex, bison, doxygen, gnuplot, gengetopts, tcpdump
- Fink developer with CVS write access
- See my complete text resume for more details
Expanded text resume with project descriptions is here.
© 2004 Kurt Schwehr |
